Well, here goes nothing…

4th April 2012

The Residents
21 Previously Peaceful St
Placid Heights Queensland

To whom it may concern,

We reside in the property adjoining to your back fence. We have several concerns that have arisen over the past several weeks that we would like to bring to your attention.

We have noticed that you are avid gardeners and have completed significant work along the fence line between our two properties. Recently a snowflake shrub of mine that is situated directly beside the fence and a red ground cover plant that surrounds the shrub’s base has been dying. We believe this is the result of herbicide use on your side of the fence. We would like to request that you are more judicious in the use of herbicides near our fence line, as we wish to keep these plants healthy, they provide some privacy between our two properties and we wish them to continue doing so.

Secondly, we observed yesterday (Tuesday, 3rd of April, at approximately 10:30am) that someone from your property pushed dog two large dog biscuits underneath the fence with the intention of feeding our dog. I have verbally requested that this not reoccur and we would like to reiterate our preference that no one from your residence feeds our dog in the future. Could you please raise this issue with all members of your household and remind any children in your home that it is inappropriate to feed a neighbours pet.

Lastly, we have been frequently disturbed by loud language containing many expletives that we believe to be inappropriate for the ears of small children. As there are minors on our property, we would like to respectfully request that you refrain from using foul language at a volume that may be audible to people outside your property. Obviously you may address each other however you choose within the privacy of your home, however we are displeased that our child is being frequently exposed to obscene, profane and abusive language that we deem inappropriate for his consumption.

I thank you for your kind attention in reading this letter and should you have any concerns of your own, please feel free to reply to the address above.


Mr K & Borys


Now to deliver it and hope that no repercussions arise from our resorting to communicating with them – though in truth I fear, they may need to find a dictionary or an interpreter to comprehend it…

Tell me what you think