Goats are OUT … Midgets are IN

When did midgets become sexy?  I dont remember midgets featuring largely in the collective imagination a year or so ago, and now … suddenly there’s midgets everywhere.  I think they’ve taken over from goats, in the popular imagination of  the “I’m wanting to appear kinky and interesting” crowd.  :S  Not so long ago, you could be out socially and chatting away and someone might want to make reference to some sort of strange and off kilter (or even off colour) sexual practice and/or preference… and goats would naturally and inevitably creep into the conversation.   But now the goats are off the menu and the midget references are coming in thick and fast?!?!?  Where the hell did that come from?

No more jokes about the singular use for someone needing a high speed connection on a Friday night being for the sole purpose of sourcing decent goat porn….  we have now have to put up with references to Nazi Fisting Clown Midgets…. Spanish Sex Midgets…. and Flat Headed Beer Midgets creeping into the vernacular???   Sigh….

What’s next I wonder???

Maybe it’s less an observation on current conversational trends and more a slamming indictment of the company I’ve been keeping lately!!!  😐

French National Anthem????

I went to a football match today….  dont know anything about football… and that goes double for Aussie Rules football….. havent been to a football match since I was in high school and dated the Captain of the First XV!!!  😀

So anyway, I  dont remember much of the game… but there was oysters and champagne and moreton bay bugs and champagne and huge king prawns and champagne and lovely salmon and champagne and boys in tight shorts and champagne… oh and did I mention the champagne???

I think I consumed about 2 bottles on my ownsome  :S 

So verdict:  going to the football rocks!  So long as you have one of  dem t’ings.. you know … dem Corporate Box t’ings.  🙂
