Loser :(

Small child:   Mom, you need to go on the Biggest Loser..

Mom:      huh?

Small Child:  Cos you’re getting fat, Mom, here…. and …. here!
(pointing at my breasts in unusually low cut top..)

Mom:    Thanks baby…    πŸ™

Mom:   Grrrrr….   Mr K!!!   Will you stop letting him watch trash!!!

Mr K:      Whoops!

The intenet is for ….

I occasionally find myself spending time on the net trolling for imagery…Β  and no I don’t mean pornography !!!Β  Just…. imagery…

It’s time I probably used to spend reading, but now instead of grabbing a book, I find myself spending time online looking for interesting pictures, graphic design, photographs, digital images and artworks.Β  Every now and then I stumble over an interesting contemporary artist and become an immediate fan…. or see some beautiful photography that makes me want to go out and buy an Elinchrom kit to do some studio work.Β  Mostly I just love how all this is at my fingertips in the middle of my living room.Β Β  I can vaguely remember a time where we just lived in ignorance when we were curious about something, but now you can just Google away to your hearts content and solve every dinner party dispute within moments…. it’s a great time to be alive!!!

Last night I was flittering about some sites and stumbled onto some works by an amazing Russian artist named Misha Borisoff.Β  He’s got a gorgeously rich and luminescent modern cubist style that appears to be influenced by Renaissance and Flemish artworks c.1500… and somehow it just works!Β  I just found his work really visually appealing… so much so that I’d love to own one….

Misha Borisoff 1 Misha Borisoff 2 Misha Borisoff 3 Misha Borisoff 4 Misha Borisoff 5

Drinkies @ Azerbaijan!!!

We had a wee anti-festival drinkies last night… and by wee… I mean wee!!   There was barely 8 of us… but we were a fairly committed bunch… intent on making up for all the serious amounts of lost drinking we were foregoing by not attending festival this year.  And I must say… judging by the bottles this morning, we made a fair dint on that goal!

For special fun and torture, I inflicted my some of my oldest friends on my newest friend…  And I must say the results weren’t as disastrous as they usually are when you throw someone new into a well established social group…. the new friend held up tolerably well, and the old friends (for the most part) behaved themselves.   So we had a pretty good night…  πŸ™‚    Shame that the Darkman and his gorgeous little KissGirl couldn’t make the party….. but that, no doubt, could have led to a very different night indeed!    πŸ˜›

Delicate sensibilites…

I’ve had what feels like a pretty busy and mostly fun week at work …. The busy bit started last Sunday with a 10 hour shift that finished at 2300, and the fun bit started at the same time when about 10 mins before I was due to finish up that shift one of the most socially challenged and (doubly cursed) unattractive guys on the floor came up to my desk, took one look at me, said “You look like hell, Borys” and walked off again.   Well I ask you….  Who does look their best at the end of a 10 hour shift at 2300 on a Sunday night???

I think I would be insulted if I thought of him as someone whose opinion mattered in any even remotely infinitesimal manner what so ever… but as it stands, one can hardly be expected to muster the energy to feel insulted by someone who’s social and professional standing appears to be decidedly lower and less useful than that of an office stapler.  What a prat!   And this coming from a man who hadn’t shaved all week, and often wafts a trail of BO behind him as he walks through the office!  Bleurck!!  Just wish I’d been thinking on my feet well enough and awake enough to have thrown back a pithy retort… which i didn’t!   Instead, I’ve been telling everyone about it all week to demonstrate the hardships involved in working alongside so many geeks!   πŸ™‚

Anyway, I was reassured by one of my other co-workers, that I didn’t actually look as hellish as lead to believe, and that it was no doubt just an expression of disappointment from a socially ill adept tosser who… on having come to lurk in the vicinity of my desk…. had the misfortune to discover that ‘the twins weren’t out”.  Yes that’s right….  to restore one’s confidence in their appearance, my colleague reassured me that ThePrat had just come round to perve at my tits and was disappointed to find me in a boring and demure top that day !!!!    (insert vile retching noises here!!!)

And this, Ladies, is what you get for working in IT……     😐


After waiting 2 full mins for a customer’s machine to open the device manager…
HelpdeskChickie: Is your PC normally this slow?
Customer#56:  I don’t know….we’re in a country area, so it’s probably a little slower than normal…
HelpdeskChickie:  Oh i see…. 😐