How do you solve a problem like Daleyacunt?

I need a more permanent solution to the situation with our dead shit neighbours.  Yesterday morning I woke up to the dulcet tones of a leaf blower at full throttle right outside my window.  I stumbled into the kitchen and looked through what little gaps remain in the fence (yes, he keeps randomly nailing palings to the fence willy nilly to try and obscure the line of sight between our two properties), and saw him standing still roughly outside my ensuite window with leaf blower in hand just looking towards our house.  He wasn’t actually USING the leaf blower, he wasn’t actually blowing anything about or walking around with it at all, nor was he tinkering with it or fiddling with the motor to fix it or anything…  he was just standing there. For about 10minutes – with the very loud gardening tool on full throttle as close to my bedroom as he could get, looking towards our house. Then he eventually turned it off.  Put it back in his garden shed and went back inside his house.

Even though it is technically legal to use power tools at 7 o’clock on a Saturday morning according to the BCC, this was the action of a complete prick, who is obviously determined to make living near him as uncomfortable as possible.  What exactly is his agenda?  Is he trying to make us up and SELL our house to get away from him?  :S

As I sit here writing this, they are hurling abuse at each other… yet again…  making life ever more unpleasant.  Whoa, holy shit… that whole thing has just escalated – one of them has locked the other out of the house and slamming and banging noises are getting almost as loud as the expletives.  God, I worry about the kids in that house.  Might be time to call the police again I think.  🙁

neighbors warring noise

Urgh.  Enough is enough, this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.  We have lived here very peaceably for the last 12 years and not a problem with the neighbours and now this latent yet persistent malignant presence festering just over the fence, that boils over into raging fury at the drop of a hat has turned my home from being a place of warmth, security and comfort to a place of disquiet, wariness and palpable violence.  Feels like we are living on eggshells everyday – trying to go about our lives, trying very hard not to have his ire turned in our direction and always just waiting for the next incident to occur.  I can’t imagine what it is like for the three children or the woman who live with this man.

I’m starting to feel like Mrs Bennett… “Oh, my poor nerves!”

STFU… please!

What’s worse than being in pain all day?  Well, the answer is, being unusually fatigued or overtired and therefore unable to COPE with being in pain all day.  Which means that my getting at least 5-6 hours of unconsciousness each night is dreadfully important.  Not just to me, but to the people around me should they wish to avoid being verbally eviscerated by mid-afternoon (for infractions real or imagined) because I’ve completely depleted what little energy I have in attempting to ignore screaming back pain all day.  🙁

This is why my idiot neighbours playing loud music at 3am is not just a selfish act lacking in any consideration for those around them, but for me personally is completely unacceptable and likely to lead to unnecessary disharmony in my own household. It was completely quiet when I went to bed at 11:30pm and I can’t believe they were playing music loud enough to break through the Valium haze and rouse me at 3am.  I vaguely recall a desire to call the police, followed by an impulse to go look up the required phone number to do so but these compulsions were sadly quelled as I was finding the task of turning the doorknob to my bedroom door rather difficult, so I rapidly abandoned that idea in favour of taking another Valium and desperately hoping to get back to sleep.

neighbor loud music night sleep quiet please

I’m damn near convinced there’s something insidious and illegal going on next door.  For when they aren’t yelling abuse at each other, they’re so deathly quiet… like they’re desperately trying to hide and not bring attention to themselves.  There’s been incineration of God knows what in the back yard, also carried out in eerie silence; strange smells of burning chemicals or plastics wafting through my living room and smoke alarms allowed to go off unattended for several minutes. (I can only imagine one has to secure one’s gas mask and ‘cooking’ equipment before one can attend to an annoying smoke alarm).  But it seems to be one extreme to the other.  Hurling abuse at each other over the tiniest of things (“No! I said put the fuckin’ pot over there you fuckin’ fuckhead, not there you fuckin’ dickhead, why wouldya put the fuckin’ pot fuckin’ over there, ya cunt?) or the deathly silence which I am beginning to think masks illegal activities and signals a desperate desire to fly under the radar.

