How do you solve a problem like Daleyacunt?

I need a more permanent solution to the situation with our dead shit neighbours.  Yesterday morning I woke up to the dulcet tones of a leaf blower at full throttle right outside my window.  I stumbled into the kitchen and looked through what little gaps remain in the fence (yes, he keeps randomly nailing palings to the fence willy nilly to try and obscure the line of sight between our two properties), and saw him standing still roughly outside my ensuite window with leaf blower in hand just looking towards our house.  He wasn’t actually USING the leaf blower, he wasn’t actually blowing anything about or walking around with it at all, nor was he tinkering with it or fiddling with the motor to fix it or anything…  he was just standing there. For about 10minutes – with the very loud gardening tool on full throttle as close to my bedroom as he could get, looking towards our house. Then he eventually turned it off.  Put it back in his garden shed and went back inside his house.

Even though it is technically legal to use power tools at 7 o’clock on a Saturday morning according to the BCC, this was the action of a complete prick, who is obviously determined to make living near him as uncomfortable as possible.  What exactly is his agenda?  Is he trying to make us up and SELL our house to get away from him?  :S

As I sit here writing this, they are hurling abuse at each other… yet again…  making life ever more unpleasant.  Whoa, holy shit… that whole thing has just escalated – one of them has locked the other out of the house and slamming and banging noises are getting almost as loud as the expletives.  God, I worry about the kids in that house.  Might be time to call the police again I think.  🙁

neighbors warring noise

Urgh.  Enough is enough, this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.  We have lived here very peaceably for the last 12 years and not a problem with the neighbours and now this latent yet persistent malignant presence festering just over the fence, that boils over into raging fury at the drop of a hat has turned my home from being a place of warmth, security and comfort to a place of disquiet, wariness and palpable violence.  Feels like we are living on eggshells everyday – trying to go about our lives, trying very hard not to have his ire turned in our direction and always just waiting for the next incident to occur.  I can’t imagine what it is like for the three children or the woman who live with this man.

I’m starting to feel like Mrs Bennett… “Oh, my poor nerves!”

Tell me what you think