You’re only young once

But you can be immature forever!

You Are 26 Years Old

Under 12: You are a kid at heart. You still have an optimistic life view – and you look at the world with awe.

13-19: You are a teenager at heart. You question authority and are still trying to find your place in this world.

20-29: You are a twentysomething at heart. You feel excited about what’s to come… love, work, and new experiences.

30-39: You are a thirtysomething at heart. You’ve had a taste of success and true love, but you want more!

40+: You are a mature adult. You’ve been through most of the ups and downs of life already. Now you get to sit back and relax.

Sepo Meme

  1. How old do you wish you were?   Ummm, mostly happy being what I am. Mostly
  2. Where were you when 9/11 happened?  Asleep.  Woke up, flicked on the tellie and thought it was a bad action movie….
  3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Hunt down who ever is responsible….
  4. Do you consider yourself kind? Sure why not?
  5. If you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be?  Another one?  Ummm. maybe a bee?
  6. If you could be fluent in any other language what would it be?  French, no wait… German!
  7. Do you know your neighbors? I avoid my neighbors at all costs… but am rethinking this policy, there’s this good looking chunky guy with a Harley two doors over…  😉
  8. What do you consider a vacation?  Beach, alcohol, Fruit Tingles, friends… simple things in life…. like winery tours!  😛
  9. Do you follow your horoscope? Nope.
  10. Would you move for the person you loved? Yes.
  11. Are you touchy feely? Not with people I don’t know.
  12. Do you believe that opposites attract? Yes. Chemistry is chemistry.
  13. Dream job?  Mother of three, no wait – four!
  14. Favorite channels? Don’t watch free to air TV anymore.
  15. Favorite place to go on a weekend? Visiting frieneds.
  16. Showers or Bath? Shower most of the time, but I lurve long baths… with or without bubbles.
  17. Do you paint your nails?  Yep.   Wild Violet this week
  18. Do you trust people easily? Not really.
  19. What are your phobias?  Being buried alive (little bit claustrophobic) being burned to death (little bit arsonphobic)  car accidents.
  20. Do you want kids? see #13
  21. Do you keep a handwritten journal?  No i type much faster than I write.
  22. Where would you rather be right now?  London.
  23. What makes you feel warm and safe? President Bush’s foreign policy.
  24. Heavy or light sleep?  Light…. too light
  25. Are you paranoid?   No.
  26. Are you impatient?  I can be… especially when working/cooking/driving or … okay just about anything.
  27. Who can you relate to?  I have no idea .
  28. How do you feel about interracial couples?  The same way I feel about other couples.
  29. Have you been burned by love?  Not really, no.
  30. Whats your life motto? This week “Casu Consulto”
  31. What’s your main ringtone on your mobile? Default is Assassin’s Tango…  but most people have their own ringtone.
  32. What were you doing at midnight last night?  Laying in bed, wishing I could get to sleep.
  33. Who was your last text message from?  Just checked – Dr Nick
  34. Who’s bed did you sleep in last night?  My own.
  35. What color shirt are you wearing?  Tie dye pink with red embroidery
  36. Most recent movie you watched? Babel.
  37. Name five things you have on you at all times?  The fish, diamond ring, mobile phone, keys and absurd sense of humour.
  38. What color are your bed sheets?  Burgundy and gold, Sheridan design called Westminster.
  39. How much cash do you have on you right now?  About ten bucks.
  40. What is your favorite part of chicken?  The oysters and the thighs.
  41. What’s your favorite town/city?  Istanbul
  42. I cant wait till… Fruit Tingles are available in four packs again.
  43. Who got you to join MySpace?  The Humbibble I think.
  44. What did you have for dinner last night?  Home made pizza, salad and white shiraz.
  45. How tall are you barefoot?  Five foot and half an inch.
  46. Have you ever smoked crack?  No. I can’t afford drugs.
  47. Do you own a gun?  No. I can’t afford guns.
  48. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?  Tea – white and one.
  49. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?  Don’t know I have one really…  unless of course you mean the ‘Je ne sais quois’ ?!?!!?
  50. Do you have A.D.D.?  No.
  51. What time did you wake up today?  6:19am
  52. Current worry?  Plural right?  Same things everyone else worries about – family, money, bills, work, kids, health, taxes, Fruit Tingles.
  53. Current hate?  Meddlers and Fruit Tingle thiefs…. they’re everywhere.  😐
  54. Favorite place to be? Doesn’t matter where – just so long as I’m with friends.
  55. Where would you like to travel?  New York, Papeete, Spain, Russia, Morocco, India, Venuzuela, Pittsburgh, Loire Valley, Perth, Straddie, Portugal, Maldives, Islamabad, Kenya, New Orleans,  Inside Passage, Lady Elliot Island, Berlin,  Barossa Valley, Malawi…. and so on and so forth.
  56. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs?  NFI.
  57. last thing you ate?  Salad for lunch with lashings of apple cider…. oh, and a  packet of Fruit Tingles :S
  58. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don’t sing in the shower.
  59. Last person that made you laugh?  Mr Wystan by MSN.
  60. Worst injury you’ve ever had?  Chronic whiplash – car accident.
  61. Does someone have a crush on you?  Who knows, maybe – wouldn’t that be nice.
  62. What is your favorite candy?  Is this a trick question?

