Back pain + Coughing + More coughing = Wanting to Die

So if… Pain + Distance = Humour (which I’ve oft been told is the case) then someone out there is laughing their arses off at me right about now because I got me a fuckton of pain.   I’ve been in denial about this cough I’ve had since last Thursday and been dosing up on the Vitamin C and other useless immune boosting cold repellants and now it’s caught up with me and I can’t stop coughing.  Which wouldn’t be a problem if the coughing didn’t cause muscle spasms which in turn seems to be causing massive amounts of acute pain through my already pain riddled back/neck/spinal area, region whatever.  So today I’ve been doing this sort of ‘Cough-Ow!’ thing all day interspersed with the occasional ‘Sneeze – OMFG That Hurt!’

Enough enough enough enough enough…. It’s just an itty bitty cold why does it have to hurt so bad.
Sick of feeling crap ALL the time.  Need sleep.  Need more drugs.  Need better drugs.

… unless you are sick
… or depressed
… or having trouble sleeping
… or when you need to stay awake
… or when you need a little inspiration
… or when trying to win a sporting event
… or when trying to look cool
… or when you’re just not feeling 100%
but other than that they are BAD!!! 

Since when is ecchymotic damage to one’s biological tissue ‘sexy’?

Doesn’t matter if I’m standing in the line at the supermarket and watching the check out chick pass my groceries over the bar code scanner or whether you’re in a nice restaurant scanning the over priced menu and being served by immaculately dressed and drilled wait staff… the minute I see a hickey on a customer service representative… my perceptions are immediately altered.

Goes double for social situations.  Could be at an SCA event or out at a party with friends or even a family gathering but whenever I see a hickey or as some deluded persons would have it… a "love bite"… I am predominantly left with three enduring impressions – 1) can’t you keep your shit in the bedroom where it belongs – we neither know nor care what you’ve been up to so stop oversharing.  2) is it possible to BE any more stereotypically cheap, nasty and plain ol’ fucking westie/bogan/white trash?  And…  3) is your most recent partner really so damned territorial they have to cock their leg and piss all over you before they let you leave the house?   Talk about an inferiority complex!

Hickies are about as trashy as they come.   I remember once when I was a teenager (all of about 15) a guy named Martin Bradbury and I were snogging half the night at a school dance or some such and the next morning I spied a small bruise on my collar bone and didn’t recall where the hell it had come from.  When the penny dropped I was furious.  How dare the fucking bastard mark me like that without my permission!!! 

And I’ve been absolutely opposed to them ever since.  I don’t solicit them.  I don’t inflict them.   And quite frankly I am generally predisposed to think that people sporting hickies are either deadshits who don’t care… or they’ve been sleeping with dead shits who have no respect.  I mean seriously?  How insecure and immature do you have to be to leave visible bruises on someone?  Didn’t this shit go out the window back in highschool?  It’s about as lacking in class, elegance, discretion and a sense of social propriety as is possible in my book.   Feel free to call me a dreadful snob (this is hardly news to anyone who has had the misfortune to read this journal before) but you can’t get any lower class than leaving hickies on your victims. 

If however, it is one’s intent to have one’s maturity, self esteem, respect for others and/or one’s ability to interact with others in a socially appropriate manner drawn into question… then by all means hoover away, leave your marks and look like a dickhead.

If it’s not on… it’s not on.

I ended up having a surreal conversation with my Mum today…. it was ‘the safe sex’ talk.  Only I was the one giving the advice.  I’m a bit tired and don’t think I can relate the incident with any particular accuracy so I think I’ll try and write it in the morning instead.

"It it’s not on,,, it’s not on
" continued…

My Mum is going on a holiday – to be specific a seven week ocean going voyage that will take her to lots of cool places starting with "M"… Malaysia, Mauritus, Maldives, Madagascar and Mumbai as well as a whole lot of other cool places that don’t start with "M" too – like Seychelles, Thailand, South Africa and the Reunion Islands amongst others… 

Anyway I’ve been helping her get her stuff together and we’ve been out to the shops finding things she needs to take with her and we were in the pharmacy buying shampoo and I jokingly said to her ‘Have you packed some condoms?" 🙂  She looked at me in shock, gave me a resounding "No!" and a half arsed school girlish slap to the upper arm… but about six hours later she’s sewing the hem on some pants she’s just taken up and she says to me in an unsuccessful attempt at nonchalance, "Do you think I should take condoms?" and from there we ended up having The Sex Talk and in particular The Safe Sex Talk.

My Mum is a product of the 60s but she’s one of that other half of the 60s generation… the half that remembers the whole decade because they grew up sheltered and didn’t know anything about the sex and drugs and all things British.  She met my Dad when she was 16, married when she was 19 or 20 and had three kids, a house, a mortgage and a dog by the time she was 25.  She’s never been intimate with anyone but my Dad and the idea of her wanting to be with someone else wasn’t really something she seriously entertained.

She is quite an attractive and petite woman with a wonderful sense of adventure and a matching sense of humour…  and she’s about to go off on cruise holiday with a boat load of people she doesn’t know – which is the retired equivalent of backpacking and hostelling your way around Europe in your 20s.  In both of these situations it’s not exactly unheard of for people to drop their inhibitions somewhat given the "I’m never going to see you again" factor. 

So I end up having this talk with Mum where I’m basically telling her that moonlight strolls with devillishly handsome, silver haired, silver tongued gents and a canoodle on the Lido deck does not necessarily have to lead to sex.  And that I think she’s best served by at least having thought about what she might want or what she might do in that situation rather than being all at sea (pun intended) should it occur. 

Her side of the conversation waivered radically between "Oh God no! I couldn’t!!!" whereupon I replied "Forewarned is forearmed etc" to "I’m sharing my cabin with Shirely" and "What would you do?" at which point I demurred saying that my attitudes to sexual intimacy aren’t exactly conventonal and given that fact I might not be the best person to ask… ( which strangely she didn’t ask me to explain).

Finally yesterday afternoon I went to say my goodbyes and as a parting gift gave her a little six pack box of condoms (knowing full well she could NEVER bring herself to go buy some) which she immediately put into her luggage.  I gave her a big hug and sent her off with this final piece of advice

"Whatever you do… don’t fall arse over tit in love just because you find someone sexually attractive and if you are going to shag somebody and he turns out to have done half the boat…. don’t come home with an STD!"

I didn’t do it.

I’m supposed to be on a plane to New Zealand right about now but…

I just could not bring myself to do it. 

Strongly doubt travel insurance will cover pre-existing condition.

So bye-bye  $475.00 non-refundable air fare.