Saw the cute little blogthings that Avitable had added in his blog analysis. 1500 entries is pretty impressive. 31,000 odd comments since starting blogging in 2004 is really impressive…. or is it? I don’t know. I know the commenting system is there to allow peopl to have feedback on what you’re spewing out onto an unsuspecting public – but I just don’t know if I really like the idea of hundreds or maybe even thousands of unknown people reading my crap… oh and crap it truly is. Maybe it’s better to be sitting here thinking that hardly anyone is reading this rubbish and it’s this that keeps us honest Anyway … cute blogthings are alway in the purvey of the truly bored so I swiped some of them… as you do.

We guess is written by a man
(53%), however it’s quite gender neutral.
Ummm… not so much. According to my birth certificate (which may or may not be reliable given that I was born in St Vinnie’s Hospital in Toowoomba) I am indeed female. Though it is an understandable mistake as I have oft been told that many of my views are less than typically feminine (probably something to do with not having proper girly swot hormones).
Rated: R
Okay so this one is probably a little skewiff considering my rant earlier in the week about the wanker who threw an egg at the windscreen contained some rather choice words that I hardly ever use unelss extremely aggravated (or drunk). Probably the content here isn’t suitable for minors but that’s likely more due to accident than by design.

ESTP – The Doers
The active and play-ful type. They are especially attuned to people and things around them and often full of energy, talking, joking and engaging in physical out-door activities. The Doers are happiest with action-filled work which craves their full attention and focus. They might be very impulsive and more keen on starting something new than following it through. They might have a problem with sitting still or remaining inactive for any period of time.
This show what parts of the brain that were dominant during writing.
Ummm… I don’t know about this. I look pessimistic and maybe spiritually bankrupt…. oh no wait. That sounds like me some days.
How much is your blog worth?
LOL – no surprises there. I’ve known for some time there’s nothing of any inherent value to be found in this damn thing I think if it had any real value/worth you’d feel a certain expectation to ‘perform’ in some way. It’d probably suck all the fun out of having an outlet for complete and utter nonsense. Last one –
Readability score: Postgrad
Okay I might have screwed with that one a little bit But only cos I needed to build my self esteem up after being told my blog was worthless