I hate cats… Ooooh Dinner Box cat!

How does someone with a well established and well known dislike for cats do a quiz and end up being Catwoman? And while I am on that well established and well known dislike for cats… why do my friends frequently insist on sending me LoLcats? Especially given my equally well known distaste for the bastardization of the English language? The mind boggles.

I can only assume that I’ve somehow managed to very cleverly and calculatedly cloak my intense dislike of cats in general by refraining from kicking the verminous little creatures while their owners are around.

No milk today.

I must have been feeling particularly adventurous this morning as I decided to try and drive to the shops to do some grocery shopping.  Mind you I took Yale as a back up just in case you know.  So I pull out of my drive way and up onto Belmont Road, and manage to get about half way down Meadowlands Road (not even half way to my Mum’s) and am feeling so distressed about being behind the wheel that I had to get out and let Yale drive.   🙁   I feel like I am totally out of control – rising sensation of panic, inability to breathe properly (which is something we tend to place quite a bit of importance on whether one is driving or not), gripping the steering wheel for grim death and that horrible feeling of being aware of your own heartbeat.  The car feels like it’s moving to me even when it’s not…. like if I brake going down hill, I feel as though the whole car is floating all over the road and isn’t reacting in a measured and predictable manner.  Even when I’m in the passenger seat, whenever anything comes towards us from my peripheral vision, I am instantly shying away from it and fighting the urge to simultaneously cover my eyes, scream out and cry.

It’s positively ridiculous and it’s driving me crazy… or maybe it’s the being crazy that is causing the not driving… or perhaps I always was crazy and it’s only now I’m sane that I can’t drive.   Whatever the fuck it is … I AM GETTING TOTALLY FRUSTRATED WITH THIS SHIT.  I am singularly unhappy with my wash and I know not what to do about it.  I feel like I’ve lost my independence having to rely on others to ferry me around.  What on earth happened to that Borys who went prancing off to Pakistan on her own last year?!?!?  Where the hell has she gone  🙁

At the risk of making a sweeping generalization – this sort of nonsensical phobia is for the weak willed and feeble minded in my book – so what gives?  why is it happening to me?  And why now after accident number four?  Why not after accident number 2 which was high speed, higher impact and more damage?  And while I am on the subject of traffic phobia… isn’t the definition of a phobia  a ‘persistent irrational fear of something’…. and is it irrational (given my history)  that I’m increasingly alarmed in traffic?   Seems perfectly logical to me.  If someone had been bitten by snakes four times and then became exceedingly frightened and wary of them would we call that a phobia? 

I’ve been thinking about all this too much, and way too often and it’s consuming a far too much of my mental energy right now.  But I don’t know what to do from here.  The EMDR experiment was pointless, the distraction exercises that the psychologist gave me don’t appear to be overly effective either…. so what next?

Paranoid much?

Pain Clinic ….. Day Nine (but who’s counting?)

Floor exercises.
Followed by Psychology session – Affect of Chronic Pain on Relationships
Followed by Gym
Followed by 2km stroll by the river
Followed by lunch break
Followed by Occupational Therapy
then home.

Somewhere in there – in this morning’s Psychology session to be precise – one of our fellow pain clinic participants decided to start hurling abuse at me across a room where I was having a quiet and private conversation that went something like this :

Uncle Frank:   I am tired of these sessions, I feel like everyone else is getting to air their issues, but as soon as I want to discuss something,  TrixieCyclist (the psychologist) cuts me off. 
Borys:   Yes, I know what you mean, we do have a couple of very demanding and vociferous people in the group who seem to dominate the sessions…. but she is doing what she can with what she’s got and she knows she has to focus her attention on those that are having the most difficulty adjusting blah, blah, blah ….

when unexpectedly from across the room in a unnecessarily loud and extremely accusatory tone we hear :

Tracey Shoulders:   Don’t you two talk about me!  I’ve had it up to here with you (this was pointedly directed to me) 

