Retail Rage Red

Weird dreams ahoy!

Just woke up from one strange arse dream.  I was on a mission, a stupid and inane misson to buy (wait for it…) a large orange plastic hippopotamus called Fix Me Hippo that was designed for budding little doctors and nurses to diagnose and cure.  Fix Me Hippo came with a veritable plethora of accessories with which to ‘treat’ Fix Me Hippo’ including stethescopes, dental tools, little pretend scalpels for surgery etc.  The exact sort of toy I always hated for the Small Child when he was smaller as the bits would inevitably go missing or end up underfoot in the dark.

Well, Fix Me Hippo had just gone on sale so I called around to every toyshop in the vicinity trying to locate one for my son… I have no idea why because he’s way too old for a toy like that anyway, but we had to have one.  Everywhere I phoned I got told they were sold out or they hadn’t received their stock yet. After a dozen frustrating phone call I hit the internet and found a little known toy wholesaler that sold to the public, so I jumped in the car and went to see them.  For reasons beyond my understanding, their toy shop was hidden behind a Flight Centre shop front but I went in anyway, because that is where they were supposed to be.

Inside, I was met by a ‘greeter’ (hateful horrible waste of time job that is) who pressed her clicker to count me in, and then I went looking for the Fix Me Hippos.  There were large stands of Fix Me Hippo accessories, big cutout displays designed to attract kids attention, a large banner declaring it was the ‘Must Have Toy This Christmas’, and all the staff were calling each other ‘Dr. Melanie’ and ‘Dr. Mitch’ etc, as part of the promotion.  I went up to a counter and asked what looked like one of the more senior personnel, where I could find the Fix Me Hippos. I was promptly told they had heaps of other items in the range, by no actual Fix Me Hippos left and that they weren’t getting any more.  Naturally, I asked if they were expecting any more in before Christmas and the Sales Chickie typed something into the computer and said ‘That’s odd, the system says we have plenty of them, but we definitely don’t have any.’

must have christmas toy retail stocktake nightmare

Now, I don’t know if it’s because I lived through the Buzz LightYear fiasco of the late ’90s at the Disney Store, and therefore dealt with more irate parents than you could count, as we had to keep telling them the delivery date was being pushed back and back because the stores down south kept gobbling up the stock… or if it’s because I’ve had an absolute gutful of things not quite going to plan this year and had more than my fill of dealing with ineptitude and bureaucratic fucktardary… but suddenly this Sales Chickie was squarely in my sights.

I asked her, politely, to please check their stocks and see if they have any, especially given their stock system seems to think they are on site.  She replied that there was no point because she knows they don’t have any but that I’m welcome to look around the store.

Bzzzzt.  Wrong answer.

It was like a red flag to a bull. I quietly and calmly reiterated my request to this woman to please have a look for the stock. Not only did she repeat that she was convinced they had none, but she suggested I try a competitors store in a neighbouring suburb, which gained her the following response ‘Your job is to assist me, the customer.  I am fulfilling my end of the social contract by clearly communicating to you what my requirements are, and you are refusing to look the matter on my behalf… Where. Is. Your Manager?’

Oh yep. It was on. For reasons beyond my understanding I needed the bright orange Fix Me Hippo and no silly little Sales Chickie calling herself ‘Dr. Katy’ was going to get in my way and piss me off by being unhelpful. She prevaricated and danced about a bit saying she couldn’t (I heard wouldn’t) help me and told me she was the Stock and Supply Supervisor and that she knew there was no stock in the store. But I didn’t care. I was convinced that their system was right (as if!) and was demanding she help me locate the toy. I distinctly remember asking her, ‘Are you going to help me here? Or am I going to have to write another letter to people ten rungs above your head?  Because you don’t want me writing complaint letters about you ‘Dr. Katy’. My complaint letters get people fired. My complaint letters get people evicted. My complaint letters get members of parliament sending me apologies! So where are the goddamn Fix Me Hippos?’  Yep. Borys was on the retail rampage.

‘Dr. Katy’ by this time getting tearful and backing into her boss’ office saying there was nothing she could do and I was stalking after her in noisy high heels (wtf? I never wear heels). She gets to her manager or whomever and called me a ‘Customer’ – at Disney, all our shoppers were ‘Guests’… unless they were being watching as potential shoplifters, or being a right pain in the arse at which point, we referred to them as ‘Customers’ so everyone knew to keep an eye on them or call for back up to deal with them!  Again I just saw what I like to think of as ‘Retail Red’.  It’s a special type of rage and indignation that we spare for those whose job it is to assist us in our retail nightmares, but who are particularly ambivalent or obstructionist in their so called ‘assistance’. So I told her that as a customer service representative she made a damn good bricklayer, now could someone please find me the damn Fix Me Hippos!

Her pimple faced (?) teenage supervisor went to a large compactus in the room next door and said ‘Here you go, how many do you need?’ and handed me the much coveted Fix Me Hippo… whereupon I woke up simultaneously thinking “Oh my God!” and “What the fuck?” and “Sigh…I need a holiday.”

