The blow job dilemma.

Here’s something that has been bothering my, obviously completely under-occupied, mind today…

Is blow job one word or two?  Is it ‘blow job’?  Or ‘blowjob’?

Yes, such a weighty consideration for the people, (read: I need to get out more).  My browser would have me believe that it is two words… for it has given me the red underscore of misspelling on the ‘blowjob’ single word variant and has no problem whatsoever with the ‘blow job’ two word variant, which, given both words operate independently with sufficient meaning, is not surprising at all.

My iPhone is, strangely enough, agreeing with my browser… but honestly?  Can you trust an iPhone with such things – we’ve all seen Damn You Auto Correct and know that iPhones can’t be trusted with anything of the sort, let alone the correct spelling and grammar of a term like ‘blow job’.

Quick office survey came out two to one in favour of ‘blowjob’; being a singular and distinct compound word, and not comprised of two separate and individual words at all… hmmm.  Which would mean that either that token office workers in my extensive last minute poll can’t spell, (sheesh… IT guys… you’d think they’d know how to spell blow job!) or the browser and iPhone evidence is fallacious.

Hang on a minute!  Maybe it’s not a term… maybe (if the browser and iPhone are correct) it’s actually a phrase!  One needs must turn to Google in a time of information crises!

So here is what I get if I Google, ‘blowjob’ – very important, all one word, no spaces.blow job blowjob fellatio google search

And here is what I get if I Google ‘blow job’ – two words, one space, no waiting!blow job blowjob fellatio google search

Well, if it is good enough for Google, in this case, i’ll be good enough for me.  Neither a ‘blow job’ nor a ‘blowjob’ be!  Instead henceforth, be known only as…  Fellatio!