Parking Nazi

Grrrr!!!!  I had to leave work early today cos I wasnt feeling so hot (havent been 100% since I got back from Pakistan).  Anyway I went to drive out of the carpark and the little Nasty Arse Power Mongering Dumbass Bitch of a parking attendant wanted to charge me $27.00 to leave!   We have an early bird parking thing going on at the car park, so I should have only been charged $13.50…. in before 9am I thought and the Early Bird parking rate is all yours.  Not so!  You have to be in before 9am but you have to be out after 2pm to get the Early Bird rate. 

How illogical is that?  They charge you $27.00 for being there 5 hours, but $13.50 if you arrive at the same time but are there for longer????  And this is twenty-seven dollars… not dogdy Pakistani rupee or something! 

ME:  “I work for the devil, so can I have the Goliath parking rate please?  Which should only be $15.00, right?”
NAPMDB:  “No sorry Ma’am you haven’t stamped your parking ticket, so I can’t give you the $15.00 Goliath rate.”
Me:  “Look,  here is my ID, which you will agree is far harder to replicate than a stamp yes?  I’m going home sick.  Don’t make me go back up into work to get the damned ticket stamped….”
NAPMDB: “Sorry Ma’am if you don’t have your ticket stamped you’ll have to pay the full rate.”

At which point I turned off the engine, got out of the car, left it in the exit driveway, locked it as I walked away and proceeded back into the building to stamp my fucking ticket…. with the NAPMDB coming after me yelling that I cant leave my car parked in the way.   I turned and gave her the filthiest look at which point she went back to her little booth and got on the phone – no doubt to ask her supervisor what to do with me.  

I stamped my damn ticket – bitched to who ever was in the lift on the way up and down….. paid the goddamn $15.00 and came home in a foul mood.   

When did we become so unflexible over the stupid little things?

Mıserable Day…. :(

What a fuckıng mıserable day I have had!!!  Fırst I ended up beıng woken up much earlıer than I wanted to… ıt must have been … what about 8am?  And rudely awoken I was at that!  Sunlıght streamıng ınto the room.. there wasnt a cloud ın the sky outsıde… you’d thınk a lıttle bıt of cloudy weather wouldn’t be too much to ask for so a gırl could have a decent sleep ın!!!  :S

Then I made the mıstake of wearıng my slıp on shoes for the walk down to the boat!  Whıch turned out to be a 10 mınute walk and not the fıve mınute walk I was expectıng….. so I very nearly ended up wıth sore feet you know!  But… eventually we got to our boat.  Well… I was expectıng a weatherworn old tourıst boat that had seen better days… but ınstead we get marched onto thıs brand new boat that hasn’t even been trıed and tested though a season  who know how unsafe ıt mıght have been!   So then we had to put up all day wıth the smell of fresh paınt and fresh varnısh… not to mentıon how blındıng the sunlıght was bouncıng off all that shıny new chrome!  We were damn near blınded!  🙁

And then our boat puts out and we potter off from the coast hoppıng from bay to bay… but we had to put up wıth the sun beatıng down on us and the wınd touslıng our haır… whıch, as you know ıs soooo annoyıng!    🙂  Our strange lıttle Captaın – Oscar – kept stoppıng ın these secluded lıttle coves where we had the place almost to ourselves so there was no chance of meetıng new people!  Eejıt!!   What does he thınk we’re here for???  Recreatıon and relaxatıon or somethıng?  He also frequently demanded we eat lots…. drınk lots… and was also occasıonally encouragıng people to get up and dance!  Absolute looney…. why couldnt he just have left us alone I say!!!  :S

Never mınd the fact that the boat only had loungıng space for 20 and there was 12 of us… nevermınd the terrıbly slow way they decıded to get us back to the harbour by saılıng ınstead of usıng the motor…. nevermınd how damn cold the Medıterranean ıs thıs tıme of year!!!  I tell you … we would have been better off stayıng back home ın Brısbane… and not have to put up wıth wındswept haır and salty skın… fıshes that mıght nıbble on your toes… water so deep you cant touch the bottom….. and layıng around bored on the sundeck all day!!!

Would have been better off back at work I reckon!!!


turkish sunset


Another Day, Another TVEPU!

I had another egg collection today, 15 eggs, which is decent, and I have my fingers crossed that most of them are good quality. I feel like I have been hit by a small truck (which is not to diminsh the pain suffered by peoples who have actually been hit by a small truck, but I have no other way to describe it!) My abdomen is inflamed and tender, and I am having trouble getting up or getting comfortable. I managed to get my favourite anaesthetist today, so that was a weight off my mind… though having said that, it is a sorry state of affairs when you have a favourite anaesthetist wouldn’t you say? The guy I had in June ‘exploded’ (his word not mine) a vein in my hand, which swelled and bruised, and was painful for about two weeks, and I think he used a sandpaper coated intubation tube! Not fun. That is the fourth time this year that I have been under a general, and I think that makes about 9 or 10 so far (can’t remember). Dr IVF is upbeat and confident as usual, I dont know how he keeps it up. He has put me on Crinone again, which I hate. After the strict medication regime for the two weeks leading up to the egg pick up, you feel like you need a bit of down time, and having to take Crinone (two a day this cycle! Urgh!) is a continuation of the invasiveness of IVF, psychologically mostly I think. And lets not mention the effect of Crinone on the sex life!

While I was in the post op ward this afternoon, there was a woman coming through who obviously had just had an embryo transfer. She looked happy and excited, and I could tell she hadn’t been doing this very long. It reminded me of my very first IUI cycle back in about Feb 2000. I was pretty excited, I had two little folicles up, and I was being sent up to the 5th floor of the Wesley to the Gyno ward to get a Profasi shot to make me ovulate, and another one of Dr IVF’s patients was showing me where to go. In the elevator, she asked me how many cycles I had done. I smiled and turned to her and said, ‘this is my first cycle’. And she laughed at me. She stood there and laughed at me. And it was a bitter kind of laugh, like she thought I was just too niaive for words. I have never forgotten that moment, and have always made an effort not to talk too much to the other women. If they are lucky, they will never know how devasting becoming a Frequent Flyer at the IVF Clinic can be. They dont need me bringing them down prematurely.