No rash….

Stephola suggested we spread the disease, and seeing I’m all for pestilence in general,…. here ’tis….

But be warned… Borys on a good day is known for her brutal honesty!   🙂

Comment with a random useless fact about yourself, and I’ll:

1 – Tell you why I friended you.
2 – Associate you with a song/film/tv show.
3 – Tell a random fact about you.
4 – Tell a first memory about you.
5 – Associate you with a character/pairing.
6 – Ask something I’ve always wanted to know about you.
7 – Tell you my favorite user pic of yours.
8 – In return please spread this disease in your blog. Or not.

OH FERFUCKSAKE!!! – smash head on desk… repeat!

It’s been a very… very…. long day…. starting this morning with a particularly horrific call at work that is kinda painful to recall…. though no doubt someone will find this amusing…

Customer had a wireless broadband modem (The little blue one with the two antennas?   Yes… the one with the two antennas) and it looked like it was working… says it was connected and I could see in our system that it appeared to be connected…. but it was bringing up ‘page cannot be displayed’ and spitting up a couple of messages that sounded like it was trying to dial up….  So I spent the next hour or so, torturing this poor customer trying to figure out why he had no data flow…. checking drivers, confirming the account details, sussing out his network connections, defaulting his IE bullshit, rebooting the hardware, enabling this, turning off the firewalls, unticking that, running the connection wizbang,  eventually uninstalling the doover, deleted his dial up crap, reinstalling the thingamebob…*   and so on an so forth as laid down in the gospel according the Trouble Shooting Database….. Amen.  😐  

Eventually frustration starts to settle in…..  I don’t get it…. it should be fucking working!!!!

HelpDesk Chickie:  Please bear with me, Mr Customer#63.. something rather odd appears to be blocking your internet connection, would you please hold the line while I consult with a colleague…. ???  

Customer #63:  (big sigh)  No problem…

So I sent off a quick message to one of the more technically savvy amongst us outlining succinctly and professionally (read: I left out all the expletives) everything I had done.. and I got this message back…

BackUp Guru:  Open IE, select ‘Files’, and untick ‘Work Offline’. 

Hmmm…  somewhat perplexed HelpDesk Chickie advises customer to do same..

Customer#63 : Well… what do you know!

HelpDesk Chickie:   Not a lot apparently … 😐

 *(not necessarily in this order Mr Yaleman if
you’re reading this and about to start picking on me!)

Past indiscretions……

I’ve been seeing all this guff in the media over the last two days about Dr Glenn Sterling… he’s been my gynaecologist now since about Dec 1999 and he was the IVF specialist that helped me have Angel.  I’ve been through so much with him, that I have often felt he knows more than anyone else just how much bullshit I have been through in trying to conceive.  I have often thought he knows and appreciates the toll it has taken on me even better than Mr K … because he’s been there every step of the way.  I can’t count the number of times I have cried on his shoulder, how many hugs he has offered or how often he has taken my hands in his and told me everything would eventually be okay.  He is simply the most caring, and genuinely empathetic doctor I have ever met, and I hate to see him as distressed as he has been in the media over the last few days.

Yes… he made a mistake.  Did anyone get dead from it – no.  Some doctors make mistakes and accidentally kill their patients ….. do they automatically get suspended from practicing medicine ???   I understand the obligation of our doctors not to take advantage of their patients, but at some point, we have to say – the two of them made an ill advised leap from patient and doctor to become intimately acquainted, and is it any of our fucking business?

I’ve been on copious quantities of IVF hormones (numerous times) just like the patient he got involved with, and they might make some people vulnerable, and they might make you moody, and they definitely make you combattive, but I can honestly say they don’t seem to impair your judgment or diminish your decision making capabilities?!??    I mean can you imagine if how I’d fair if I robbed a jewellery store, or something and then claimed I was vulnerable and confused because I was pumped full of Puregon and Crinone… wonder how far that would get me!

