Happy Birthday to me…

You know how on your birthday your family and friend ring you up to wish you a happy birthday – it’s just one of those thing you do?  Well today I got calls from my family, but it seemed like they kinda forgot??!?!  Even my Mum which is tres bizarre.

Mum called and rather than wishing me Happy Birthday, she informed me that a kinda distant relative, someone I met maybe once about 10 years ago, had passed away.  And then BigSal called asking me for some Photoshop advice and she too failed on the socially expected Birthday felicitations?

Sniff, sniff?  Don’t think I forgot my deodorant this morning…..

Anyway I got to have a pretty cool Birthday even without the expected greetings from the fam.  Got some cool emails from friends – Danke – and some sweet little nothings from people on Facebook etc which is always nice.

Also scored some cool new toys – a flashy yet teeny tiny new iPod nano, pretty red one with fancy engraving on the back 🙂  A new wireless router cos our adsl/wifi in one sucks ass and fails miserably on a regular basis and a couple of movies on DVD – the Bourne Ultimatum and A Midsummer’s Nights Dream (actually when written together like so they seem like odd choices – but I’m nothing if not eclectic)…. and from my Mum, dear old Mum who knows me so well … a bottle of Maker’s Mark bourbon 🙂

Phew – thank Goodness there wasn’t a BabyJesus Butt Plug in there cos earlier in the week I was kinda inviting disaster:  🙂   Sounds like I did come dangerously close to being given one to open over birthday dinner – now that would be fun for the whole family and no doubt it would make a lovely paperweight for my desk.



Man Love Thursday

Stumbled on an unusual Japanese artist today – Kimura Ryoko – who specializes in stained glass and traditional Japanese painting techniques.  Some of this works are really lovely, and some of them remind me of Pakistan – go figure.


Website is here if anyone is interested in having a look at more pieces.

I’m a lady! I are!

Maybe …. hey, it’s my blog and I can pretend that it’s not definite… ahem…. Maybe I’m just a cranky old bitch or maybe it’s cos I’ve been trying to lay off the analgesics or maybe its cos I gave my car back to  the smash repair dudes along with a ‘I’m not fucking happy Jan’ which has left me stuck in the house all day .., but everything seems to be annoying me today.

The smell of the dreaded coffee machine seems as objectionable as a dirty ashtray. The mess in Angel’s room isn’t the sign of a creative young mind it’s a deliberate ploy from an unusually Machiavellian six year old to trigger my OCD tendencies.  BigSal using the last of the milk and then putting the empty bottle back in the fridge  wasn’t an absentminded habit, it was a conscious effort to sabotage my desire for an afternoon cuppa.  Yale setting his PDA to mimic the TV remote and using it to fuck with the TV isn’t indicative of his gadgetry skills, it’s a predetermined attempt to make me twitch  🙁

The world is against me today – I’m sure of it.  I’m in pain (whoop de do – what else is new) and I’m avoiding taking any medication because it’s been having detrimental effects on my system.  Now, normally I don’t like to share stories about bodily functions because I just don’t think it’s particularly ladylike to share that sort of thing.  Additionally, I don’t tend to find a great deal of amusement myself in toilet humour – call me a snob but there it is.  Anyway the drugs aren’t good and its starting to get beyond a joke  🙁  Take Drug Number One to try to alleviate back pain.  Discover that Drug Number One has unwanted effect on one’s… regularity.  Take Drug Number Two to try and alleviate side effects of Drug Number One.  Find Drug Number Two is too effective and instead of wondering when you’re going to go… you’re wondering if you’re going to make it in time,  Stop taking Drug Number Two and realise you’re in trouble if you take Drug Number One.

Urgh… the panacea is worse than the… oh  fuck it.

I feel as though my entire adult life, if something can go fucking wrong… it will.

I went to an appointment today, arranged for me by the Workers Comp people, with a doctor whose sole function was to report to them on my condition…. and if felt just like the old days.  All those old medico-legal appointments (some 42 odd specialists) I had to see when I found myself bogged down amidst the most horridly complicated and hideously drawn out third party injury case which pretty much eclipsed the better part of my 20s.    It’s always same…a ridiculously impossible ask from the start – how am I supposed to describe a 16 year history of back pain in 25 words or less?  Or in this case in 35 mins or less? 

He asks ‘where does it hurt?’
I say ‘here… here… here… here and …here’
He asks ‘when did it start?’
I say ’16 years ago (snip) but 6 weeks ago it got worse… much worse…’
He asks ‘what are you taking ?’
I say ‘drug A in the AM, drug B in the PM, drug C for sleep and drug D if I’m desperate’
He asks ‘what else are you doing about it?’
I say ‘whatever the good doctors and physios tell me to’  *

Then he pokes and prods a bit, asks me to move this way, move that way, twist this, flex that… ‘Does that hurt?  Yes?  No?   Where?’
But mostly he just scribbles furiously on his little note paper and says “Ahuh… I see..” a lot, while at the same time it is patently obvious that he does not.

