How do you solve a problem like Daleyacunt? Update

Update:  Well, yesterday went from bad to worse.  The neighbours were abusing each other again, cursing and slamming doors and yelling and screams of distress and pain. I found myself compelled, once again, to call the police. The police duly arrived and did their thing which appeared to subdue the situation.  However, no sooner had the police left the scene, then Daleyacunt and Fuckin’Fuckhead (aka Jacinta apparently) finally introduced themselves… sort of :S… by means of standing in their back yard yelling at us/towards our house pressing into service some of the most foul language imaginable.  😐

Dale was aggressive and abusive, repeatedly directing someone in our household to ‘Suck my cock, ya fuckin’ cunts’ 😐   He then proceeded to attempt to intimidate us by ranting on about how he’d been in jail for 11 years and that being loud and rude doesn’t get you sent to jail, but stabbing people does!  Ergo, there’s no point in calling the police on them for again.  Almost immediately, She began hurling abuse at us too (unbelievable)!!  Declaring. loudly and proudly, that she was ‘black’ and that we should be worried because her family that would come ‘fuck us up’ just like they ‘fucked up that guy on Palm Island’.  Daleyacunt was also saying ‘Don’tcha watch TV?  When you stick your nose in other people’s business, ya come home an’ find ya fuckin’ house on fire, ya cunts’.  It went on and on. By the end of this tirade they had threatened our persons, our property and our little dog too (poor Oscar). He was laughing maniacally like he thought he’d pulled some great joke over on us, swearing indiscriminately and saying the police were scared of THEM and that there was nothing we could do that would do anything to him.  Many more ‘We are going to fuck you up’s and several more ‘they’re going to get us’ threats were issued when in amongst this barely coherent abusive rant, Dale actually referred to themselves as the ‘neighbours from hell’…  Which may well be the first and only factual thing he said.  Throughout all this window-licking crazy talk, Mr K and I were staring at each other in disbelief and remaining stoically silent, refusing to engage with him at all.

Unbeknownst to the less than perceptive Daleyacunt, as soon as he issued the first threatening statement I had called the police again to report that threats were now being directed towards us (something we had been trying so hard to avoid incurring for the last few months).  The same officers who attended next door were then sent around to our property and all the while Dale was still railing at us from next door.  One of the policemen interviewed us while his partner went into the backyard and started recording the abusive diatribe.  With this audio recording in hand, the police officers decided to charge him with threatening violence and he was subsequently arrested.  Unfortunately, he was likely only gone a few hours and was then released on a good behaviour bond under which he is not allowed to interact or talk to us… but I had my doubts that bond would stop him from getting on his leaf blower at 6am this morning (being Monday, he’s allowed to use power tools even earlier).   The police called to let us know when he was in custody, and relayed to us that when they picked him up he denied having threatened us with violence at all.  They quoted his threats back to him and he denied having issued any of those threats.  They then confronted him with the fact that they had been on our premises at the time and had audio recordings of his threats and he STILL denied everything!  Apparently, he would only admit to ‘maybe’ having said he was going to mess with our dog.  So, it turns out Daleyacunt is even more deluded than I thought… incapable of digesting new information, such as oh, I don’t know… concrete evidence? and adjusting his version of events accordingly.

The man obviously has no common sense, very little if any higher reasoning abilities, is completely unable to grasp a concept my 10 year old has already mastered – that your actions in life have consequences, and even when confronted with direct evidence by officers of the law, he blatantly lies!  He appears to be lacking even a self preservation instinct?  Seriously?

Well, I admit that after months of listening to this steady flow of abuse I have become quite stressed about the situation.  Now, after today’s events, I am excessively distressed about the unwanted circumstances that we find ourselves in.  Yes, I was quite upset about the whole mess yesterday and I am not looking forward to more passive aggression from next door.  All I can do is keep calling the police when his behaviour escalates and hope like hell that he doesn’t change pattern and decide to come over here and start physically throwing his weight around  🙁

physical emotional mental abuse bad neighbours

How do you solve a problem like Daleyacunt?

I need a more permanent solution to the situation with our dead shit neighbours.  Yesterday morning I woke up to the dulcet tones of a leaf blower at full throttle right outside my window.  I stumbled into the kitchen and looked through what little gaps remain in the fence (yes, he keeps randomly nailing palings to the fence willy nilly to try and obscure the line of sight between our two properties), and saw him standing still roughly outside my ensuite window with leaf blower in hand just looking towards our house.  He wasn’t actually USING the leaf blower, he wasn’t actually blowing anything about or walking around with it at all, nor was he tinkering with it or fiddling with the motor to fix it or anything…  he was just standing there. For about 10minutes – with the very loud gardening tool on full throttle as close to my bedroom as he could get, looking towards our house. Then he eventually turned it off.  Put it back in his garden shed and went back inside his house.

Even though it is technically legal to use power tools at 7 o’clock on a Saturday morning according to the BCC, this was the action of a complete prick, who is obviously determined to make living near him as uncomfortable as possible.  What exactly is his agenda?  Is he trying to make us up and SELL our house to get away from him?  :S

As I sit here writing this, they are hurling abuse at each other… yet again…  making life ever more unpleasant.  Whoa, holy shit… that whole thing has just escalated – one of them has locked the other out of the house and slamming and banging noises are getting almost as loud as the expletives.  God, I worry about the kids in that house.  Might be time to call the police again I think.  🙁

neighbors warring noise

Urgh.  Enough is enough, this whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.  We have lived here very peaceably for the last 12 years and not a problem with the neighbours and now this latent yet persistent malignant presence festering just over the fence, that boils over into raging fury at the drop of a hat has turned my home from being a place of warmth, security and comfort to a place of disquiet, wariness and palpable violence.  Feels like we are living on eggshells everyday – trying to go about our lives, trying very hard not to have his ire turned in our direction and always just waiting for the next incident to occur.  I can’t imagine what it is like for the three children or the woman who live with this man.