Nevermind, I shall be prepared for next time there’s loud music in the wee hours on a school night and will have a suitable number on a sticky note somewhere for the Qld Police to register a noise complaint.  Though I can just imagine how that conversation would go.  “Hello? They’remakingnoise. Makethemstop. Toomuch noiseso I can’tsleep ‘nd the drugsaren’t helping,”  :S


Well, here goes nothing…

4th April 2012

The Residents
21 Previously Peaceful St
Placid Heights Queensland

To whom it may concern,

We reside in the property adjoining to your back fence. We have several concerns that have arisen over the past several weeks that we would like to bring to your attention.

We have noticed that you are avid gardeners and have completed significant work along the fence line between our two properties. Recently a snowflake shrub of mine that is situated directly beside the fence and a red ground cover plant that surrounds the shrub’s base has been dying. We believe this is the result of herbicide use on your side of the fence. We would like to request that you are more judicious in the use of herbicides near our fence line, as we wish to keep these plants healthy, they provide some privacy between our two properties and we wish them to continue doing so.

Secondly, we observed yesterday (Tuesday, 3rd of April, at approximately 10:30am) that someone from your property pushed dog two large dog biscuits underneath the fence with the intention of feeding our dog. I have verbally requested that this not reoccur and we would like to reiterate our preference that no one from your residence feeds our dog in the future. Could you please raise this issue with all members of your household and remind any children in your home that it is inappropriate to feed a neighbours pet.

Lastly, we have been frequently disturbed by loud language containing many expletives that we believe to be inappropriate for the ears of small children. As there are minors on our property, we would like to respectfully request that you refrain from using foul language at a volume that may be audible to people outside your property. Obviously you may address each other however you choose within the privacy of your home, however we are displeased that our child is being frequently exposed to obscene, profane and abusive language that we deem inappropriate for his consumption.

I thank you for your kind attention in reading this letter and should you have any concerns of your own, please feel free to reply to the address above.


Mr K & Borys


Now to deliver it and hope that no repercussions arise from our resorting to communicating with them – though in truth I fear, they may need to find a dictionary or an interpreter to comprehend it…

There went the neighbourhood…

So… the Daleyacunt and Fuckin’ Fuckhead saga continues.  Yesterday, Mr K was forced to call the police again because he was punching her around and she was screaming and crying enough to wake the dead.

Over the last few weeks I’ve noticed that some of my shrubs (we call them Snowflakes but I don’t know what they are really called) have started turning yellow and dying in one section of my garden, along with the pretty ground cover that was growing all around the base of it. It’s obviously been/being poisoned and I can only assume that it was Daleyacunt’s little way of getting back at us for ‘interfering’ in their business.  And while I’m annoyed that they’re doing this, I was not going to allow myself to be provoked into accusing them of anything as I believe Daleyacunt and Fuckin’ Fuckhead are volatile creatures capable of turning on me should the mood take them.

Anyway… this is Oscar.

Huge puppy takes on neighbor's pig dog through six foot fence

Oscar is about 1’5″ tall, has brown eyes, a black and tan complexion, and a long pink tongue.  He is an Australian Terrier with an excellent lineage, has been microchipped, desexed and duly registered with the Council.  While he’s not the brightest pup I’ve ever known, he’s certainly friendly and happy enough most of the time rarely would get his bark on without cause (like a snake clinging to the wall of the house or something).  This morning, Daleyacunt was stirring up his pig dog (a whole male dog with an aggressive temperament and a bark that I am sure is every bit as bad as his bite) and Oscar, aka Puppy-Guts, was investigating all the noise by running back and forth and pressing his nose up against the fence.  I saw this out of my kitchen window which is barely 6′ from the fence in question.  Unexpectedly, I saw what appeared to be a stick being poked through the fence at Oscar and I raced outside via the laundry and saw to my horror that it wasn’t a stick, but that someone from Daleyacunt’s residence had pushed two large bone shaped dog biscuits through the fence for Oscar to eat.  I quickly grabbed the clueless Oscar and grabbed the side of his jaw forcing him to release the ‘treat’.  I picked up both of the dog biscuits and without saying a word threw them back over the fence, so they would know that I was aware that they had tried to feed them to my dog.

