English mother f#@ker! Do you speak it?

It seems Oxford University has compiled a list of the top ten most irritating phrases.  An interesting concept and one I thought would spectacularly depict the rapid bastardization the English language faces with the onset of SMS brevity and gaming and internet jargon.  The top ten most irritating expressions according to Oxford University are as follows –

The Oxford University’s top ten most irritating phrases:
1 – At the end of the day
2 – Fairly unique
3 – I personally
4 – At this moment in time
5 – With all due respect
6 – Absolutely
7 – It’s a nightmare
8 – Shouldn’t of
9 – 24/7
10 – It’s not rocket science

Some of these annoy me too…. especially the “shouldn’t of” instead of “shouldn’t have”.  I have a tendancy to infrequently say ‘absolutely’ (even when something is not, in fact, absolute), but it is one that annoys the hell out of me if I’m conversing with someone who says it for every affirmative they wish to utter.  Nothing can be “fairly unique” it either is or it isn’t.  “With all due respect…” is just a polite way of saying “grab your ankles, because here comes my size three boot without the courtesy of lube” so that one I can live with.  But the rest of them are fairly innocuous tautologies or oxymorons.

Naturally being far more wordy in my thoughts, speech and writing habits than is reasonably required for any given situation, I have my own list of idioms that annoy the living crap out of me…

borysSNORC’s list of irksome abuses of the vernacular:

1 – Bunches – get some fucking collective nouns people!
2 – LOL – when someone actually says ‘LOL’ instead of just laughing.
3 – Supposably – for ‘supposedly’… didn’t quite finish 8th Grade did we?
4 – Any gangsta, homie or youth rap idiom… can’t understand a word of it.
5 – Gunna – when did we go from ‘going to’ do things to ‘gunna’ do them?
6 – Like – it’s like, totally like, showing that you can’t like, speak like, English!?
7 – Yoda speech – ‘Yeess. Speak poorly you will’… Kill me now.
8 – You know – oddly, when employed by ESL speakers it gives the appearance fluency.
9 – I can haz – LOLcattian syntax really raises the hackles
10 – Vagina or penis euphemisms – wee wees, doodles, pee pees, winkles, coochies, hoo-hoos… at some point, should we not grant our children more intelligence that this, and call genitals by their anatomically correct terms?

That about covers it, though I’m sure if I sat here long enough or kept coming back it, I’d have a list as long as your arm.

Words like ‘nefarious’ make me all tingly! :)

I, like every other sensible human on the planet, detest spam and junk emails.  ‘Tis very rare that someone sends you something that catches your eye enough to bother reading it…. especially if it starts off with “Hello very welcome.  My apologies you don’t know I am but….” etc etc etc

Today however I got one that started off with some  impressive language for something that was probably written by someone for whom English is a second language.  Impressive enough that I actually read most of it and damn if I wasn’t mighty close to sending them money.  I mean… it’s so obvious that they would use it to further their education at Oxford or somewhere equally illustrious –

Dear Friend,
Naturally, this letter will come to you as a surprise since we have not met,coupled with the fact that so many miscreants have taken possession of the Internet to facilitate their nefarious deeds,thereby making it extremely difficult for genuine purposes.Permit me however to introduce myself.I am  Mr. Adewale Emmanuel, One of the  Accountant of the Nigerian National Petroleum Corporation,

(blah blah blah… snip)

Be assured that this transaction will not subject you to any form of risk whatsoever. However, in view of the fact that we are public officials, we trust you will maintain and properly manage the confidentiality of all the information relating to this transaction,which we have accordingly code “FORTUNE” which you must use for all correspondences, henceforth.
Your urgent response will be appreciated.
Best regards,
Mr Adewale Emmanuel.

Why obviously these guys aren’t one of the plethora of unwashed ‘miscreants who have taken possession of the Internet’.

Urban smut

NB – Do not click on these links at work.

Someone will have to explain to me the virtues of the Urban Dictionary.   Personally, I can see no reason why anyone would want to allow the unwashed miscreants of this world to be able to bastardize the language by creating often fallacious definitions for colloquialisms of frequently ambiguous origins.

I mean – do we really need to have terms (let alone definitions) for such things as this… or this… or what about this stunning example.  How do we benefit from having a forum where people without credential, and seemingly without moderation, are able to contribute to a pool of knowledge (and I use the term loosely) that appears to revel in the banal, the vulgar, the utterly moronic and the often distasteful.  It seems the primary objective of the contributors is to create and define terms as depraved and repellent as humanly possible… and all under the guise of contributing to popular culture by ‘defining your world’.  From what I’ve seen of the Urban Dictionary over the last couple of years – there’s very little on here that defines my world.

Sigh… but then again… here I am contributing my own special little bit of drivel to the world wide web on LJ…. which no doubt many would view in a similar vein.

Smack me upside the head with a jellyfish.

Wow, you really do learn something new every day.  🙂  I’ve had this ‘thing’ for collective nouns ever since I met Mr K.  Now anyone who knows a SnapFrozen Yank (and has lived with one as long as I have) would no doubt have noticed that they don’t seem to teach collective nouns in Canadian schools.  For in our house there are BUNCHES….

BUNCHES of people
BUNCHES of money
BUNCHES of property
BUNCHES of cars
BUNCHES of clothes…

why BUNCHES of everything really 😐

And we all know that the only acceptable things to come in BUNCHES are grapes and bananas… and of course a “BUNCH of flowers” (could you hear the Eddie in that?)  MR K just doesn’t have HEAPS, PILES, LOADS or LOTS of anything let alone any of those of really groovy collective nouns…. 

A smack of jellyfish
A flagellation of ferrets
A department of deer or a gong of elk
A heard of harlots
A drive or a stumble of dragons
A shrewdness of apes
A scourge of mosquitoes
A lust of prostitutes
A filth of Scots!  I mean they’re fabulous why wouldn’t you use them 🙂

Collective Nouns A-H
Collective Nouns I-Z


For Equinom…

lupine – wolves
musteline – weasels
tigrine – tigers
bovine – cows
ursine – bears
ovine – sheep
piscine – fish
lapine – rabbits
vulpine – foxes
anserine – geese
aquiline – eagles
elephantine – guess
hircine – goats
leonine – lions
murine – mice
leporine – rabbits again
overine – sparrows
pavonine – peacocks
phocine – seals
soricine – shrews
taurine – bulls
vespine – wasps
viperine – vipers
zebrine – zebras

Wanna get me a copy of that book everyone has been talking about … the one on the origins of words 🙂  Next weeks… collective nouns for Mr K.