Back pain + Coughing + More coughing = Wanting to Die

So if… Pain + Distance = Humour (which I’ve oft been told is the case) then someone out there is laughing their arses off at me right about now because I got me a fuckton of pain.   I’ve been in denial about this cough I’ve had since last Thursday and been dosing up on the Vitamin C and other useless immune boosting cold repellants and now it’s caught up with me and I can’t stop coughing.  Which wouldn’t be a problem if the coughing didn’t cause muscle spasms which in turn seems to be causing massive amounts of acute pain through my already pain riddled back/neck/spinal area, region whatever.  So today I’ve been doing this sort of ‘Cough-Ow!’ thing all day interspersed with the occasional ‘Sneeze – OMFG That Hurt!’

Enough enough enough enough enough…. It’s just an itty bitty cold why does it have to hurt so bad.
Sick of feeling crap ALL the time.  Need sleep.  Need more drugs.  Need better drugs.

… unless you are sick
… or depressed
… or having trouble sleeping
… or when you need to stay awake
… or when you need a little inspiration
… or when trying to win a sporting event
… or when trying to look cool
… or when you’re just not feeling 100%
but other than that they are BAD!!! 

Tell me what you think