“Q” fog… “Q” rain… “Q” lights… and Action!

Oh dear and I thought the damn vowels were hard.  This whole forcing oneself to come up with positive things each week is harder than it should be…. and the ‘dislikes’ still come flying to mind much quicker than the ‘likes’ unfortunately.   No doubt this is because I’m a cycnical and pessimistic crotchety old thing who’s getting old well before her time.  Any day now I’ll be ranting about how ‘back in my day’ we used to stand up for adults on the bus!  Oh wait… I was doing a bit of that yesterday wasn’t I?   Whoops    :$ 

But before I bore any hapless reader who hasn’t had the good sense to tick the little ‘Mark as Read’ box already… I stumbled over this on Youtube today and while it has nothing to do with anything, I just felt the need to share –

Ok "Q"s for inordinately long post full of drivel today.

List of 10 Things I Like That Start With "Q"….

1.   Quality – I’d rather pay that little extra and get a quality product
2.   Quicksilver – mercury… we used to play with the stuff as kids
3.   Quesadillas – tortilla and cheesy goodness with sangria of course
4.   Quixotic – fantastic and much underutilized word
5.   Quilting – have made several but don’t have the patience anymore
6.   Qwerty – early standardization is bad but I’d hate to have to relearn
7.   Quiche – when it’s good it’s very very good but when it’s bad…
8.   Quills – excellent movie Geoffrey Rush is superb
9.   Quizzes – have no idea what the appeal stems from here ?!?!?
10. Quotable quotes – I love eloquent quotes. Some offer incredible insight, some merely offer a humorous moment and some just get stuck in your head.  Some fun ones that come to mind…


It destroys one’s nerves to be amiable every day to the same human being.
 – Benjamin Disraeli

The more we dwell on our misfortunes, the greater is their power to harm us.

Eternal nothinginess is fine if you happened to be dressed for it.
 – Woody Allen

There is often less danger in the things we fear, than the things we desire.
 – John C Colins

Never offend people with style when you can offend them with substance.
 – Sam Brown

Tell them I’ve been too fucking busy – or vice versa.
 – Dorothy Parker

Fastidiousness is the ability to resist a temptation in the hope that a better one will come along.
 – Oscar Wilde

So heavy is the chain of wedlock that it needs two to carry it, and sometimes three.
– Alexandre Dumas

Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.
 – Albert Einstein

Woman was a problem which… could hardly be less complicated than the revolutions of an irregular solid. 
 – George Eliot

Any fool can criticize, condemn, and complain – and most fools do.
 – Dale Carnegie


List of 10 Things I Hate or Dislike That Start With "Q" List

1.   Queensland summers – Oh the humidity!
2.   Queens – Drama Queens that is… get over it I haven’t the time
3.   Quim – the word bothers me (it shouldn’t) it’s just so …earthy?
4.   Quettadirty, downtrodden, dogmatic and downright dangerous
5.   Quadrilles – (shudder) flash back to square dancing in high school
6.   Question time – like watching paint dry, Reader’s Digest version please
7.   Queue jumpers –we’re all fucking special and unique little snowflakes K
8.   Quantum anything – just start talking and watch my head explode
9.   Quality time – appalling concept… it should all be quality time  😐
10. Quacks – I have seen over 50 odd specialists about my back since I first suffered a whiplash injury in 1991 unfortunately many of them for expert medico-legal reports.  So most of them weren’t even remotely interested in treating me or trying to offer any useful advice or referrals or anything.  Strangely enough their findings varied widely depending on who paid for those reports.  Fucking quacks the lot of them.   

The most useful thing I learned in high school – fff jjj fff jjj fff jjj

I remember the ‘good old days’ back when I used to write cheques to send money.  I also remember the lining up at the Post Office to pay bills or (Heaven forbid!) having to actually go INTO the bank just to withdraw cash or transfer money from my savings accounts to pay my credit card bill.   I was early on the bandwagon to open an account with an ATM card and took to ATMs and eventually phone banking like a duck to water.  Of course other than the obvious benefits of being able to access cash 24hrs per day and not having to deal with bank queues – the real boon of this new fandangled technology was not having to line up with the pensioners at the bank and listen to them griping about their hip reconstructions and/or gall stone surgeries. 

So naturally when internet banking came along we all went ‘Huzzah!!’ and there was lashings of ginger beer and much general rejoicing of the peasants on the slopes etc etc…   Now I pretty much love internet banking – I like being able to pay ALL my bills online from the comfort of my desk and in my damn pyjamas* if I want to.  I like being able to set up direct debits for many of them so I only have to think on them once a year.  I like being able to transfer money to friends and family when chipping in for joint presents or sorting out last night’s bistro maths.  I like that I can set up a trickle feed savings account for the Small Child which just ticks along without my even noticing it.  Compared to the ‘good old days’ it’s no mess, no fuss, and no queues!

What I don’t like is that even though I log in my bank at least twice a week…. I have absolutely no idea what my account number is!!!  :S When I first started using internet banking I would grab out the little card that the teller lady had given me which had the account number on it and I would touch type the number in as I looked at the little card…. and I continued to do this for about two years.   Then I lost my little card but by then it didn’t seem to matter because I had somehow osmotically learned to key in the numbers by some sort of weird muscle memory process… without actually having learnt the stupid numbers!!!

