I have other talents honest.

After several emphatic requests and several not overly creative evasive techniques I finally sat down this afternoon to play Mario Kart with the Small Child,  It’s one of the drawbacks of having an only child – every now and again you get conned into doing things like playing Nintendo even though you don’t enjoy computer games and have many things you’d rather be doing.

So we settle in for some Mario Karting and the Small Child helps me choose ‘a faster car Mum’ and then picks ‘one of the easiest courses for you Mum’ and off we go.  I win the first race, he wins the next.  Then we move on to the more difficult courses and the Small Child and I seem to be fairly evenly matched.  I don’t know how to hurl the shells and things very well and choosing a good driving line is kinda hard because I’m not very good with the controls but we get along okay for a while.

We get onto the fifth or sixth course and the Small Child says to me ‘Mum you’re not taking the shortcuts ‘… shortcuts?  what shortcuts?  ‘Follow me Mum’.  The Small Child then proceeds to go flying past me with ease then spends the next half hour ‘going slow’ so I can keep up!  The little guy had been pulling his punches all along and had literally been letting me win a few so I wouldn’t lose interest and refuse to play like his little friends do! 

Sheesh!  I don’t mind being beaten by a child with many more hours experience at a given task, but being patronized by the Small Child?  Well this is a new and interesting development in our relationship.    😐

No! No! No! You can’t make me! I demand legal representation!

There comes a time as a parent where you need to make certain decisions to protect your own sanity.  In truth we don’t want to let the offspring down and we don’t want them to feel like subjects of indifferent parenting… but there are some things soooo unappealing and tedious in our eyes that we simply must act in order to preserve what little remains of our own dwindling mental capacities.

Small Child: Mum we’re doing Carols by Candelight – are you going to come?
Mum:  I don’t know Sweetie.  Why don’t you go ask your Dad if he likes Christmas.
Small Child:  Da-a-ad!  Do you like Christmas?
Dad:    Do I?  I love Christmas!!!
Small Child: Yay! We’re having Carols by Candlelight at school are you going to come?
Dad:  Sure thing kiddo   😐

I’m such a horrible parent.

It started right from day dot when I was lying my arse off to the doctors so they’d let me take him home.  And then there was the time I forgot the Toothfairy and then made up some bullshit for the Small Child in the morning telling him we were supposed to email the Toothfairy so they’d know to come visit.  There was the time he was complaining of RSI in his thumbs after inadvertently being allowed to play too much Nintendo on the holidays.  Then there was the day where I totally lost him and subsequently lost the plot as well.  Then of course there is the special torture that is enrolling him in Catholic school when we’re not overly even remotely religious.  Then there was the time we weren’t vigilant enough about exposing him to YouTube which had him sprouting about Menergy and Kenyans for two weeks solid.  And of course there have been innumerable occasions where I’ve exposed him to our friends who don’t have a PG rating.

carols coloured

And after tonight we’ll be able to add to the list of my (real or imagined) parental infringements, my flat refusal to participate in something that involves 1) red and green clothing ‘preferably something Christmassy’ and 2) the singing of Christmas carols by small talentless children.  Why?  Well because Christmas Carolling doesn’t even remotely resemble something of whimsical Dickensian tradition – to me it’s more like being forced to sit through Chinese opera performed by mating possums.

Please I don’t want to go… you can’t make me!!!  It’s bad enough that we have to do things like enter elevators and shopping centres around Christmas time where we involuntarily have Christmas carols inflicted upon us.  I see no reason why we should exacerbate the situation by voluntarily participating in carolling ourselves (shudder) .  You know forced exposure to Christmas Carols should constitutes a human rights violation… or at the very least… be considered cruel and unusual punishment of some sort.

Sigh… but thank you Mr K… you’re a Prince among men for taking the Small Child to the Carols by Candlelight tonight.  Why, Im sure taking your children to something like this is tantamount to being there for dance recitals!  So I bet there’ll be no goats on the internets in the Small Child’s immediate future and that’s all thanks to you Daddy!

Beetle of Cane.

Cane Beetles.  We used to see them in plague like proportions every summer when I was a kid.  I used to spend my mornings before school getting out the pool skimmer and rescuing them by the dozens from Mum’s swimming pool.  Now… we hardly ever see them at all.  Where did they go?  Is it the little Indonesian gekkos that seem to have taken over South East Queensland that is responsible for the absence of the Cane Beetles?  Or is it the drought that we’ve been experiencing the last ten years of so?

I have no idea where the blame ought be laid but the absence of Cane Beetles and their flashy cousin the Christmas Beetle has been very noticable indeed.  So much so, that when I found a Christmas Beetle in the garden today I kept him aside contained with some shrubbery and water until the Small Child came home so I could show it to him.  Angel says he remembers seeing them once before. 

Once!  In seven years!  Such a rare sighting deserved a photo op so I pulled out the new camera and placed the little beetle back amongst the greenery to take some pictures.  Several shots snapped off while telling the Small Child a story about the beetles being so plentiful when I was little that my sisters and I used to chase each other around with them and put them in each other’s hair (ah sisterly love… some thingst never changes)… when unexpectedly Caesar (our Aussie Terrier) wandered into the middle of our photo shoot and promptly ate the subject!

We did get him to drop the poor little beetle and while shocked he seemed mostly unharmed .  Silly puppy.

What are little boys made of? Snips and snails, and puppy-dogs’ tails.

We had what will no doubt be the first of many summer thunderstorms this afternoon.  When I was a kid they were regular as clock work.  Around 2.15pm the dark clouds would start to come over, by 2.30pm half the class would be continually glancing out the windows at the lightning and counting the seconds until the sound of thunder caught up.  By 2.55pm it’d be pissing down cats and dogs and school would let out at 3pm.  The kids who caught the bus used to make a dash across the quad to try and make it to their buses dry, the ones who got picked up would huddle under the awnings until they saw their ride turn up and my sisters and I used to try and run home from school in the middle of the thunderstorms through a park that rapidly became a three inch pond with hardly any trees arriving home soaked to the bone and laughing our collective arses off. 

If it was raining really heavily we’d get fairly saturated before barely making the school gate and we knew there was no point rushing home and getting in trouble for ruining our shoes any quicker so we’d sometime race leaf boats down the gutters and dwardle our way home.  That’s what little girls do when it’s raining cats and dogs out.

Today I discovered what little boys do.  When I went to pick up the Small Child this afternoon, he and two of his little mates were standing in the pouring rain seeing who could pee with greatest accurately into the storm drain.  Nice.
