
I don’t know why I fill these things out.  They’re not useful, they serve no purpose, but when someone sends me one I can’t seem to help myself and I feel compelled to complete it.  It could be worse I guess… the compulsion could apply to shitty chain emails as well.  I hate those "Send this to 10 friends and you’ll have good luck… don’t send it on and you will die from a horrible ugly and painful pox within 48 hours" emails.  They’re almost as bad as those sisterhood bonding ones fully of silly animated gifs raving on about how wonderful it is to be a woman and insisting at the end that you should forward it to ten women you admire.  Fuck off.

My favorite age:
27.  Was a good age.  Old enough to know what you want and young enough to still think you might get it.  Also for me it was after the legal nightmare but before the IVF

My best friend/s:
Mr K, Yale, MD, Equinom

My celebrity crush:
Vin Diesel (just keep him talking). Natalie Portman (cute, sassy, smart) . Matt Damon (unexpectedly intelligent),  Nathan Fillion (every one either wants to be Captain Mal or do Captain Mal).

My defining characteristics:
Physically? Short, blonde and busty. Emotionally?  I’d like to say ‘strong, rational, no nonsense and sensible’, but lately who the fuck knows?

My most evil moment:
So socially unacceptable I most certainly will not disclose it here. 

My favorite food:
Fruit Tingles, vegemite and cheese on toast, guacamole dip, mango anything, Allens Snakes (yellow ones), muesli, good fetta cheese, banana and jam sandwiches,  and vanilla gelati.

My grossest injury:
Golden Staph infection of the umbilicus… nasty.   Even nastier was the $1400 worth of out of pocket expenses to be admitted to hospital for three days to get treated for it.

My biggest hatred:
Stupid people. Period.

My most illegal activity:
Speeding.  And I mean speeding at irresponsible velocity and irresponsible frequency.  Like 280kph in 100kph zones… no speed cameras back when. 

My need for justice:
People who neglect or abuse their children, or stand idly by allowing their partners to hurt their children. It rips my heart to pieces to see stories like these in the media.

My most knowledgeable field:
I don’t know… stuff?  Photography, Art, Heraldry, History, Embroidery…. random useless shit in general.

My life’s goal:
I think just like everyone else – I just want to be happy.  The problem is I don’t think any of us really knows what that is.

My mother’s influence:
Work now… rest later.  My father’s influence: If you want something done properly – do it yourself. 

My oldest memory:
I remember our house flooding and my Dad’s boat floating out of the garage.  It was my birthday during the ’74 floods and I was 2.  My uncle Raymond spilled champagne all over the kitchen that night too.

My perfect date:
Dinner out in a quiet out of the way restaurant and then somewhere to talk over a bottle(s) of wine till the wee hours.

My unanswered question:
Why can’t I just accept things the way they are?

My random fact:
I’ve had more general anesthetics than I can count – I have a favourite anesthetist.  I have the metabolism of a particularly dim witted slug.

My stupidest decision:
I should have studied Psychology straight from high school.  I should have slept with Alan M but I was a good little Catholic schoolgirl who didn’t do that sort of thing.

My favorite television show:
Currently? I’m really enjoying Dexter (creeps me out a little that you empathize so readily with a sociopath) and Mad Men (heavy smoking, heavy drinking, chauvanist pigs – I love it!). Favourite shows ever?  West Wing.
Firefly.  Sharpe. 

My style of underwear: 
I’d rather go without.  For men.. boxers over briefs any day.  Something very aesthetically ridiculaous about a man in briefs.

My favorite vegetable: 
Sweet corn – on the cob with a bit of butter and salt.  Mushrooms – stuffed and baked, sauteed with herbs, in soup, in anything.

My weakest trait:
I’m a shameless consumer…. There’s always ‘something I want’.  I’m not overly outgoing with people I don’t know so am often pegged as snobbish or unapproachable.

My X-men power:
Telekinesis and mind control.  But stuff the X-Men… I’ve always wanted to be Samantha from Bewitched 🙂

My strongest yearning:
To be pain free… even just to wake up for one day and feel no pain.

My moment of Zen:
Driving fast at night with the windows down and music blasting… or it was.  I also love to walk in a thunderstorms and turn my face skywards to catch big raindrops on my skin.

We’re painting the roses red…

Some stuff and nonsense to start the week. 