So now I can log in just fine from any computer that has a numeric keypad on it.  But put me on my laptop and do you think I can log into the bank?  Not for the life of me can I sign into my bank account on a laptop… nor could I write the number down for you. 

How ridiculous is that?  😐

*well I might if I owned some

I like talking about nothing – it’s the only thing I know anything about.

Sigh… I am happy to finally report that my back pain has settled back down to it’s usual dull roar so I feel I can do crazy crazy stuff again – like turning my head or picking up the kettle!Β  Will wonders never cease!Β  I really did enjoy going to the Cirque du Soleil on Sunday but honestly if having a night out can cause three days of grief it’s just not worth itΒ  πŸ™

I’ve still been taking it relatively easy today hanging out with the increasingly restless Small Child.Β  The school holidays, I fear, are destined to be a time of boredom for him being an only child and all.Β  We’ve read some more of his Geronimo Stilton books, played a little Wii, watched some Spiderman II (he got bored of it thankfully and skivved off to do something else).

So now after a full day amusing the Small Child he is now safely ensconced in bed for the evening and I’m amusing myself with a heatpack and one of my favourite movies – An Ideal Husband.

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I think I should have very much enjoyed living in an Oscar Wilde play… speaking excessively witty nonsense to extremely wealthy and equally witty genteel wastrels all day iong.Β  Though knowing my luck I’d end up as the conniving Mrs Cheevely or the uptight and demanding Aunt Augusta from The Importance of Being Ernest – another fantastic Oscar Wilde play that was made into another very amusing film.Β  Such great casting in both these films… Colin Firth, Rupert Everett, Minnie Driver, Frances O’Connor, Judi Dench, Julieanne Moore, Reece Withersppon… they’re all absolutely fabulous.Β  So much so, that I shall have to watch the later in the morning I dare say.Β  πŸ™‚

This is the song that never ends.

Get woken by Small Child this morning at the very civilized hour of 0650.  Consciousness is a little slow to return as I do a ‘bit of a body check’ through the drug induced haze that I experience on a daily basis.  I realize I am laying in the EXACT same position that I went to sleep in and the covers are hardly disturbed at all.

I turn my head to look at the clock, turn my head the other way to blearily turn off the alarm I had set on my phone.  I tenderly climb out of bed… so far so good.  Yesterday’s painfully spasming neck seems to be subsiding a bit… it’a still there but nowhere near as acute.  I think to myself  "Self, you might be in the clear and just have the usual old deep aching neck and back pains today"’.  I get out of bed gingerly as per usual, go to the bathroom, splash some cold water on my face (as is my habit to help wake up from the drugs). 

I then wandered out to the living room, asked the Small Child to go get dressed out of his pyjamas and to then come and have some breakfast with me.  I put the kettle on, placed my heatpack in the microwave, grabbed some bowls…

And it was at this point that I made a mistake of monumental proportions.  Something so asinine and obviously unachievable I simply don’t know why I did it.  I mean honestly… who in their right mind would think they could reach into the pantry and fetch some muesli without anticipating the dire consequences of their actions?   For as soon as I lifted that muesli container (which must weigh all of 700gms tops) I experienced a massive sharp pain int he right side of my back at the base of my ribs.

I put it down quickly and stood there holding my breath waiting for the spasm to pass, and haven’t been able to do a thing since without causing more extemely painful spasms to reocur.  Couldn’t pick up the now boilded kettle without more massive painful spasm… couldnt lift the bottle of milk out of the fridge…  couldn’t grab the heat pack out of the microwave. either.  So I’m standing in the kitchen holding back the tears asking the Small Child to do these little things for me whiloe I whimper back to the living room and  imediately fasten myself to the heatpack hoping it might calm down a bit   πŸ™

So I’m sorry for whinging so much yesterday and if it’s not too much to ask – can I have yesterday’s neck pain back please?  All things being relative and all….

PS – Three days to recover from a social outing is really fucking ridiculous.

Birthday… back… blogs…

Received a belated birthday wish this morning from a friend I used to go to Uni with who is currently in New York – nice life for some!  So we forgive him for being late even though we’re not yet decided if we forgive him for being so cheeky…. these youngins think they can get away with anything!  I don’t know!  πŸ™‚  Thought it was a Hallmark style e-card for a moment until I did a double take!

My back is still driving me up the wall from sitting at Dralion on Sunday night… two days to recover from a social outing is ridiculous.  I’m sure I’ve done some additional nastiness in my sleep last night as I seem to have some God awful spasms happening up the left side of my neck that may or may not have been there when I went to bed… too many drugs I can’t remember.  I’ve been in such a shite state today that I seriously considered going back to the doctor but… A) he’d just sit there looking at me in that confused and pathetic way which communicates quite clearly that he doesn’t know what to do with me and B) it’s probably not wise to drive unnecessarily when you can’t turn your neck to shoulder check properly.  So I didn’t bother….  grrr…

Anyway the internets have been telling me that it’s Delurking day today –  so I’ve got about a dozen blogs that I should go say "Hi" on because I’m one of those dreaded silent masses who reads peoples stuff and they don’t know I’m there   πŸ™‚