Borys:  (perplexed) Excuse me Tracey?  We were neither talking about you nor to you.
Tracey:  I know you were talking about me and I’m sick of it!   If you have a problem with me you can tell me to my face.
Borys:   I am sorry to disappoint you Tracey but not everything revolves around you.  We were not in fact discussing you, and you may be assured that if I did have a problem with you, I would certainly approach you about it, though I would do it privately in a calm and mature manner rather than inappropriately yelling across a room full of people!
Tracey:  Oh, I know you were talking about me!  I heard you saying ‘she’ , ‘she’, ‘she’ !!!
Borys:   Tracey, you’re not the only female around here and believe it or not some of us have concerns that have nothing to do with you.  None of us should have to tolerate this sort of disrespectful behaviour and I believe you owe both Frank and myself an apology for your rude and unwarranted intrusion.
Tracey:  I won’t be apologizing to YOU!!!

or roughly something to that effect.  At which point the less than cluey TrixieCyclist realized the situation was deteriorating rather rapidly and jumped in suggesting that we resolve our differences later.  No doubt this was because it was obvious that Tracey was about to start hurling expletives at me.  Which is a not uncommon reaction I tend to illicit from certain people when they pick a verbal fight with me….  sigh.

So fun for the whole group you know.  Tracey being barely three years my junior is about 15 years my junior in the maturity stakes.  She has been a disruptive, uncooperative, hypercritical, disgruntled, belligerent  high maintenance little malcontent (read: whiny little dumbass bitch) from the day we started the program.  I believe this has probably had a significantly detrimental effect on the rest of us given that the physios etc running the course have had to pull her kicking and screaming every step of the way throughout the last three weeks.

I am so pleased that I have only one day left and then I will not have to put up with her puerile and small minded behaviour ever again.   I’ve rarely encountered anyone so blatantly selfish and self centered.  We’ve all put up with her telling others to ‘shut up’ when people try to help her, we’ve had to put up with her objectionable fart jokes and constant twittering over the most infinitesimally asinine and banal things, and we’ve had to listen to her constant bellyaching about her woes… you’d swear she’s the only person on the course.

If I never hear her loud, nasal, whiny, grating aussie-shazza voice again – it’ll be too soon.

Layer upon layer upon layer!

I totally want to be interred in this pyramid… wonder how I go about getting a ‘block’?!!?

Germany plans ‘cemetery pyramid’

By Tristana Moore.  BBC News, Berlin

It sounds like an absurd idea. The plan is to build a massive pyramid, filled with human remains, on a windswept field near the city of Dessau, eastern Germany.

But the organisers of the project are adamant that this is not a PR stunt. There were pyramids in ancient Egypt, so why not in modern-day Germany, they argue. “We’re doing this because the world wants it,” said Jens Thiel, one of the initiators of the project.

“The new Great Pyramid would be a very efficient cemetery. It would have a huge capacity. A 150m-high pyramid could contain five million stones, it would be the size of six football fields and millions of people could be buried there.” Mr Thiel, an economist, has teamed up with a writer, Ingo Niermann, to develop the project and they have managed to secure a government grant.

An artist's impression of the Great Pyramid. Photo: Friends of The Great Pyramid e.V.

An artist’s impression.

They say more than 700 people from all over the world have already reserved a stone, keen to have their ashes kept in the giant structure.  In the future, these people will be able to buy a stone, which would cost up to 700 euros (£535; $1,070) each.  “Lots of people don’t like normal cemeteries. In Britain, 50% of people want their ashes to be scattered, in the US it is about 40%,” said Mr Thiel.  “The new Great Pyramid is a global monument. It’s the first cemetery for people of all nationalities and all religious beliefs. It is  a very beautiful, peaceful idea.” Each concrete block would house an urn containing ashes, or memorabilia of the deceased.

Architectural competition
The organisers say the pyramid would grow gradually over the years.   They’ve reserved a stone in the new pyramid because I want to be part of the project. It’s very simple, I want to be cremated and I want my ashes to be buried there,” said Jonas Obleser, a neuroscientist from Leipzig.

