Borys is normally at Rowany Festival for Easter so is rarely here to reap the rewards of the havoc she sows before she journeys south. Normally I make a bit of a treasure hunt around the house. Carefully hidden little caches of chocolate easter eggs each with a clue (used to be pictorial clues but the Small Child can read now) stashed all over the house that eventually lead to the mother lode of chocolately hyperactivity inducing goodness.
Which was great. I’d hide stuff all over the house and several days later Dad and the Small Child would follow up all the clues and have enough chocolate to sustain a small Ethiopian village for a month…. and given that this usually occured in my absence I never had to deal with the Small Child bouncing off the walls full of refined sugars. But this year I have not ventured south for Festival and have for the first time been here to see the Easter Egg Treasure Hunt unfold…. and while the rug rat has a hoot…. it’s not pretty! Filling up a Small Child whose default position is to be already full of boundless energy with chocolate at 0700 !?!?! Whose stupid idea was that?!?!? :S
Not only this… but the stupid Easter Bunny (who may or may not have been under the influence of copious quantities of vodka at the time of planning and deploying said Treasure Hunt) left some pretty dodgy clues at 0130 this morning. Which meant that watching the Small Child trying to decipher them was a bit like pulling teeth…. Bad Easter Bunny! Bad Easter bunny! A seven year old does NOT have the requisite attention span for cryptic crossword style clues so in future notes WILL be simpler and more direct!!! 🙂

(or Happy Spring / Fertility / Pagan occasion of your choice)