And he’s of no use to me, because he doesn’t treat his subjects.  And yes, I use the term subjects’ because to call them ‘patients’  implies they are receiving medical care, medical treatment or medical attention of some sort.  Whereas the medico-legal examining physician doesn’t treat at all.  He doesn’t give a shit about making recommendations on how one might alleviate their symptoms and certainly doesn’t offer any useful suggestions towards rehabilitation.  He’s just observing and reporting, observing and reporting.  And most of his observations and definitely his reportings are tainted with his preconceived determination that everyone he sees is full of shit and trying to skive out of work!

So as the ‘consultation’ (and I use the term loosely) draws to a close… Borys(ever determined to get her penny’s worth and in her usual masochistic manner) has the temerity (for rash it is) to inquire if he has ‘seen any other persons with repeated whiplash injuries, and well…. how have they fared?’  Stupid, stupid… girl… for what good can come of such a question?   🙁

He says, yes, he’s seen a number of people with ‘benign chronic back pain conditions’, and he feels that it’s ‘often less to do with what’s going on with their back, and more to do with what’s going on in their heads’ as to whether or not they recover in a timely fashion.  Nice… huh.  So having spent the last decade learning to cope with my pre-19.11.2007 pain levels… I’m not qualified to decide whether my pain is worse or maybe just I’m emotional about it and therefore unable to cope psychologically.   “You’re thinking of yourself as being back at square one, when you should be thinking – I’ve done this before and I can do it again!” (direct quote – the only one in the post for the record – and delivered with a cheery smile nonetheless).

It must be contagious for I said  “Ahuh… I see.”  and stared blankly at him for a moment.  I wanted to scream at him… “I KNOW HOW TO COPE WITH CHRONIC PAIN YA FUCKIN’ PLONKER, I’VE BEEN DOING IT FOR A DECADE AND A HALF, BUT THIS IS WORSE THAN BEFORE – IT”S  TEN FUCKING DIFFERENT COLOURS OF WORSE!  YA MORON!”   But strangely enough I restrained myself  😐

Sniff, sniff…   I’ve been crying most of the day – and I hate that .  As often as I’ve wished for just one day to wake up with out pain…  I’ve equally often wished to magically transfer that pain to someone else so they could understand how it feels to live with a fucked back for a few days and then they would know what it’s like to be in pain from morning until night.  Because these doctors don’t seem to get it.  Pain management and one’s ability to cope with pain… is only partly psychological, but there is such an experience as being in more protracted… more powerful… more prolonged… more encompassing… more concentrated… more. pain. full.stop.  Which is where I’m at.


* Please note, Dear Reader that  this representation does not in any way shape or form resemble the actual conversation or sequence of events that occurred at said appointment, but rather reflects a Readers Digest version where quotes etc have been truncated for my sanity and yours.  😐

Borys’ Birthday Bubble.

Some women I know seemed to hit 30 and decide that they’re getting old and start being evasive about their age and mourning their every birthday as though someone had run over their cat or eaten their last chocolate or something.  But I never really had a problem with the whole getting older thing…. until last year for some reason.  I think it’s because last year, I started to to recognize that my fertility (which has been the bane of my adult existence) was now well and truly on it’s way out.  Ten little embryos in the freezer and well honestly, not a hope in hell that I’ll be able to use them or even if I did that any of then would take.  Ho-hum, woe is me.  😐

So this year, while I’m determined to try and occupy myself with cheerier thoughts leading up to my birthday, certain aspects of my current situation – like hideous back pain – keep getting in the way.  But one must ever live in hope, yes?  And as such I can always fantasize that God (if indeed he/she/it really does exist) will take pity on my pitiable infertile and pain wracked state and oh, I don’t know… maybe knock off some unknown distant relative who, in their benevolence, will leave me a fortune so that I may spend my days indulging in frivolous festivities, feasts of fine food, filanthropy ;), Fruit Tingles, fabulous furniture, fancy fittings and fripperies of one type or another.  Or perhaps I’ll win lotto – something the chance of which would no doubt be considerably increased if I should deign to start purchasing tickets.  🙂

But in the absence of a kindly dead rellie, or a freak lotto win by a non-entrant… I shall just have to hope for some cool loot for my birthday.  In order to assist potential purveyors of presents, I have compiled a list of things that make me go hmmmm.  And it starts off with something like this –  ‘Yeeeessss… that’s right Ian!!!! A Nooo Carrrrr!!!’  Cos Lord knows I need one after my old one got smooshed 🙁

Failing that, the gregariously generous gift giver this year might want to consider something smaller and perhaps less showy, so how about some fancy pink diamonds (prefer cushion cut approx, 2ct would be nice), or a lovely Tag Heuer watch????  🙂  Ooooh how excitement … fingers crossed!

Okay, okay…. sigh … I understand. I should probably dial it down a bit to something a bit more… realistic…. So here’s ’tis  🙂

*Okay, I don’t really want a Baby Jesus Buttplug for my birthday, but he was pink and kinda rounded out the list 😛