
Infertility effects far more people than most of us think it does. When I first found out I couldn’t fall (or stay) pregnant at the drop of a hat – which is pretty much the assumption we all work under while we spend years wasting time and money on contraception that we don’t need – it hit me, not like a tonne of bricks, but rather more like a wet haddock upside the head… a seemingly minor setback. There was no major ‘OMG I can’t have kids’ crying into my teacups moment.  No, ‘Oh why me? Life is so unfair!’ bullshit (but some of that did come later*). Just a ‘Well this fucking sucks… what can we do to fix it’ kind of head space kicked in.

No one expects that they won’t be able to have kids when they are ready to, but it happens, and to significantly more couples than most people realize. When you discover you’re infertile, one of the completely inexplicable things a lot of women tend to do, is expend an awful lot of energy keeping it to themselves. My family knew about it when I started on IVF… but none of them have any real idea of exactly what I went through.  Some of my friends knew I was on IVF. but it was usually only disclosed to stop the semi-frequent questions asking when we were going to have kids!  I rarely discussed it with anyone if I could in any way avoid doing so.  And when I absolutely couldn’t avoid a discussion, I would talk predominantly about the medical procedures, the prohibitive expense of it, the time, energy and resources that went into it, the way the whole thing felt like gambling… anything and everything but never talked about the emotional toll.

Because it was just too hard.  Too hard to describe the enormous physical strain it puts you under (my God the hormones!). Too hard to define the emotional turmoil that came with every failed cycle (the constant disappointments!). Too hard to acknowledge how much the entire endeavour made me feel like a complete and utter failure as a woman.  Just too hard to talk to people about it in general, and I didn’t want to talk about it with anyone… family, friends or professionals.  I was disinclined towards discussing my feelings about IVF because I didn’t want to be repeatedly getting emotionally upset and I really didn’t want to share my intimate health problems with all and sundry and find myself constantly recounting my personal failures.  Those were my reasons for trying to keep it to myself, but from what I understand the tendency to be silent is pretty common for people in this situation for a multitude of emotionally charged reasons.

documentary fundraiser ivf infertility emotional pain heartache

I saw the other day that there is a documentary currently being made at the moment called ‘On Infertile Ground’, which focuses on the ‘silence’ that surrounds infertility. They have just started a fund raising appeal to gather support and monies to pay for their documentary – one which I will be very interested to see once it’s made and one which will no doubt feel all too familiar to me.  I kinda want to donate money to their fundraising efforts myself… but being part of the 1 in 6 couples who have spent TENS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS on fertility treatments over the years, I feel like I’ve spent more than my fair share of $$$ on infertility, thank you very much!!!

Maybe some of ‘the lucky ones’ who managed to get pregnant for FREE (fuck, how that concept does my head in) will throw the cost of a box of Clomid (approx $30.69) towards their fund raising, and offer up a little thanks for fact that they never had to know what the bloody hell Clomid is.

*I didn’t talk about it much, but I did end up blogging about how infertility and IVF made me feel (back when NO ONE read this thing). I wouldn’t recommend it, because it’s mostly pretty angsty and downright depressing, but if anyone wanted to know how IVF effected me over the years, you can click on the ‘IVF’ in the tag cloud my front page and go look back on how bitter and twisted infertility can make you.  Strangely enough, I don’t think I’ve ever really managed to entirely shake off all that bitter cynicism…

Accidents happen… for other people. :|

It’s always a day of mixed feelings on Mother’s Day.  I get spoiled by Mr K and the Small Child and the effort they put into making me feel special for the day is really sweet.  There’s nothing quite like a homemade card and a lovingly made breakfast from someone who can’t cook.  🙂

But somehow, in spite of my excessive good fortune in having a beautiful son, motherhood for me is still tinged with a lonely and bitter kind of sadness.  So many miscarriages.  So many years of IVF.  So many operations and procedures.  So many months on horrible drugs.  So many embryos that could have been brothers or sisters for the Small Child…

Whenever I think of family, children, babies and being a mother, it always dredges up the heavy baggage that I work so hard to stuff down deep to the sludgy bottom of my memories.  One of the worst emotional scars left behind by dealing with extended infertility is the inability to be truly happy for others.  It’s sooo hard to be happy for friends who fall pregnant as soon as they decide they are ready to start their families.  It’s so hard to hold the new born infants of your closest friends without thinking ‘why is it so easy for everyone else?’  And it’s extremely difficult to wrap your brain around the idea that pregnancy can actually happen to someone by accident.

