I’m love struck and I need help!

I found this girl ive been hangin out with for a month or two now im a 17 y.o M we hang out all the time and we flirt and joke around i love to make her laugh n see her smile and i miss her as soon as she leaves Sorry to get off topic but today we went floating down a river (tubing) and i kissed her after she put her head on my shoulder im kinda shy but she stared at me for a second n i went for it. she didnt object in fact she kissed me back but the problem is im visiting my family and im only gana be here for another week im absolutely love sick over this girl and i think its the fact i cant stay is what makes mr hesitate from doing anything else im in love n damned if i do n damned if i dont what should i do from here?

Get all her contact details before you leave… Facebook, MSN ID, cell number, whatever. Tell her that you think she’s amazing and you want to stay in touch. That simple. No need to declare an undying love and devotion or nail her down to a ‘long distance relationship’ or anything. And then just wait and see if anything develops from there. Good luck.

Possible the best answer i would excpect outa reddit thanks for givin a honest answer

You’re welcome. I hope things work out for you.

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