New Years Party at Blokenstein!

Okay I’m back!  I had a great New Years, even though I very nearly piked on the whole thing because my back has been giving me so much pain lately.   Anyway, I went to the Blokenstein New Years party and we had an absolute ball!!!  Mostly there was the regular line up of suspects, as well as a rather large Goon contingent that I’d not met before.  It was cartoon character theme and a lot of people dressed up and joined in the fancy dress.  So lets see what happened?  We had Jessica Rabbit arrive with the Magic Mirror from Shrek who  surprisingly offered no sage advice all evening – will wonders never cease!  Wonder Woman was there, and she was with her new beau, The Penguin.  I don’t think I’ve met the Penguin before, but he seems really nice and friendly.   Sailor Jupiter was there giving new meaning to the concept of short skirts!  😉  She seemed to be quite tipsy rather early in the evening and was hitting on Speed Racer and an unthemed Southerner, but alas, got nowhere!  She turned out to be more drunk than we thought, heaved mightily and had to be put to bed by Wolverine.  Wolverine looked fantastic (early on at least 😉 saw him do a couple of beer bongs, and I got a great shot of him covered in beer foam that looks really kinda suspect!  Felix the Cat turned up looking fabulous and as usual attached at the hip to a very adventurously dressed (pants so tight you could see his religion!  :P), frightening blue Thundercat!  Blue Thundercat always manages at least one drunken one heart to heart at parties – this party ~ my turn!  🙂  What else…. Ummmm Linus picked up a really cute 19 year old!.  Will more wonders never cease!!!  The Mad Hatter and Brunhilda (Bugs Bunny dressed as a girl bunny) along with the same 19 year old, snogged and danced half night away!  Danger Mouse revealed he has pierced nipples… who’d have thunk!  The Troll/Dragonball Z was conspicuously absent come midnight…. perhaps he was avoiding strangers wanting to kiss him!  Alice in Wonderland isnt as innocent as she looks, and btw, is a really good kisser!  The guy in the hockey mask needs to learn some manners!  Also, Betty Rubble is younger and prettier than Wilma Flintstone, apparently (not my observation – I overheard it!!!)  And, Generic Captain Something with his underpants on the outside of his tights was fairly fabulous, as was Princess Jasmine, who looked radiant… in the early part of the evening at least!  We all started to look a little ragged around the edges by the time midnight rolled round!  We had heaps of fun inflicting pain on Skeletor as we helped him rip some tape off his body and other than that, I guess everyone just got drunk!  Lots of kisses all round at midnight, and lots of people falling down/passing out etc by the time we left at about 2.30am.  Thanks Linus for driving us home!

bugs bunny brunhilda

Only fly in the ointment for the evening was when some moron teenage Goon type ill advisedly turfed a glass of something that appeared to be some sort of coconut abomination of a drink over the verandah and it landed all over me!  Being half cut, and in a not insignificant amount of pain, I marched upstairs and roared at a group of  rather callow looking youths, until one of them fessed up to having tossed the hideous concoction and offered up an apology.  Grrr… sticky shoes for the rest of the night!  Only upside…. the Mad Hatter licked most of the sickly sweet stuff off my decolletage for me!  Wooftie!!!   🙂


Wooyung… stupid to say, great place to stay!

I’ve had absolutely no spare time over the last week!  It’s been a busy holiday period this year.  After Christmas/Boxing Days, I went camping with NMdG and MissCL, Eva, Carrot Cake and DrNick down at Wooyung Beach.  I’ve never been camping down that way before, and was pleasantly surprised.  It’s just south of Pottsville and the place doesn’t seem to be heavily inhabited, especially considering it was the middle of the holiday season.  We had a really good time, drank too much, ate lots of yummy cheeses and sat around talking trash for a few days.  It was loads of fun, but God I hate air mattresses!  My back has been playing up since I went to Canberra a few weeks back and spending a few nights on a camp mattress certainly didn’t help matters!

I even managed to dip my toes in and go for a swim in the ocean yesterday, even though the temperature was probably only about 27 degrees.  Normally I’m not one for swimming unless it gets over about 33-35, but the water was lovely, and  you forget how much fun it is to get thrown around in the surf for a bit.  NMdG gets kudos for his interesting take on beach fashion…..

will camping

After NMdG’s Wooyung Camping Extravaganza, I spent a night on the Gold Coast at a friends place, and we went to see Marie Antoinette at the cinema.  Seems lately, every time i go to the movies somewhere other than the Balmoral, I am constantly shocked and stunned at how much it costs to go see a movie these days.  The new Dendy in Canberra was $15.50 for a ticket, and the Reading cinema at Harbour Town was barely better at $13.50.  Obviously we’ve become totally spoilt by the Balmoral/Southbank independent cinemas, with their ticket prices barely coming in at $7.50 for full price tickets.  You gotta ask yourself how they can do it so cheap.. or rather why the big cinema groups are ripping everyone off so badly!!!  Anyway Marie Antoinette was interesting even though it feels a bit like it’s going nowhere…. but perhaps that is because you know where the story is heading the whole time.  The costumes were fabulous, and especially the shoes!  I’m not a shoe freaker, but even I appreciated the shoes in this movie.  I also loved the sneaky Chuck Taylors hiding in the Queens wardrobe!

marie antoinette kirsten dunst cakes shoes