I was sure I was going to turn out to be Queen of Hearts from Alice in Wonderland.  She’s a bit more style I would have thought….. "OFF WITH THEIR HEADS!"…   🙂

PS – To the best of my knowledge I do NOT strike fear in those around me… rather I aim for just a subtle sort of intimidation thing really.  Additionally I do not believe I am frightened by technology.  Quite the opposite… she who dies with the most useless gadgets wins – stuff the fabric.  Also, I don’t think I have an emotional relationship with guns developed enough to be either enamoured with them nor to have formed a specific aversion against them.   For reasons it would be ill advised disclose…. I naturally prefer throwing knives 😉

A is for Apple

There was an “A” for the letter meme that was going about a couple of weeks ago.  I haven’t answered it because I’ve been having trouble thinking of things that start with “A” that I like?!?!

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With “A”….

1.  Angel – Obviously… he’s my favourite little person on the planet.
2.  Antibiotics –  living in the 20th/21st centuries is a good thing.
3.  Aibohphobia – appeals to my absurd sesquipedalian sense of humour  😛
4.  Avocados – especially when mushed into guacamole
5.  Amsterdam – canals, coffee shops, museums, red lights
6.  Au – favourite element on the periodic table.
7.  Asterias rubens – also known as the common starfish.
8.  Ahmets – local Turkish restaurants.
9.  Antidisestablishmentarianism – not the movement just the word  😀
10. Alcohol – in moderation of course.

amsterdam canals That was harder than I thought it should be.  Much easier was a 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With “A” List

1.  ATO – (Australian Tax Office) No brainer that one.
2.  Ambiguity – call a spade a spade and we’ll get along famously.
3.  Alligators – not that we have any in Australia but they’re ugly
4.  Astrology – taking money from the niaive since 3000BC
5.  Algebra – didn’t get it then, don’t get it now.
6.  Aliens – not in books, not in movies, not on tv – it’s all crap.
7.  Adam Sandler – just sat through that Zohan nonsense.
8.  Amber – as a gemstone it is a bit of a blah.
9.  Aussie Ockerisms – we aren’t all inarticulate wankers.
10.  Assholes – one of a limitless number of ‘other’ human beings with whom we are forced to share space on this planet who may find themselves categorized thus for one or many infringements (large or small, real or imagined) against our persons.

Another mindless meme…. I wonder does anyone ever read these?

I’ve been sent this meme by email a few times today…

Welcome to the new 2008 edition of getting to know your friends! Here is what you are supposed to do, and try not to be lame and spoil the fun. Change all the answers so that they apply to you.

Then send this to a bunch of people you know, INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. Some of you may get this several times; that means you have lots of friends.  The easiest way to do it is to hit ‘forward’ so you can change the answers. Have fun and be truthful!

1. What is your occupation right now?   Crash test dummy 🙁
2. What colour are your socks right now?  I have nekkid feet atm
3. What are you listening to right now?    Fingernails clicking on the keyboard
4. What was the last thing that you ate?   Scrambled eggs (for dinner!)
5. Can you drive a stick shift?  Of course

6. Last person you spoke to on the phone? Idiot who pooched an eBay transaction
7. Do you like the person who sent this to you?  Yes
8. How old are you today?   19,225,008 minutes
9. What is your favourite sport to watch?   Olympic diving and gymnastics
10. What is your favourite drink?    Port
11. Have you ever dyed your hair?  Yes – blue once
12. Favourite food?   Guacamole and Fruit Tingles (but not together)
13. What is the last movie you watched?  Batman – Dark Knight  
14. Favourite day of the year?   April 25th
15. How do you vent anger?   By verbally eviscerating the offender  :S
16. What was your favourite toy as a child? Don’t know?!?! 

17. What is your favourite season?   Winter in Brisbane
19. Do you want your friends to e-mail you back?  Sure
20. Who is the most likely to respond?  Those that already have
21. Who is least likely to respond?   Doesn’t matter
22. Living arrangements? 1 husband, 1 small child, 1 small dog, frequent visitors
23. When was the last time you cried?   One hour ago cooking dinner*

24. What is on the floor of your closet? Shoes, the emergency present box
25. Who is the friend you have known longest ?  Equinom
26. What did you do last night?  Watched some Weeds chatted w~ Yale

27. What inspires you?  OCD… and once inspiration hits it must be quenched
28. What are you most afraid of?   Being in pain forever
29. Plain, cheese or spicy hamburgers?  Cheese
30. Favourite dog breed?    Rottweilers but they’re fucking dopey
31. Favourite cat breed?  A dead cat is a good cat

32. Favourite day of the week?  Fridays
33. How many countries have you lived in?  1 for the most part.