MIght come back and attempt to analyze a bit of this later, but am unsure I will gain anything from the endeavour that I care to know anyway!  Farkenell.  :S

Poof! Whaddaya want? Poof! Whaddaya want?

Remember back a bit with me… to the days when you were a 10/11 year old kid.  If you’re around my age you didn’t have computer games, you didn’t have big screen tvs, you didn’t have hand held devices, and you didn’t know what a mobile phone was, let alone constantly nagging your parents for one.  You probably had a bike you shared with your siblings, you probably had a few sports balls that had seen better days, you probably had things like skipping ropes, yo-yos, and bags of marbles and pieces of elastic to play with.  Maybe you even had a hoola hoop?  Or if you were really lucky half a dozen jigsaw puzzles or board games in the cupboard and a swing set or a trampoline outside.

Now imagine that you had $50 in birthday money to spend…

Yep!  $50.00.  So twenty odd years ago that was probably only $25, but it’s a veritable fortune for a little kid who doesn’t get pocket money yet!  The world (or in the case, the toy shop) could be your slimy edible mollusc!  You could have gone mad with the joy of it, the mountain of toys you could have bought home.  The luxury of being able to buy yourself, your own brand new toys!  Can you just imagine it?  I can barely think what I would have done with a pile of money that big when I was that age.  New games, new basketball, new shoes, a record maybe, some lollies, something shiny (long story) and maybe have some left over shrappers to go in the piggy bank.

Mom:  Well, kiddo what do you want to get with your birthday money?
Small Child:  Buy the latest computer game (which he’ll be bored with in a few weeks).
Mom:  Seriously?  Can’t you think of anything other than another computer game?
Small Child:  Umm… maybe more Lego?
Mom:  Do you need more Lego?
Small Child:  Nope.  Not really. I don’t play much with the Lego I have.
Mom:  What about some books?
Small Child:  I’m reading a series from the library so I don’t need any books.
Mom:  I can’t believe there’s nothing you want except more computer games.
Small Child:  (literally shrugged) Well, I just don’t need anything.

birthday money spend toyshop

And there you have it.  While today was World Hunger Day and fast food restaurants across the country (oh the irony) were collecting money for the under privileged in developing nations, my son can’t think of anything to do with his $50 worth of birthday money – because he just doesn’t need anything.  After further debate we decided to save it… even though he doesn’t have anything he wants to save up for because, well, he couldn’t figure out what else to do with it!

What a sad state of affairs… children should be full of dreams and yearning and other covetous thoughts like that.   :S



Living the iLife again…

So I’ve got my MacBook Pro thingy finally out of the box… took me about 26 hours after purchase before finally pulling it out to have a look at it and trying to figure out how it works.  Gotta say initial impressions weren’t positive given I’m not as tech savvy as I should be and I’m obviously quite a creature of habit!  Must have been about an hour or so of personalising shit and attempting to synch stuff between my mail, address books, calendar (still haven’t conquered that one), and doing silly little things like trying to change user pictures, wallpapers and the like when I started to think, ‘Oh Jebus, what was I thinking? I don’t have the time or inclination to figure out where everything is?” :S  Swiftly followed by, “Holy snappin’ duckshit how ugly is that orange frame they’ve put on the default calculator on the Dashboard thingy?” (Very little techno joy and a good deal of bronchial distress going on here for the record!)

ugly orange calculator frame change

So what have I learned about my Mac today? The F1 and F2 buttons control the screen brightness… handy to know, that. The F5 and F6 buttons control the strange little lights that are on underneath the keys on the keyboard. The F3 button brings up the Mission Control view, the F4 takes you to the Launchpad thingy and the eject disc button is NOT a delete key even though I keep attempting to use it thus, given it is inconveniently located where the delete button was on my old laptop! Next week… learn some of the Command key shortcuts so I can actually find shit and/or attempt some pretence at efficiency with this thing.

mac book pro operating system weird

I have something called a Lion Operating System… apparently (well, so I’m told). And I understand that Mac have been using big cats for these things from way back – Jaguar, Snow Leopard etc, etc., though Job knows why!?! I guess it’s marginally better than being called an Ice Cream Sammich or a Gingerbread Cookie or something but I’m wondering where the synergy comes in with the big cat monniker and the space themed naming protocols???

mac os lion macbook pro space theme thing

I mean the Task Bar is a ‘Dock’, the Start button is a ‘Launch Pad’, the overall Desktop is ‘Mission Control’ and I haven’t found ‘Sputnik’ or ‘Pizza Planet’ in here yet… but I’m sure they’re in here somewhere hiding the Network and Sharing Centre and the Device Manager or something.  Don’t these people know that whole ‘space’ thing is so 50 years ago? I don’t get it.  Why the ‘space’ jargon for a computer? And what on earth has it got to do with the Lion?

