Never mind the serentiy… how’s the civility!

I was stopped at a set of lights near my house yesterday waiting my turn right to take the Not so Small Child on our daily rat run to school, when I noticed a young guy, maybe in his early 20s, in a sleek black V8 HSV Maloo ute.  He was coming up the hill and had obviously broken down right in the middle of the intersection. He was looking exasperated, as you do in these situations, and was out of his car looking under the hood.  A guy on a pushbike, probably in his mid-30s, who was also stopped at the intersection called out to him to offer assistance, as you do in these situations:  “Hey mate!  Do you want a push?”.  The young guy looks up from under the hood and calls back, “I’ll give you a fuckin’ push in a minute!” … as you do in these situations!

What the fuck?  The guy on the pushbike looked perplexed and with his hands in the air said, “Mate, I was just offering to help?!?” and the guy with the broken down ute pointedly ignored him.  The light changed green, the guy behind me impatiently beeped his horn, and so I left the scene of the Pushbiking Samaritan and the DicklessV8 Driver.

I’m at a loss to understand why someone who is obviously in a bit of a bind, upon receiving an offer of assistance, would react this way?  Did he think the guy on the push bike was being smug?  Was he under the impression the offer of help was somehow disingenuous?  Was he just in a foul mood and decided to take it out on the first person who interacted with him?  Did he have a mild case of tourettes?  Or is his default position when interacting with others, one of habitually not being courteous to strangers regardless of situational factors?  I don’t know.  I have no idea what the idiot was thinking.

To the Dickless V8 Driver:  I would strongly recommend that you cash in your V8 that you probably like to tinker with on weekends to make you feel like you know something about cars, and perhaps swap it for a nice reliable Camry.  You might also consider having its regularly scheduled services carried out by a qualified mechanic at a reputable service centre while you’re at it.

To the Pushbiking Samaritan:  I hope this unfortunate interaction doesn’t inhibit your instinct to offer assistance to others in the future.  The community needs people prepared to put themselves out for others in the midst of our busy, busy lives.  I also hope the universe is sending you good vibes for offering assistance to someone who seriously needed your help, but as it turned out, seriously didn’t deserve your help!

Pain is a good thing apparently.

I just saw a friend’s Facebook status which stated she was suffering pain of one description or another.  And a friend of hers left a very helpful comment which stated:

Friend: pain is a good thing.. lets u kno u r still alive  (and)

Friend:  if u feel nothing where r u

Now, putting aside the fact that this person has limited command of English as evidenced by their lack of spelling and punctuation, this person is obviously a CHICKEN FUCKING MORON who has never experienced serious pain in their life, nor are they likely to be acquainted with anyone who has serious pain issues.  ‘Pain is a good thing’…?  Seriously?!?  When I read things like this it make me want to punch someone somewhere soft and squishy.  It makes me want to rage at the person who said it until they wonder if we speak the same language.  It makes me want to explode with righteous indignation until the author cowers in a corner wishing I was heaping physical abuse on them instead of verbal abuse!  A monstrous leviathan of bilious acrimony builds up in my guts until I want to spew vitriol over anyone within proximity!

Breathe… Pain makes it hard to remember to breathe…

Statements like these also makes me feel like most people have absolutely no understanding of what pain is and how it effects, not just your body, but your entire life. It makes me feel like no one truly understands me, and my painful existence.  Pain is not simply painful.  It is debilitating, frustrating, exhausting, confusing, exasperating, nauseating, arduous, restrictive, repulsive, offensive, contemptible, objectionable, detestable, odious, arduous, distressing, vexatious… and it goes on and on and on in my head.  🙁

Pain is loathsome, and it is wretched… and it turns people into creatures other than those they wish they could be.

STFU… please!

What’s worse than being in pain all day?  Well, the answer is, being unusually fatigued or overtired and therefore unable to COPE with being in pain all day.  Which means that my getting at least 5-6 hours of unconsciousness each night is dreadfully important.  Not just to me, but to the people around me should they wish to avoid being verbally eviscerated by mid-afternoon (for infractions real or imagined) because I’ve completely depleted what little energy I have in attempting to ignore screaming back pain all day.  🙁

This is why my idiot neighbours playing loud music at 3am is not just a selfish act lacking in any consideration for those around them, but for me personally is completely unacceptable and likely to lead to unnecessary disharmony in my own household. It was completely quiet when I went to bed at 11:30pm and I can’t believe they were playing music loud enough to break through the Valium haze and rouse me at 3am.  I vaguely recall a desire to call the police, followed by an impulse to go look up the required phone number to do so but these compulsions were sadly quelled as I was finding the task of turning the doorknob to my bedroom door rather difficult, so I rapidly abandoned that idea in favour of taking another Valium and desperately hoping to get back to sleep.

neighbor loud music night sleep quiet please

I’m damn near convinced there’s something insidious and illegal going on next door.  For when they aren’t yelling abuse at each other, they’re so deathly quiet… like they’re desperately trying to hide and not bring attention to themselves.  There’s been incineration of God knows what in the back yard, also carried out in eerie silence; strange smells of burning chemicals or plastics wafting through my living room and smoke alarms allowed to go off unattended for several minutes. (I can only imagine one has to secure one’s gas mask and ‘cooking’ equipment before one can attend to an annoying smoke alarm).  But it seems to be one extreme to the other.  Hurling abuse at each other over the tiniest of things (“No! I said put the fuckin’ pot over there you fuckin’ fuckhead, not there you fuckin’ dickhead, why wouldya put the fuckin’ pot fuckin’ over there, ya cunt?) or the deathly silence which I am beginning to think masks illegal activities and signals a desperate desire to fly under the radar.

Nevermind, I shall be prepared for next time there’s loud music in the wee hours on a school night and will have a suitable number on a sticky note somewhere for the Qld Police to register a noise complaint.  Though I can just imagine how that conversation would go.  “Hello? They’remakingnoise. Makethemstop. Toomuch noiseso I can’tsleep ‘nd the drugsaren’t helping,”  :S