What tellest thou me of black and blue? I was beaten myself into all the colours of the rainbow;

I’m so sore all the time  🙁

From morning to night.   I used a mirror to have a look at my poor back, and as I thought, it’s not my imagination, I’m actually got bruises from the physio. So I really don’t know if it’s a good thing…. the being so determined to suck it up and let them go deep so I can get some movement back.   But the mobility comes at a cost…. the pain remains…. and now actual bruises to show for it   🙁

ec·chy·mo·sis [ek-uhmoh-sis]
– noun, plural -ses.
Pathology : a discoloration due to extravasation of blood, as in a bruise.

-related forms

ec·chy·mo·sis [ek-uhmot-ik] adjective


Better out than in.

And there you have it…. you know I don’t think I’ve actually used the word ‘anthropomorphism’  (anthropomorphic maybe… but not anthropomorphism) in every day conversation since I left uni… and that would largely be due to the fact that art students are fed great gobbing spoonfuls of anthropomorphisms, juxtapositions, recontextualizations and other made up artsy fartsy twonk words.


an·thro·po·mor·phism   (ān’thrə-pə-môr’fĭz’əm)
n.      Attribution of human motivation, characteristics, or behaviour to inanimate objects, animals or natural phenomena.

Pray, be as trivial as you can.

When I first started this journal, it was predominantly a purgative vehicle for me.  I had endured years of shit IVF nonsense that finally culminated in an assisted conception pregnancy and subsequent miscarriage and felt unable to formulate my feelings on the subject, let alone communicate them to anyone.  Initially I found it hard to put my thoughts into coherent sentences but it wasn’t overly important to me to make sense as I was fairly confident that no one, beside myself, was reading it anyway.

As time has gone by the therapeutic imperative has diminished and I’ve generally used this journal to poke fun at my neighbours and allow them to laugh at me in my turn – which means there’s been decidedly more nonsense and ranting about life’s little injustices, and decidedly less cathartic unburdening of whatever pile of shit was raining on my parade at the time..

But now…  I seem to have come full circle.

Since my most recent car accident, I’m finding it difficult to be ‘blithe and bonny’ and whenever I sit down to write… I find I am more inclined to complain about the God awful state of my back and the subsequent bullshit that comes with it… and less likely to have found anything in my day worth jotting down.  The back pain thing …. it’s pervasive, all encompassing and absolutely inescapable for me.  Morning, noon and night – back pain – back pain – back pain… day after fucking tiring day. 

It has become a struggle to ignore it for ten minutes together in order to pay heed to what’s going on around me.  I’m finding it increasingly exhausting to interact with my friends and family at the moment… let alone finding the motivation and effort  required to extend general courtesies to people for whom I have little of no affection.  As anyone who knows me would be aware, my tolerance for the stupidity of others was often negligible at the best of times and now?  Well, now it is positively non-existent. 

I have no desire to see other people or to be with other people or to be surrounded by the noise of other people.   More and more I just want to crawl into a corner… somewhere cool and dark and safe … so I can stop pretending for everyone that all is well.  I just want to stay home and have everyone leave me the fuck alone.   *sigh…blank stare*   I am intellectually aware that all this adds up to something tantamount to clinical depression and while I have acknowledged this and am trying to do something proactive about it – I think the drugs are doing more harm than good and honestly don’t hold out much hope for the counseling either. 

So… yeah… anyway…. should anyone have the misfortune to be reading the absolute drivel that I’ve been spewing forth lately, I do sincerely apologize for the repeated references to my sorry arse mental state and chronically painful back… and while I shall endeavour in future to be as trivial as may be, I fear success may continue to elude me.

…love may transform me to an oyster…

I love the word ‘pernicious’ – not a lot of call for it in everyday conversation … but one does what one can 🙂  It’s been on the fridge for the last week and I haven’t managed to make it into conversation this week :S.


I wonder that you will still be talking, Signior Benedick. Nobody marks you.
What, my dear Lady Disdain! are you yet living?
Is it possible Disdain should die while she hath such meet food to feed it as Signior Benedick? Courtesy itself must convert to disdain if you come in her presence.
Then is courtesy a turncoat. But it is certain I am loved of all ladies, only you excepted; and I would I could find in my heart that I had not a hard heart, for truly I love none.
A dear happiness to women! They would else have been troubled with a pernicious suitor. I thank God and my cold blood, I am of your humour for that. I had rather hear my dog bark at a crow than a man swear he loves me.
God keep your ladyship still in that mind! So some gentleman or other shall scape a predestinate scratch’d face.
Scratching could not make it worse an ’twere such a face as yours were.

per·ni·cious /pərˈnɪʃəs/ –adjective
1. causing insidious harm or ruin; ruinous; injurious; hurtful: pernicious teachings; a pernicious lie.
2. deadly; fatal: a pernicious disease.
3. Obsolete. evil; wicked.

Antisesquipedalianists Beware…

I like words.  Always have actually.  Prefer crosswords to Sudoku and Scrabble over Yahtzee etc.  When I was in high school I used to get called a Walking Dictionary simply by virtue of having a half way decent vocabulary for someone my age.  Mind you it wasn’t difficult to have a more impressive grasp of the English vernacular than your average boy crazed, spiral permed, Duran Duran fan in the mid 80s. 

I recall one particular Geography lesson in grade eight where Miss Lowe (Miss Lowe was a freakishly tall and skinny, miserable spinster-bitch who wore patio dresses long after they went out of fashion) in a discussion about Papua New Guinean islanders, directed a question to the class about their gourd wearing habits – “Does anyone know what the word ‘phallic’ means?”  As was my normal habit I was busy doodling on the back of my notebook and so absentmindedly put up my hand… only to look up and find I was the only member of the class who had.  Which is how I ended up explaining the meaning of the word ‘phallic‘ to a bunch of giggling eighth graders at my all girl school!!  How embarrassment!  😐

Anyway, end of tangent – I have some letter magnets that I keep on my fridge which have been used over the last few years by household inhabitants and occasionally visitors to change into an interesting word.  Some word offerings have been known to sit on the fridge for many weeks, while others have needed changing the moment the creator has left the premises (thanks Surly for the ‘Fuckers’ you left for Angel to try and pronounce).  We’ve had impressive polysyllabic offerings, lewd and indecent ones and plenty of made up words too.

At the moment, in honour of my coming out as a closet wordsmith, the fridge says:

Which is a word you just don’t hear often enough.  🙂