Dirty 30s Party!!!

I had my 30th birthday party on the weekend…. yes slightly over due I know, but I always said I’d turn 30 eventually!  Apparently it clashed with the RH Red and White, which was accidental I assure you! Turned out to be a warm and very wet night, so we had the party inside yet again!  One of these days we’re going to hold a party outside and maybe spare my carpets a little!

So it was out with the fedoras, feathers, furs, braces and funky clunky shoes.  🙂  Everyone looked really cool.  HdM came dressed as a sailor, NMdG, Darkman, Jimbo all made good gangster types, we had one Indiana Jones, and a few flapper types.  Best costume has to go to the Humbibble dressed as a Cigarette girl in a very saucy outfit.   I can’t actually remember a lot of detail from the evening – I had loads of champagne for the girls to drink, but I think things went down hill due to Darkman’s cheap tequila, which he always feels compelled to inflict on everyone else!  I spent the whole night laughing…. and I think there was dancing…. gotta remember to eat something when we’re drinking….. and I KNOW I accidentally walked into a discussion between Darkman and Surly about fisting (not something you forget in a hurry)…. and I have vague recollections of our intrepid sailor dropping his pants…. again!  …. also there may or may not have been some sort of pile up of people on the living room floor in a rather tragic swing dance incident!   But I am pretty certain the fisting was before the teqila… which is disconcerting on so many levels!

I woke up this morning feeling not too bad, except for the positively ridiculous pain level I was experiencing in my lower back!!!  Couldn’t for the life of me figure out what I’d done to stir it up…. and then I downloaded my photos this morning!  There was indeed some sailor type pants dropping action… and yes, there was dancing of a sort….. and undeniable evidence a pile up of people on the living room floor at one stage…. and there I am – at the bottom of it!   Mysterious back  pain no longer a mystery… Sigh.

All up it was a fun night.  I’ll have to send round some of the more incriminating photos by email i think.

dirty thirty 30s party

Over the Hills and ….

Birthday thingy happened again today.  Big sigh.  What to do?  What to do?
Spent my birthday really kinda busy.  Went in the morning out to Carindale to try and sort out the little guy’s bank account –  Sunscum/Metway have been charging his bank account with a monthly fee, but being a minor, he’s entitled to a fee free account.  For the record, they wouldn’t fix it for me because I didn’t take his birth certificate – how remiss of me not to be carrying it about – even though the little man was standing right beside me and he is patently under 18!!!  But I digress, went to bank and to DVD sale at dreaded department store from hell – Big W.  Big W is one of those places I tend to try and avoid most of the time, because more and more, it seems to be the ‘store de departement’ favoured by the hairy and unshod.  😐  Anyway, nothing like a DVD sale to get me to over come my distaste for mixing with the unwashed hoardes. 

Catalogue – promising…. tables and tables of DVDs laid out – likewise promising….  smallish crowd, predominantly with shoes – very promising!  But alas, looks can be deceiving!  I set out lured by a flashy catalogue filled with cheap classic films on DVD only to find …. nothing that I wanted!  Absolutely none of the titles I wanted was available.  The pimpled little guy stacking the shelves assured me there was heaps of stock, and a lot of it wasn’t on the shelves yet, and there was much more to arrive still.  So I should come back some other time – so bit of a waste of time there.

*Update from tomorrow :  I did come back some other time… only to be told I should have been there yesterday – described above – because they had sold out of the titles that I was after by lunchtime!  Stupid people have no idea what the f#%k they are selling!!!  Grrrrr!!  More time wasted and Big W firmly put back on the no-go list. I love you Audrey but not enough for a third take.

After somewhat abortive shopping trip I went to see my folks for a bit, then came home to have picnic lunch (that was supposed to be at Mt Cootha but was changed to my place due to oppressive heat and threat of rain) with BigSal, FishyBob & Widget and Bubble and Zygote.  So we had a fun lunch, the kids ran amok! amok! amok! amok! amok! – much noise, much sitting about complaining about the heat.  Cool B-I-L also dropped by.

Late in the day, having realized a play date for the kids wasn’t really my idea of a special happenin’ birthday treat!  :S  I decided that sangria was in order – lots of it – jugs and jugs of it!  Ah… sangria…. reminds me of being back on the SS Silly Bitch sailing the Greek Islands, sunbaking, eating out in quaint little Greek fishing villages, and trying to consume the bulk sangria we’d made that was more like rocket fuel!

So we threw together a gang of fun peoples to talk with and headed out to Montezumas at the last minute.  We managed to round up HdM, Surly, Bubble, MissCL, NMdG and Jimbo and headed out to Montezumas which was fun.  Only blight – silly wait staff didn’t turn on the AC in our little private dining room, so we sweated through our meals.  Needless to say, we didn’t dwardle over desserts, and split there pronto for Frozen Cokes on the way home.  All up – a busy, and interesting day!