I know I’m supposed to be condemning his actions like everyone else – he violated the patient./doctor relationship, but the truth of the matter is I couldn’t give a shit how many of his patients he was screwing…. cos interesting social choices aside…. Glenn is one of the truly good guys.  He really is.  Other people can have a lapse in judgment in getting intimately entangled at work and no one gives a shit.  But for him, he gets sued, dragged through the courts and has his practice suspended.  Everyone… and I mean EVERYONE… has indiscretions in their past… no one is squeaky clean…  I can’t help feeling sorry for him… and I can unequivocally say that none of this has in any way, shape or form diminished my respect for him as a friend or as a doctor.




Doctor barred for affair
13 April 2007

AN IVF specialist who had an affair with a married patient having trouble conceiving has been suspended for six months. Glenn Sterling, 41, one of Queensland’s top gynaecologists, publicly apologised yesterday after pleading guilty to unsatisfactory professional conduct at a hearing of the Health Practitioners Tribunal.  The Queensland Medical Board prosecuted Dr Sterling, who heads Brisbane’s City Fertility Centre, after it was revealed he had had a sexual relationship with the patient between December 1999 and February 2000.

After the hearing, at which his registration was suspended for six months, a shaken Dr Sterling said: “I’m very sorry for what’s happened.”  The patient, who cannot be named, had had difficulties conceiving with her former husband so she consulted Dr Sterling. They began an affair, having sexual intercourse on six occasions.

She conceived a child in January 2000 and did a “home” DNA test with a swab taken from her former husband’s mouth. She said it showed he was the father of her baby boy.  The woman ended the affair when her husband found out about it – on the day she told him she was pregnant. The husband is suing Dr Sterling for $250,000 in damages.

“I was very confused at the time it was going on,” said a shaking and teary Dr Sterling, who is now married with two children.  “In retrospect there is no doubt it was entirely inappropriate. I accept full responsibility for what I have done.”  Dr Sterling agreed that he knew the patient had experienced an abnormality of the cervix and was taking hormones at the time and that it made her more “vulnerable”.

The medical board’s barrister, Ralph Devlin, said the case related to a “deeply personal area of medical practice”.”(It was) at the top end of misconduct this tribunal would see,” Mr Devlin said.

When questioned about the patient specifically asking for the “last appointment of the day”, Dr Sterling said he didn’t recognise what she was doing. “No, I didn’t,” Dr Sterling said. “I look back and I regret it was so.”  He also admitted the affair was “a personal pursuit”.  Dr Sterling said he felt more could have been done in his training to alert him to the consequences of such behaviour.  “I accepted some time ago what I did was wrong and I’m not afraid to tell people (young medical professionals),” he said.  “It hurts to tell them … but if you can prevent one person getting into this position, why not?” Dr Sterling said he no longer saw patients without another staff member present.

In a statement, the woman said Dr Sterling did not use his position to exploit her and that the relationship was based on mutual attraction.  Judge Kerry O’Brien said the affair was “well below the standard expected by the public” and Dr Sterling’s peers.

Additional reporting: AAP


I’ve done something hideous to my back!  Sob… sob…

Not sure what I’ve done to flare it up. but last night at work, around 9pm,, I just seemed to jam up, and was literally unable to stand or sit properly for the next two hours… Not fun being on the phone with annoying customers when you can’t think straight due to acute pain issues… and I am fairly confident the half a dozen pain killers and couple of anti inflammatories I took weren’t helping in the whole ability to concentrate thing…..

Customer#72:  Hi my wireless broadband doesn’t seem to be working.. it was working fine this morning at home, but not I’m at my daughter’s house and it doesn’t want to connect… the little light is out on the thingy …. is that important?!?

HelpDesk Chickie:  No problem, we’ll just look up your account for you and see what’s going on…….Errrr….  You account is showing that you have an ADSL account with a wifi modem, which is a local home network type of internet connection…. it only gives you wireless access when your PC is radio range of your wireless router….about 30meters or so?!?!   😐

Grrrrr… sick to death of bad back crap… was going to spend today – my day off doing house stuff and maybe going to lunch with my Mum, but now all I want to do is curl up and go back to bed  🙁

Groovy movie meme from Dave 2…

I love movies, love going to the cinema, really love the coke slushies when you get there (especially if I remember to take a wee drop of bourbon with me!) also love collecting my favourite movies on DVD (am too frightened to add up how many I have), and love watching favourite old movies over again, especially with friends who may not have seen them. 

