Awe-inspiring? Yeah right.

You Are An ENTJ
The Executive

You are a natural leader – with confidence and strength that inspires others.  Driven to succeed, you are always looking for ways to gain, power, knowledge, and expertise.

Sometimes you aren’t the most considerate person, especially to those who are a bit slow.  You are not easily intimidated – and you have a commanding, awe-inspiring presence.

In love, you hold high standards… for yourself, for your relationship, and for your significant other.
While it’s easy for you to impress others, it’s hard for you to find someone who impresses you.

At work, you are organized and good at delegating. You understand how to achieve goals.
You would make a great CEO, entrepreneur, or consultant.

How you see yourself: Rational, calm, and objective
When other people don’t get you, they see you as: Inflexible, controlling, and overbearing

Snavelled from abeekay .  I think I’ve done at least half a dozen of these Myers Briggs tests and I akways come out with ENTJ.  So I suppose it must be true….

Roll Over Beethoven… uh, I mean Jane Austen!!!

A few weeks ago I stumbled onto an online book store webpage promoting a new book that is coming out called "Pride and Prejudice and Zombies".  At the time I (and no doubt many others) was hopeful that it would yet turn out to be a hoax of one sort or another.  As time has marched inexorably onwards, it seems less and less likely that it is an elaborate joke of questionable taste… and it appears more and more to be an actual publication that will indubitably cause a most pernicious assault on the sensibilities of every Austen fan worldwide!

No.  It is quite beyond our control and ’tis all together too shocking to contemplate.  Hopefully the purveyors of this filth will have the good sense to include a small bottle of smelling salts with each copy that the reader will inevitably require to revive themselves once they have been completely undone by the horrors which no doubt await one in this literary abomination!

PS – Preorder your copies here   🙂


Straight down the “S” bend….

On to the next letter, soon I’ll be finished and then will have nothing to try and wheedle positive thoughts out of my depressed and drug fucked little brain…. so it’ll be back to Borys and her normal sunny disposition!

Okay… maybe not.

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With “S….

1.   Soft days – some days I wake up and my skin feels ultrasoft it’s fantastic
2.   Snakes Alive – love lolly snakes and the yellow ones are the best
3.   Scrabble – but hardly anyone will play with me
4.   Sadler teapots – they’re so gaudy they’re fabulous… it’s inexplicable
5.   Sex – wait… should I have put that at the top of the list?*
6.   Swing Dancing – aerobics without the sweat junkies and gym clothes
7.   Stirring the pot – I know I shouldn’t but sometimes I can’t help myself
8.   Sopranos – woke up this morning… got yourself a gun…
9.   Schadenfreude – it was always thus:  ‘pain + distance = humour’
10. Super Glue – good for fixing broken nails, sticking fiddly accoutrements down on the Small Child’s toys so they don’t come apart and end up underfoot.  Also handy for sealing cuts in the kitchen and all sorts of other useful stuff.

Sadler teapot*wonders what that says about you… putting teapots before sex!!

List of 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With “S”

1.   Side effects – sometimes the side effects seem worse than the symptoms
2.   Spam email – like every other sensible human on the planet, I don’t like it
3.   Spiderwebs – hate walking into one, but at 5’ it rarely happens anyway
4.   Sales people – real estate agents, car salesman and tupperware nazis
5.   Sport tragics – couldn’t give a shit Jones
6.   Sunscreen- greasy, slimy and disgusting goop that suffocates your skin
7.   Snow – it’s ok to look at and fun to play in… for about 10 minutes
8.   Shrinks – for some reason competency isn’t a job requirement
9.   Snakes – but in my defence Australia has way too many deadly snakes
10. Shoddy workmanship – my Dad had a cliche for every working occasion: ‘If it’s worth doing… it’s worth doing right’, ‘If you want something done properly you got to do it yourself’, ‘Out by an inch might as well be out by a mile’… and the beat goes on… la di da di da di da… la di da di da di dee

I went… I saw… I thought it was… okay.

As is often the case when a movie is all hyped up to buggery I tend to enter into the cinema going experience with a sense of slightly optimistic trepidation.  You always know that going to see the latest big "it" movie the film will either totally justify all the hype or let you down hideously and be absolutely unremarkable.  Based on your (very expensively purchased) expectations there’s not normally a lot of middle ground here.  Lately if feels that the greater the hype a movie (or more correctly their PR mob) generates – the more the need to be prudent and manage your own expectations by decreasing your optimism accordingly.  (God I speak some shit sometimes!)

We went to see the Watchmen… and my expectations weren’t high.  I’m not into comics (you can call it a graphic novel until the cows come home – it’s still a comic book) and as such I’m not usually overly impressed by books or movies centred around superheroes of any sort.  I fell asleep during one of those movies … Sin City?  Dark City?  something like so I went into the cinema expecting something that’s ‘just not my bag’.   Which is exactly what happened.  It wasn’t the worst 3 hours* of my life and I’m not standing around spewing indignant vitriole demanding them back… but it wasn’t in any way exceptional in my book, I’m not in a hurry to see it again and I doubt I’ll be rushing out to buy it on DVD or anything.

But it was allright…. 

*unless you count the god awful state my back was in
after sitting still so long in crappy cinema seats, because
then yes it definitely does qualify as some of the worst three
hours of my life.  Additionally It is entirely possible that my opinion
of the film is slightly tainted (okay painted bright neon blue in
this case) for having been viewed through a haze of extreme
back pain and a headache I’ve had for four days together.