I’m starting to feel like Mrs Bennett… “Oh, my poor nerves!”

You can only ignore the hype for so long.

So I went to see the Avengers today as it seems nearly every one of my friends appears to have seen it already.  Not only has everyone seen it but they’ve been almost universally effusive in their praise and excessive use of superlatives to describe film so I guess checking it was inevitable really.

Now, I have to admit I love Iron Man… how could you not love the Iron Man films.  1) They have Robert Downey Jnr in them!  2)  The main character is the right blend of incredibly intelligent, rich, arrogant, sexy, showy, thoughtful and generous.  3)  He has all the best toys!  I mean, all the best toys!  4) Robert Downey Jnr is in them.  5)  There’s lot of fast cars and sexual chemistry with the Potts chickie.  Oh, and did I mention that Robert Downey Jnr stars in the title role?  🙂

I haven’t seen the movies about Thor, the Hulk or Captain America and I didn’t know who the other Avengers were.  So about half way though I ended up asking Yale if that was all of them or is Spiderman or someone is going to turn up too?  And yes, my question received a derisive snort in response.  :S  But how the hell should I know?  I’ve never read a comic book, let alone bought one, so…??  Oh well.    Captain America was sooo Brad Test Fighter Pilot fabulous with his chiseled good looks and flawless complexion – I think he might have been an animated Ken doll he looked so perfect.

Eventually I found out the guy with the bow and arrow was one of then too, though I thought he was one of the SHIELD dudes and didn’t think he was a superhero character at all.

I really liked the Black Widow though… she’s sassy, sexy, has great outfit and her stunt double is mega talented in the kickin’ arse and takin’ names department.  I read that she might be getting her own film soonish so will definitely be keeping an eye out for that.

black widow

Thor looks like he’s the new Brad Pitt… I mean literally, he could pass for his long lost brother or something.  Wonder where they found him? The Hulk was the Hulk, but I don’t really understand how they got him onside… one minute he’s smashing the shit out of the place trying to kill them, and the next he’s only going after the bad guys!?  Meh.

Tonight over dinner, Mr K was saying there’s a new Batman movie coming out and that there’s going to be no Robin in it?  Naturally I asked what was wrong with Robin, and was promptly informed that ‘side-kicks suck’.  But you know, I thought the side kicks in The Avengers weren’t so bad.  The guys ganged up on me and said there were no side-kicks in The Avengers.  I rolled my eyes and explained that the side-kick was who ever was on the screen at the same time as Robert Downey Jnr!

iron man side kicks

Robert Downey Jnr and his side-kicks!

Munch’s ‘The Scream’ sells for record $120M… um, why?

I’m fond of saying, particularly at art galleries and when people are discussing art, “I don’t know much about art, but… oh hey, wait.  I DO know stuff about art!” and then babbling on with lots of art twonk jargony buzzwords that I picked up doing my Bach of Visual Arts many moons ago.  Having this illustrious but usually completely useless piece of paper hanging on my wall has given me an appreciation of art, caused me to attempt to critically analyze art on occasion and even allowed a vague understanding the significance of art within the human experience.  But there are so many things about art that I swear I will never understand.

record sale $120m sothebys washington post

Someone being prepared to buy a ‘masterpiece’ for a record $120M is one of them.  And a particularly ugly piece of art it is too, imho.  So, was the purchase for the love of the piece or purely a business investment?  If you believe the Washington Post, it was likely an investment as the sale headlined their “Business” section demonstrating to all and sundry that it is the monetary value of the piece that is important, and not the aesthetic or historical value of the piece that the world holds dear.  I wonder if the purchaser is even an art lover?  Will they permanently loan it to a gallery or is it destined to be locked in a safe somewhere?  Do they have any appreciation whatsoever of the significance of this piece at all or have they bought it on someone else’s advice?  The one thing that becomes startlingly evident though, is that they have TOO MUCH BLOODY MONEY.  Whenever I read about artworks selling for enormous amounts of money, it scares the hell out of me.  Yes, art is important.  Yes, it should be valued by society.  Yes, it reflects humanity in a way that no other form of expression can.  But seriously?  Hundreds of millions of dollars?  Surely that sort of money could find better purchase elsewhere in the world…

‘Nothing Ever Happens’ – Del Amitri

Post office clerks put up signs saying position closed
And secretaries turn off typewriters and put on their coats
Janitors padlock the gates
For security guards to patrol
And bachelors phone up their friends for a drink
While the married ones turn on a chat show

And they’ll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow

Gentlemen time please, you know we can’t serve anymore
Now the traffic lights change to stop, when there’s nothing to go
And by five o’clock everything’s dead
And every third car is a cab
And ignorant people sleep in their beds
Like the doped white mice in the college lab

Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before

And we’ll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow

Telephone exchanges click while there’s nobody there
The Martians could land in the carpark and no one would care
Close-circuit cameras in department stores shoot the same video every day
And the stars of these films neither die nor get killed
Just survive constant action replay

Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before

And we’ll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow

Bill hoardings advertise products that nobody needs
While angry from Manchester writes to complain about
All the repeats on T.V.
And computer terminals report some gains
On the values of copper and tin
While American businessmen snap up Van Goghs 
For the price of a hospital wing 

Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
The needle returns to the start of the song
And we all sing along like before
Nothing ever happens, nothing happens at all
They’ll burn down the synagogues at six o’clock
And we’ll all go along like before

And we’ll all be lonely tonight and lonely tomorrow