Come on now sugar…

Aside from doing horrid and tedious, but necessary, government job applications this morning, I’ve been finally catching up on Veronica Mars today.  Blogography Dave raves about VM constantly, and I was finally motivated to go find it in early December.  I was waiting to find some time to get stuck into watching it, but the Silly Season kept getting in the way.

Anyway, I’ve managed to see quite a bit of it now, and I have to say I love it … yes I know, I’m behind the rest of the world in figuring out that this is a pretty good show…. but better late than never.  Two things – Where did they find so many gorgeous people?  And thank f#@k my high school experience never bore any similarity to Neptune High.

Only downside of watching stuff back to back like this – I have that song stuck in my head all day ‘We used to be friends, a long time ago, We used to be friends…..’  Thanks Higgsy for the MP3 you flicked me today.  Hopefully if I listen to it a couple of times, when it goes through my mind, it wont cut abruptly after the 30sec refrain from the intro on the show!

Could be worse… last year after a particularly painful hospital stay, for reasons beyond my understanding, I chose to watch a couple of seasons of Gray’s Anatomy back to back over the course of about a week.  The result of which was to 1) cause me to question why my doctor more closely resembled Dr Evil than Dr McDreamy and 2) left me feeling like I’d been pummeled mercilessly by a very practiced and accomplished team of high maintenance professional drama queens.  It’s all together too much when taken like that – I totally overdosed on all that angst and drama I think and it left me feeling really drained… wont ever do that again..