Hey Daddy… check this out

Mr K is in NZ this week, enjoying the snowfields, experiencing the excitement of white water rafting and tasting the delights of Queenstown’s Gay Ski Week  😀   So in between the pistes and the poofs* 🙂 … he has occasionally jumped on the internets so he can video chat with Angel.  Anyway, I was chatting away with Mr K discussing a couple of banal day to day thingys when youngin’ jumped up on the back of my chair and decided to down trou’ and flash his cute little butt to his Dad in NZ.

Where the hell did that come from?  And what are you supposed to do in this rarefied situation?   We all tried not to laugh and I attempted, behind my giggles, to advise the small child about the inappropriateness of displaying one’s backside via web cam … particularly at the tender age of 6.  I am desperately hoping that my little etiquette lesson sunk in there somewhere, and that this little episode is in no way indicative of a possible life time habit of being the yobbo at parties who cant help himself but simply MUST exhibit bits of his anatomy at inopportune moments.

Wish I had been able to capture the look on his Dad’s face though… 🙂


*am I allowed to say that?  😀