Back in Auckand for the not-sure-how-many-times, and thanks to our Nookie friend, John, there were seven of us lined up to all go jump off the Sky Tower! Yep, yale and a bunch of OAPs were suiting up and jumping off the 192m tower! As you do!
*insert obligatory promotional photos here because they won’t let tourists take their own cameras up* 🙂 I got to go first – and I have to say the most nerve wracking bit about this whole thing was the weigh in before we started! After three months on a cruise ship I was seriously concerned, but am happy to report that I have actually gone DOWN a few kilos thanks to all my incessant walking around the ship. I’ve been averaging about 9-11km per day just cracking laps of the corridors and decks and thankfully between that an zumba workouts, I have managed to avoid that dreaded cruise ship phenomena where all your clothes shrink! I’m quite happy with my wash – it’s not easy to say no to all the delicious food that is constantly (and I mean, CONSTANTLY) in front of you. Being a stubborn and pigheaded individual isn’t all bad it would seem.
Here’s John our Intrepid Instigator all suited up and read to go!
Mick, John and Terry looking like The Right Stuff… couldn’t get them walking through an airplane hanger, but you get the idea. 🙂
Barry and Sandie all suited up and ready for their big jump.
Anyway we went up the tower, ears popping in the elevator, donned in these delightfully designed jumpsuits and uncomfortable harnesses… and then it was a matter of safety checks, safety check, safety checks, and then 1, 2, 3, Go!
Was over so quickly but what a rush!
yale getting ready to jump – not surprisingly they didn’t have a jumpsuit that fit him… sexy ankles there babe! 😛
After our adrenaline fuelled the lovely Chantelle/Christine took us to a seedy Irish pub for drinks and laughs all round – all up a great day was had by all. I’m going to miss all my Nookie friends when we all get off the ship in Sydney… only a few days left. So we shall have to fit in all the shenanigans before we debark! 🙂