So when I saw this meme on Blogography, I had to fill it out and repost, even though I’m dead on my feet after working all night and have only just got home at 12.20am!!!  :S

  • Name a movie that you have seen more than 10 times.  
  • Threesome, Dazed and Confused, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Plunkett and Mcleane, Much Ado About Nothing, High Fidelity, Monsoon Wedding
  • Name a movie that you’ve seen multiple times in the theater.
  • Pulp Fiction, Shakespeare in Love,  American Beauty
  • Name an actor that would make you more inclined to see a movie. 
  • John Cusack.  Emma Thompson
  • Name an actor that would make you less likely to see a movie.  
  • Mike Meyers, Ben Stiller
  • Name a movie that you can and do quote from.   
  • Clerks, XXX, The Importance of Being Ernest, 
  • Name a movie musical that you know all of the lyrics to all of the songs.  
  • Dont really know the lyrics… but love 8 Femmes.  and have t confess I know the lyrics to nearly every Disney cartoon ever… worked in a Disney Store part time for a few years while I was at uni  :S
  • Name a movie that you have been known to sing along with.  
  • Empire Records, Dazed and Confused, Reality Bites
  • Name a movie that you would recommend everyone see. 
  • The Importance of Being Earnest, Amelie, Brannagh’s Hamlet, Grosse Point Blank, Before Sunrise/Before Sunset. Son in Law.
  • Name a movie that you own.  
  • Transylvania 6500  🙂  how dodgy is that?  Oh, and I also have Psycho Beach Party!!!
  • Name an actor that launched his/her entertainment career in another medium but who has surprised you with his/her acting chops.
  • You know I can’t really think of anyone impressive at the moment…. Can probably think of a few dodgy ones who ought not have bothered…. (might come back to it)
  • Have you ever seen a movie in a drive-in? If so, what? 
  • Original Starwars, Superman, The Serpent and the Rainbow, Top Gun, saw plenty of movies at the Capalaba drive in when I was a teenager…  we used to think the FM transmitters were so high tech!!! 🙂
  • Ever made out in a movie? 
  • Plenty of making out at the drive-in. .. I mean that’s what it’s for, but as for the cinema…???  No comment (blushes)
  • Name a movie that you keep meaning to see but just haven’t yet gotten around to it. 
  • Meant to see a lot of movies…. Thank you for Not Smoking, Va Savoir, Clockwork Orange, Christiane F, all the Godfathers, Garden State and I’m sure there’s lots of others.
  • Ever walked out of a movie? 
  • Forrest Gump in Munich.. it was supposed to be in English with German subtitles, but when we got there, it was in German… we nearly lost it when (after sitting through the ridiculously long feather thing in the intro, Forrest’s opening line was… Hallo. mein name ist Forrest Gump and then muttered something which I assumed was about a box of pralines!!!
  • Name a movie that made you cry in the theater. 
  •  Crash… (the recent one, not the one with James Spader where people are getting off on crashing their cars!)  when I thought the little girl had been shot.. I just thought of Angel and felt the tears welling… it was awful.
  • What’s the last movie you saw in the theater? 
  • Becoming Jane… (wait for DVD… )  why do they throw americans in this very English roles.  Anne Hathaway is fine, but as Jane Austen???
  • What’s your favorite/preferred genre of movie?
  • I tend to like cult/independent films and definitely enjoy the small fraction of foreign releases we manage to get here.  Also like comedy films that are more witty, sarcastic or dark… not big on fart jokes etc.
  • What’s the first movie you remember seeing in the theater?  
  • Grease … think i was about 5 maybe?  I think I also went to see Blue Lagoon at the cinema (even though I must have been very young for it) and Footloose when I was a bit older.
  • What movie do you wish you had never seen?
  • Breaking the Waves (three hours of my life I’m never going to get back!).  Donnie Darko  (I dont get it.. the damn demonic bunny thing… meh!)  Oh and that abomination Bewitched movie (how could they!!!). 
  • What is the weirdest movie you enjoyed?  
  • Team America – absolutely appalling
  • What is the scariest movie you’ve seen? 
  • The Serpent and the Rainbow – they were burying people alive 😐
  • What is the funniest movie you’ve seen?   
  • Mallrats – Where the hell did that come from ?!?