I mean, how is this even possible?  Don’t they have any idea how hard it is to get the little sperms to go to the right spot and find the microscopic egg and to have them join together correctly, and then move along the path to find a hospitable spot to take hold.  And even once you get past all that… don’t they know how hard it is for that little zygote to have all that those chromosomes lined up right, and don’t forget it needs to make those progesterone levels skyrocket and then it has to hang in there for that magic first trimester… and… and… and…  The conditions required for a successful pregnancy seem insurmountable in the minds of the infertile – and yet for some it happens by ‘accident’.  By accident!

unplanned pregnancy ivf infertility unbelievable precautions

For some reason that whole bitterness thing just never seems to leave, even though it’s been several years since I resigned myself to having an only child.  I’m so lucky to have such a wonderful little person in my life – and I made him!  But my God, what I went through to get him here.   🙁

10 Little Embryos Sitting in a Freezer…

This is a rough list of most of the procedures I underwent while trying to get pregnant and have a family using IVF assisted reproduction technology. It is a deliberately clinical run down with no mention of the financial or emotional toll IVF had on our lives, our finances, our marriage or our relationships with our families and friends.  A good deal of these aspects of my IVF experiences has been documented elsewhere on my blog should anyone wish to read them.

I have ten embryos in the freezer… and I don’t know what to do with them.   🙁

20/01/00 Missed abortion
04/02/00 TSI 2 eggs (-)ve
18/04/00 IUI 3 eggs (-)ve
09/05/00 IUI 3 eggs (-)ve
16/05/00 IUI 5 eggs (-)ve
04/06/00 IUI 4 eggs (-)ve
13/07/00 Laparoscopy
21/08/00 TVEPU 15 eggs collected (14 fertilized)
23/08/00 Embryo Transfer 2 embryos (-)ve
08/09/00 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
01/11/00 FET 2 embryos (+)ve
25/06/01 LSCD – Live birth – Male 36.5 wks
04/10/02 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
04/11/02 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
09/12/02 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
13/01/03 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
06/03/03 TVEPU 14 eggs collected (14 fertilized)
10/03/03 Embryo Transfer 1 embryo to blastocyst (-)ve
02/05/03 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
04/07/03 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
10/09/03 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
14/10/03 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
12/12/03 Laparoscopy
20/12/03 Post-operative abdominal golden staph infection
12/01/04 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
03/03/04 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
28/01/05 TVEPU 17 eggs collected (8 fertilized)
31/01/05 Embryo Transfer 2 embryos (-)ve
02/03/05 FET 2 embryos (-)ve
11/04/05 TVEPU 20 (9 fertilized – ICSI)
16/04/05 Embryo Transfer 3 blastocysts (+)ve
31/05/05 D&C for Missed abortion
01/07/05 FET 3 embryos to blastocyst (-)ve
02/08/05 FET 2 embryos to blastocyct, and 3 TUI eggs (-)ve
07/09/05 TVEPU 15 eggs (15 fertilized)
09/09/05 Embryo Transfer 3 blastocysts (-)ve
02/11/05 FET 2 embroys to blastocycst (-)ve
01/01/06 Decision to stop IVF until Dad passes away
06/08/08 Missed Abortion

2009 – 10 embryos remain in storage

Total of 23 unsuccessful assisted reproduction cycles with a total of 61 implanted embryos that failed to develop into viable pregnancies.

embryo development frozen transfer

Terms explained:

TSI :- Timed Sexual Intercourse cycle – 10 days of Clomid to get eggs up, Injection of Profasi to cause ovulation

IUI :- Intra-Uterine Insemination cycle – 10 days of Clomid to get eggs up, Injection of Profasi to cause ovulation, sperm collected, cleaned up and replaced in top of uterus

Laparoscopy :- Removal of endometriosis, ovarian drilling to encourage follicular growth, tubal hydration to check for blockages.

