Mumble fuck… mumble fuck

I’ve been catching up on episodes of ‘The Unit’ which is a gung-ho bit of Sepo bullshit sort of show but entertaining enough for all that.  What I want to know is – Why on earth do the ‘powers that be’ insist of fucking with something when it’s obviously working for them.  I am of course referring to the introduction music/sequence. 

They had this edgy military cadence thing going on with soldiers jumping out of helicopters, climbing trees, shooting bad guys looking all  intense while they did it bit… and for some reason – here comes season three of the show and they swap it for some soppy piece of shit that doesn’t have the same feel at all. 

I don’t know if I’m alone here, but I tend to associate different bits of music with various emotions and memories and when they do shit like this to me in mid-stream it just pisses me off.  Mr K and others hate it when we’re watching a TV series one episode after another and I tend to let the intro music run as the theme songs tend to be immediately recognizable and evocative of the sort of content you’re about to view.  Now I admit by the time I’ve watched about 7 West Wings in a row that the intro can get a little old but some of them never do.

Veronica Mars – love that intro… it’s cute, it’s perky it’s teen America in the ’00s – or at least we love that intro until they pfaffed with it in the third season (Hmmm are we detecting a trend here?).  The Firefly them intro – now why would anyone want to skip through that?  Battlestar Galactica – the intro for that is about the only thing on the idiot box guaranteed to make me look up from my needlework to see the 30sec prelude that shows all the action that’s about to unfold.  There’s really too many of them to go through but I really want to know what is the value in changing the damn song when they’ve already trained their audience into making an association with a certain tune and their content?

Stoopid eejits.

I was hoping for Number 6 ;)

As per usual, I’m fashionably late to the party.  I know it’s been around for a while, but I’ve only just been working my way through the last three seasons of Battlestar Gallactica – reason?  Well because I normally hate science fiction shows and stuff set in space tends to have lots of… well lots of frackin’ aliens and concepts I find it hard to buy into.   I have no idea why some sci-fi stuff appeals and other stuff doesn’t but I loved Firefly and am really enjoying BSG atm.

I will have to learn to take Sir_Phil’s advice when he tells me which sci-fi shows to watch… .he seems to have my tastes down pat 🙂


You scored as Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)You are the best damn Viper pilot in the fleet, so everyone else can just frack off. They need you, not the other way around. Maybe if you keep pushing people away they won’t get close, because that is scary and it hurts. Oh yes, and anyone who has a problem with you being a woman needs to just get over it.

Lt. Kara Thrace (Starbuck)
Dr Gaius Baltar
CPO Galen Tyrol
Col. Saul Tigh
President Laura Roslin
Number 6
Tom Zarek
Capt. Lee Adama (Apollo)
Commander William Adama
Lt. Sharon Valerii (Boomer)

This space intentionally left blank.

Okay, so these strange little quiz-type memes are like a plague but I’m inexplicably drawn to filling them out when they cross my path.

Which Jane Austen heroine am I?  Elizabeth Bennet.
Which Firefly character am I?    Inara Serra
Which Harry Potter Character are you?   Severus Snape
Which Comic book hero are you?  Wonder woman.

How many five year olds can you take in a fight?  Would you survive the Zombie Apocalyse?  How much is your corpse worth? What spice are you?  What type of shoe are you?  What’s your power colour?  It goes on and on and on…..  The vast majority of them are totally transparent and the questions aren’t even vaguely oblique so answering the questions a certain way gives you a predictable out come.

So naturally when Dave2 posted his "Who is your Ideal TV Boyfriend", I had to do it too….  Was hoping for Hank Moody from Californication (I like ’em pithy and sarcastic) or maybe…. Sam Seabourne in the West Wing (has intelligence and integrity) and well, who wouldn’t want Captain Mal from Firefly.. just cos he’s… well… the Capt’n.

So here goes –

Actually… no I can’t back that up.  It spat out someone boring (Dan Humphrey from Gossip Girl… never heard of him) so I made my own ‘Ideal TV Boyfriend’ sticker in photoshop 🙂

Et tu Brute?

I finished reading one of the books I bought at the Boxing Day sale today – Orgy Planner Wanted by Vicki Leon.  It’s a book about occupations in ancient Greece and Rome and I picked it up because I rather enjoyed the British TV series Worst Jobs in History. (oh there’s a quiz… my results below!)*  Being part of the SCA, you occasionally wonder what your life would have been like if you’d have lived in the medieval period or ancient times.  We’d like to think that you would have had a pretty good life had you existed back then – but odds were you’d have been a peasant, worked hard all your life for little or no wages, ate crap food, slept hard and cold and then died young of some hideous (but now totally curable) disease.   Which was probably par for the course but for a very privileged few.


The book was quite a good read, and right about my speed (given my limited concentration span these days) which means it was written as a piece of entertainment rather than as a historical essay for scholars…. not too heavy going and filled with interesting and often amusing anecdotes.  I reckon I would have had to try and marry young or become a Vestal virgin.  Maybe I could have been one of the charlatans making little lead curses for a fee or perhaps it would have been the whorehouse for me… options were pretty limited for women by the looks of it.


I’ve also been watching Rome again lately.  I’ve been inflicting it on a friend (as you do when you’ve really enjoyed something) which means I get to watch it all over again.  I loved this series, the vibrant way they bought classical history to life and served it up in an easily identifiable way for modern audiences.  I particularly love how earthy they made it and thought had something for everyone   enough nudity, violence, blood and gore for the boys, and enough politicking, backstabbing and conniving for the girls.  Bonus!  🙂  Unfortunately it never got a run up here… the first episode or two I think were run at a ridiculously late time slot and then it got axed which is a shame cos it was certainly well worth it.  And while Lucius Vorenis is no Captain Mal, we think he made a strong, hunky male lead anyway.  🙂

History’s Worst Jobs Career Guide Quiz

Your Score –  You scored 20 points.

0 to 30  No one is saying that you’re work-shy, but a more sedentary occupation would suit you, even if it gets a trifle monotonous. It’s a little messy, but being an Executioner won’t put huge demands on your time. If you don’t mind getting wet or sitting still, Bath attendant or Artist’s model might do for you. Or if you’re not too squeamish about the sight of blood, pus or the odd taste of urine, try putting in an application form for some of the medical jobs: Leech collector, Barber-surgeon or Loblolly boy.

How very courageous of you….

Today has been quiet.  Blissfully quiet.  Angel and Mr K went shopping for last minute Christmas stuff, which meant a serenely quiet house for a while.  I finally got round to waxing my legs… which I have to say is strangely relaxing.  I know… sounds weird and I have no idea why, but the brief and fleeting pain from having my legs waxed is nothing compared to what my back puts me through on a daily basis.

So other than slothing around today I’ve been watching a little Californication.  Yes I’m a bit slow getting round to seeing this show (too much TV and not enough time), but I have to say I like it.  A lot.  What’s not to like?  Sometimes you meet a characters in a book, in a movie or in a TV shows that you just identify with right off the bat.  Something in them just appeals to you for what ever reason.  In Californication, Duchovny’s character Hank Moody is a dry, bitchy, sarcastic. intellectual snob with a mean steak a mile wide and seemingly no desire to temper his acerbic internal monologue …. why it was just like looking in the mirror.   🙂 


I loved the bit from the first episode where he’s just figured out that he’s fucked the 16 year old daughter of his ex-girlfriends’ new fiancé.  It’s just bloody funny in a Pain + Distance = Humour kinda way.
