Ohhhh dinner box cat!

I seriously dislike cats.  I’m pretty sure I always have and it seems likely that I probably always will.  There are cat people and there are dog people and never the twain shall meet…  and I think I’ve definitely been residing over in canine territory for quite some time now.

I just don’t like cats….
I don’t like the way they shed hair all over your good clothes.,
I don’t like the way the use their claws to destroy your furntiture.
I don’t like how they fight at night scaring the shit out of you.
I don’t like the way they jump all over the kicthen benches when you’re out.
I don’t like the way cat owners insist they NEVER do this.
I don’t like that we pay council registration fees for dogs but catowners get off free.
I don’t like kitty litter trays in the house (totally gross).
I don’t like LOLcats in any way, shape or form.
I don’t like the way they ”spray’ on your cars or leave dirty footprints on it.
I don’t like that they kill a lot of native birds.
I don’t like cat owners who don’t keep their pets indoors overnight.

i hate cats

I’ve never hurt a cat or anything… I just don’t want them anywhere near me and preferably not on my property.  I’d never deliberately harm a cat – hit it or kick it or run it over in my car (even though I might joke about wanting to) because personally I think anyone who was in the habit of harming small animals should be under watch for other sociopathic tendencies.

But mostly I don’t like the way cat lovers seem to get all wound up if you have the audacity to dislike cats.  Because lets face it… if I said I hated marmosets or something equally banal… no one would give a shit.   😐

2 thoughts on “Ohhhh dinner box cat!

  1. I know where the title quote comes from, and you now have me humming the song. I like both cats and dogs 🙂

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