When I try to figure out the correlation, all I keep thinking is, “Lions in spaaaace!” (yes, complete with a Muppetty ‘Pigs in Space’ voice over)

Big Day O’ Mass Consumerism

Mr K has a schexy new Samsung Galaxy III phone in pearlescent blue (to compeiment his eyes) and is busy adding contacts, downloading apps, making strange message and ringtone noises and basically becoming acquainted with the wonders of Android interface after years of being a MacWhore.

android, blue pearl sexy large screen resolution Yale has recently acquired a new TV and is busy figuring out that a TV these days isn’t just for watching shoddy free to air programming or slightly better illegally downloaded international content, but it also has wifi, doubles as a fancy monitor and has built in Sudoku … the latter of which briefly had him FML’ing and in our book, this seems a perfectly justifiable reaction to discovering your new piece of fancy technology has an inerasable crappy game like Sudoku on it, so we’ll let that one slide.  No doubt he’ll recover from the shock of it soon enough.

sony bravia sudoku built in

I too, have made a significant new high tech acquisition this afternoon – a new MacBook Pro with all the bells and whistles.  Couldn’t tell you what the specs are (I largely leave these details to ‘other people’), don’t know what it came with, am pretty sure it will look like the store model, will turn on and do what it’s supposed to, but at this stage thatt’s just an assumption… because even though I bought it nearly five hours ago, I haven’t actually pulled it out of the sealed box yet.  To be honest I’m in no particular hurry to do so – it’ll still be there when I get round to it.

2.9ghz 8GB ram shiny light sexy apple

Apparently this makes me a bit of an oddity.  Most people these days have techno-joy and have to rip off the packaging, discard the box, pretend to flick through the handy multi-lingual user manual and jump right on into playing with any new gadget the minute they get their hands on it.  But while I am sure this Macbook thing is perfectly lovely and I will grow to know it quite well, at the moment I’m a bit… meh, I’ll get there eventually.

So my new MacBook is a bit box of chocolates at the moment.  Wonder how long I can leave it in the box before the others start to twitch…

The Diamond Anniversary Theory

Clever guy that he is, Mr K worked out back in the beginning that paper, wood and linen just doesn’t cut it when it comes to showing the woman in your life how much you appreciate her.  I mean, seriously?  Paper?

So for many, many years now Mr K has been telling people that ALL wedding anniversaries mean Diamonds – and whenever anyone brings up the ‘traditional’ list of wedding anniversary gifts he agrees that the list is quite correct, but that people have been misinterpreting it for a very long time. ‘Paper’, he claims, is the receipt for diamonds; ‘cotton’ is the little cloth jewellery bags that the diamonds come in, ‘leather’ is the bound boxes which also house diamonds… but that’s about as far as he’s ever really gotten in explaining his Diamond Anniversary Theory before getting an amused reaction from any male listener and an approving reaction from any female audience!

Having just celebrated our 13th wedding anniversary, I thought I’d put him to the test and see how far his Diamond Anniversary Theory could hold out.  And this, ladies, is what came of it:

Mr K’s Diamond Anniversary Theory 

1st Paper:  Receipt for diamonds

2nd Cotton:  Cotton velvet jewellery bags that diamonds come in

3rd Leather:  Leather bound jewellery boxes for diamond rings

4th Linen:  Linen shirt pocket containing diamond tennis bracelet

5th Wood:  Polished walnut boxes with diamond studs inside

6th Iron:  Diamonds bought paying the ‘Iron Price’ (not ‘Gold Price’!!)

7th Wool:  Padding holding loose diamonds for setting of her choice

8th Bronze:  Diamond set Bronze Age design torc bangle

9th Poetry:  Slogan at Tiffany & Co. where diamond keys (pl!) are purchased

10th Tin:  Biscuit tin in which diamond jewellery is hidden until anniversary

11th Steel:   BHP stocks sold to buy diamond necklace

12th Silk:  Ribbon on box of miscellaneous diamond jewellery

13th Lace:  Lace filigree work on setting for diamond pendant

14th Ivory:  Ivory Coast ‘blood’ diamonds acquired in suspect transaction

15th Crystal:  Temporarily give up crystal meth habit to pay buy diamonds

20th China:  Trip to Hong Kong to buy back alley diamonds

25th Silver:  Cremated remains of 1st husband made into a Life Diamond

30th Pearl:  Diamond encrusted, pearl handled handgun/s

35th Coral:  Diamonds recovered from pirate treasure found in the Coral Sea

40th Ruby:  Recently deceased Grandma Ruby’s heirloom diamonds

50th Golden:  Diamonds bought with $1 coins saved from leftover schrappers

55th Emerald:  Diamond solitaire ring – Emerald cut of course

60th Diamond:  Well duh…

70th Platinum:  Platinum Visa used to purchase more diamonds

75th Diamond/Gold:  You can’t buy off my affections every… OMG!!! It’s a tiara!!!

So there you have it.  Every wedding anniversary really is a Diamond Wedding Anniversary.  Ladies, make sure you spread the word to your husbands, and gentlemen… I hope you’re paying attention!   🙂

Diamonds are a girls best friend