
Miss CL is off to the UK.  🙁

I am really going to miss her.  We’ve been friends for about 10 or 11 years now, and we’ve had a lot of fun together.  She’s been so generous to me … from massaging my back and hands when I was up the duff with Angel, to helping me serve food at all our parties, lending me her corsets and I know not what else!

What will I do without her???

  • Who will come adult store shopping with me?
  • Who will come to the Annual Hunter Valley/Spring War Wine Tour with this year?
  • Who will come and watch crap movies and rub my back?
  • Who will come and scoff port and giggle with me about our sillier friends?
  • Who will I share my menfolk with?   😉

Sigh…. I’m gonna miss you Miss CL…. I hope you keep in touch babe, look after each other and have as much fun as humanly possible!


“look at you…. you’re gorgeous”

What is it that prompts men….. to look adoringly at a woman who has been slothing around the house all week, throwing her guts up, and running to the bathroom ten times a day, wearing trackpants two sizes too big, an old Nike sweater, disheveled hair, ugg boots, no makeup and dark rings under her eyes from lack of sleep…. and say… ‘You’re so beautiful babe’.

I mean… are they fucking blind?  I feel like crap.  I look like crap.  I’ve been feeling so shite that I haven’t so much as paid one iota of attention to my appearance since I called in sick for work on Tuesday morning, and here they are telling me that I’m cute… beautiful… gorgeous even.   I mean… what’s that all about?

And if we can look so cute/gorgeous/beautiful on our worst days… then why do we bother with fashionable clothes, makeup and hair styles???

I don’t think I’ll bother from now on…

But no wait!  I think I just figured it out!  I did manage to get my nails done this week, so they look fabulous.  Why didn’t I think of it earlier… you can look as dowdy as all hell, so long as the nails are Fabulous (capital “F” – v. important)…  Well, that must be it…. no wonder they still think I’m schexy!!!!!   🙂

You can get a cream for that….

my pet!

And so the monkey theme continues… over a drink and some warm apple pie 😉 we were introduced to Arse Monkey!  Yay!  Have no idea what Arse Monkey’s super powers are yet… but there was some discussion of distributing Arse Monkey Cream… the purpose for which is best left a mystery I imagine.

But be prepared… baby-shit brown Arse Monkey is coming your way!

Creative kudos for Arse Monkey go to 

  🙂  Ta Bella.

Sick. Sickety. Sick. Sick.

We haves the plaque!   🙁

Grrrr… twice in as many weeks!   Sore crampy tummy, horrible traitorous other end, and in a continuing plague theme…. upchuck reflex of doom!!!

I bought home a hideous bug that laid me low for a few days when I got back from Pakistan…. and now I go away for the weekend and come home with another disastrous tummy bug.  

Why are you torturing me like this?????  What have I ever done???  🙁

Well… there was that… and that… oh, and errr…. that too… forgot about that… 

Sigh….perhaps the Gods are punishing me for what They perceive are my sins….   😐