So, what now?  Well, I have spent the day worrying that they are going to try and bait my dog because they are pissed off with us for meddling and calling the police – when, silly me, one should obviously be allowed to beat their partner in without worrying that the neighbours might object, right?  I’ve spent the entire day on the phone trying the BCC to express my concerns about the alterations they have made to the fence, the poisoning of my garden and the potential baiting risk to Oscar puppy.  I’ve also consulted with Legal Aid to ascertain what one’s rights are when dealing with the neighbours, and while there are processes in place, they sound slow and involved which means poor little Oscar remains at risk (and will be largely kept indoors) until we can file a Peace and Good Behaviour application and hopefully grounds will be found to have an order issued.  A little digging has  also revealed that the property is very likely to be a Housing Commission home which means there is recourse to that authority and the extensive expected standards of conduct for tenants too.  But the whole thing is going to take time and a lot of pushing around red tape.

Now, nearly everyone who has heard some or all of these particulars has suggested that I approach these people and talk to them about my concerns / disquiet with the domestic disturbances we have witnessed. Today there have been suggestions that I ought talk directly to him about the feeding my dog issue as well.  And ordinarily, I would indeed follow what is considered a standard grievance procedure and address my issues with those persons involved directly and expediently.  BUT… this man is demonstrably temperamental and prone to violence, and I therefore believe he poses a potentially dangerous risk to myself, my family and now my little dog too.  So why would I go and poke the lion through the cage?  They have been here for not quite eight weeks, and we have been compelled to call the police four times already due to extremely aggravated violence and sounds of excessive distress and suffering going on right outside my kitchen window.  As such, I have avoided saying ANYTHING at all to this volatile man, as I simply can not risk him him turning his full anger and aggressive tendencies onto us.  🙁

Smack my bitch up! :(

Ah, Monday morning.  Wake up.  Stretch a bit . Grab a heatpack.  Make a cuppa.  Listen to Daleyacunt hurling abuse and smacking Fuckin’ Fuckhead around.  Again.  Call the cops.  Again. *sigh*… this is getting a bit repetitive.  Fourth call in total, third one on a Monday morning.

It would appear that Monday mornings are quite the stressor for Daleyacunt. This is the third Monday morning smack upside the head for Fuckin’ Fuckhead that has precipitated a phone call to the Police.  Mr K’s turn this time to do the honours.  It seems very likely that Daleyacunt’s Monday morning stressor stems from long term unemployment and his inability to deal the frustrations associated therein.

Monday, the kids are getting ready for school, everyone has somewhere to be, but not him and for some reason this guy feels the need to take his frustration out on his partner. I’d feel sorry for her, but to be honest, she is just as annoying with her constant foul mouthed phraseology as he is.  Nope, she’s got some agency in the situation, regardless of how limited she believes it may be.  It’s the three little kids next door that I feel sorry for, growing up in that environment and absolutely no choice in the matter.

It’s weird you know, I have these stereotypes in my head of the sort of guy who smacks around his wife – he’s a Irish Catholic alcoholic living in South Chicago who comes home drunk every Friday night to his family that haven’t had any dinner because he drank all his paycheck.  Or he’s a big fuck off Maori fella that can’t control his temper and starts wailing on his woman because she’s ‘too bloody lippy’.  Or maybe he’s the mild mannered impotent professor type who no one would ever suspect would harm a fly, but his wife is mighty accident prone.  Well done there, Hollywood.