“The new pyramid is not a monument built for one king, it will be there for people of all faiths, for atheists, for everyone. It will grow for thousands of years. I would like to be one of the first people to be buried there.” The organisers launched an architectural competition for the construction of the pyramid last September.  Architecture firms submitted their plans. and the Dutch architect Rem Koolhaas headed the jury to select the final concept.  On Monday, several hundred people attended a gala evening in Berlin to hear the latest developments.  “We have seen four different interpretations of the pyramid – they are all interesting concepts,” Rem Koolhaas said.  “In the West, we have been very phobic about death, but because of demographics, death will be imposed on all of us.

“There is a constant ageing process – it’s important that this issue is addressed and it’s a very graphic way of dealing with the topic of death. I’m curious to find out what happens in the end,” Mr Koolhaas said.

The organisers say the pyramid would act as a catalyst for job creation and economic growth – but many local residents are not so enthusiastic about the project.  “Death is such a taboo,” said Mr Thiel. “We’re looking at different sites. We could build the Great Pyramid anywhere in the world. It would be a kind of theme park about life and death.”

Supporters are hoping the pyramid will find its resting place in Dessau.  “It would be beautiful if the pyramid could be built here in Germany,” said Mr Obleser.  Sceptics will argue that this is a far-fetched idea and opponents are bound to come up with a reactionary “not-in-my-backyard” response. The odds seem to be stacked against them, but organisers are determined to prove that they can fulfil their dreams.



Surprise surpise surprise.



Guess that means I’m not cut out for number crunching or customer service occupations after all.  Which strangely enough is exactly what I was discussing with the Occupational Therapist today.  Gotta look towards retraining myself into something that
1) isn’t too sedentary
2) makes use of or builds on my current skills
3) won’t leave me brain dead from boredom.

Hmmmm… vaguely remember an occupation questionaire that went round a few months ago…. might see if I can find that.  Found it.  The top occupations Borys was deemed suitable for are listed below… strangely enough I don’t think I’ve ever worked in any of these fields.  :S

1.  Desktop Publisher – sure why not?

2.  Fashion Designer – mwahahaha not likely!

3.  Animator – hmmm… nope

4.  Cartoonist / Comic Illustrator –  I strongly doubt it

5.  Set Designer – nope

6.  Costume Designer – maybe…

7.  Graphic Designer – sure why not?

8.  Artist – what’s the pay like?

9.  Computer Animator – do i need a sense of humour?

10. Medical Illustrator – ewww….

11. Industrial Designer – not so much.

12. Interior Desinger – sure why not?

13. Website Designer – porn sites? 🙂

14. Director of Photography – what sort of photography?

15. Special Effects Technician – outlook does not look good

16. Makeup Artist – mwahahaha not likely!

17. Historian – maybe…. if there were sheep…

18. Sign Maker – omens or billboards?

19. Computer Trainer – funny, really funny

20. Dental Lab Tech – ewww….

21. Gunsmith – Rock!  do I need to know anything about guns? 😛

22. Critic – already have years of experience… 🙂

23. Upholsterer – pass 😐

24. Writer – doesn’t this require talent?

25. Musician – ditto?

26. Director – of what?

27. Political Aide – yeah… right!

28. ESL Teacher – requires a grasp of ‘E’ yeah?

29. Foreign Language Instructor – mayhaps…

30. Curator – just not modern art puhlease!

31. Public Policy Analyst – yawn.

32. Picture Framer – double yawn

33. Composer – again with the talent thing

34. Musical Instrument Builder and Repairer – huh?

35. Furnisher Finisher – it’s really just a hobby

36. Market Research Analyst – bor-ring

37. Bicycle Mechanic –  😐  …. oh people really.

38. Translator – yes cos i have the patience of a saint

39. Telephone Operator – i dont think i could wear those little things on my ears.

40. Tailor/Dressmaker – requires fashion sense yeah?