TVEPU :-  TransVaginal Egg Pick Up – 19 days of Puregon self injections, Injection of Profasi, 35.5hrs later, follicles aspirated to collect eggs via vaginal wall, under general anaesthetic

Embryo Transfer :-
Transfer of fresh (unfrozen) embryos to uterus adhered with EmbryoGlu, 19 days luteal phase support by Crinone (progesterone) pessary

LSCD :- Lower Section Caesarean Delivery

FET :–  Frozen Embryo Transfer – Thawed embryos monitored to ensure cellular division, 14 days HRT, embryos transferred to uterus, 19 days luteal phase support as progesterone pessary.

Blastocysts :- Embryos that have been developed to a 8-12 cell stage instead of the normal 3-6… usually produces a higher incidence of conception.

D&C :– Dilation and curettage to remove non-viable foetal remains and endometrial tissue.

Missed Abortion:– Miscarriage, feotus failed to continue normal development.

I like men who have a future and women who have a past….

Okay.  At what point am I going to stop having emotional reactions to hearing that friends, even very old friends that I haven’t seen in years, are having families and popping out babies left right and centre?

This is getting to be truly bizarre.  I was on Facebook (as you do) and was popped (Facebook chat ‘pops’ rather than MSN, which ‘pings’) by an old friend… well old friend is kinda not quite right either.  I was once engaged to her brother so I am not sure what that makes us.  She was about ten years younger than we (her brother and I were) and I doted on her, she was the coolest little kid – now not so much with the little kid bit, she’s married with four children, runs her own business with her husband and works in HR for some company she told me but I can’t remember….

Anyway, she ‘popped’ me about an hour ago on the hideously unreliable and shitty Facebook Chat thing and told me that her brother, my ex-fiance (my doesn’t that sound like I have a furtive and interesting past!?! 😉 has two little daughters and his wife, is expecting again.  Twins, nonetheless.  I should be happy for him… but instead I’m sitting here still thinking – why is it so fucking easy for everyone else?  It just does my head in that I’ve been off the IVF merry-go-round since what… about late 2005, and yet my thinking is still stuck where it was five years ago.  When does it go away?

Life is a drab cliche old friends…

Out of sight is out of mind… and never has a more true idiom crossed my path.

A few months ago I filled out the paperwork to transfer the 10 little embryos (sitting on the wall) to our specialist’s new clinic and then promptly forgot about it.  So today I get a phone call from the embryologist (fancy pants reproductive technology scientists) to discuss what else they needed to effect the transfer.  Apparently even though I signed everything all proper and legal like at the transfering clinic’s end I was supposed to do the same at the recipient clinic’s end.  Would have been nice to have been informed of this at the outset but… sigh… shit happens and often to me.

This is an actual picture of one of my embryos (befcre I went silly with the colour balance – below)
Apparently this is exactly what they hope a good healthy embryo should look like

So the lovely embryologist Liz the LabRat tells me that I will have to come in and have all the bloodwork done and legal documents all signed before they can send their collection agent to pick up the embryos and take them to the new clinic.  I’m not quite sure how that is physically accomplished given they’re frozen in liquid nitrogen and I imagine need to remain so.  But honest don’t really care so long as procedures are in place to a) make sure they get to their new storage facility still frozen and intact and b) they transfer the right ones.

Pfaffing around in photoshop with a pic of one of my embryos that Adnan emailed her in 2004.
Pretty huh?  Mind you they kinda remind me of a Gay Pride rainbow now…

As for going off to have the bloodwork done with a view to having an FET in the near future?  Why the concept seems laughable.  What about all the drugs?  How can I think about doing and FET when I’m on so many drugs – considering that at the outset of any assisted reproductive treatment they advise you to stop smoking,  cease any receational drugs, reduce coffee, coke and alcohol consumption as well as avoid exposure to potentially harmful toxins and chemical such as paints, pesticides, herbicides and a tonne of other shit.  So coke and wine is a big no-no… but valium, analgesics, neuropathic pain blockers and anti-depressants are okay?  Ahuh… sounds sensible.   :S

But on the plus side usually the story of the ten little embryos (sitting on the wall) dredges up my veritable plethora of emotional baggage (complete with matching Olga Berg hatbag) related to the whole IVF she-bang in general but today… I was actually chatting with Liz the LabRat about donating them to a some other poor bastards who couldn’t even get good embryos and if that was going to happen then I wanted them in Glenn’s very capable and circumspect hands as to whom they would be donated to. 

So no emotional disquiet from the conversation about donating them…. Weird.  Does that mean maybe I’m actually in a healthy headspace to use them after all?