You can only ignore the hype for so long.

So I went to see the Avengers today as it seems nearly every one of my friends appears to have seen it already.  Not only has everyone seen it but they’ve been almost universally effusive in their praise and excessive use of superlatives to describe film so I guess checking it was inevitable really.

Now, I have to admit I love Iron Man… how could you not love the Iron Man films.  1) They have Robert Downey Jnr in them!  2)  The main character is the right blend of incredibly intelligent, rich, arrogant, sexy, showy, thoughtful and generous.  3)  He has all the best toys!  I mean, all the best toys!  4) Robert Downey Jnr is in them.  5)  There’s lot of fast cars and sexual chemistry with the Potts chickie.  Oh, and did I mention that Robert Downey Jnr stars in the title role?  🙂

I haven’t seen the movies about Thor, the Hulk or Captain America and I didn’t know who the other Avengers were.  So about half way though I ended up asking Yale if that was all of them or is Spiderman or someone is going to turn up too?  And yes, my question received a derisive snort in response.  :S  But how the hell should I know?  I’ve never read a comic book, let alone bought one, so…??  Oh well.    Captain America was sooo Brad Test Fighter Pilot fabulous with his chiseled good looks and flawless complexion – I think he might have been an animated Ken doll he looked so perfect.

Eventually I found out the guy with the bow and arrow was one of then too, though I thought he was one of the SHIELD dudes and didn’t think he was a superhero character at all.

I really liked the Black Widow though… she’s sassy, sexy, has great outfit and her stunt double is mega talented in the kickin’ arse and takin’ names department.  I read that she might be getting her own film soonish so will definitely be keeping an eye out for that.

black widow

Thor looks like he’s the new Brad Pitt… I mean literally, he could pass for his long lost brother or something.  Wonder where they found him? The Hulk was the Hulk, but I don’t really understand how they got him onside… one minute he’s smashing the shit out of the place trying to kill them, and the next he’s only going after the bad guys!?  Meh.

Tonight over dinner, Mr K was saying there’s a new Batman movie coming out and that there’s going to be no Robin in it?  Naturally I asked what was wrong with Robin, and was promptly informed that ‘side-kicks suck’.  But you know, I thought the side kicks in The Avengers weren’t so bad.  The guys ganged up on me and said there were no side-kicks in The Avengers.  I rolled my eyes and explained that the side-kick was who ever was on the screen at the same time as Robert Downey Jnr!

iron man side kicks

Robert Downey Jnr and his side-kicks!

Tell me what you think