Its the little things in life….

Is there any felicity in the world such as finding a small chore unexpectedly done for you without someone being asked?   Turning about and seeing that someone has spontaneously cleared the table?   Pulled in the laundry?  Emptied the dishwasher and put all the clean dishes away?  Discovering someone else made your bed in the morning….

Nope…  that’s some of the good stuff, and it often goes overlooked.

“Thanks, I appreciate it.”   🙂

BTW – If a man empties a dishwasher and doesn’t break any dishes…. did it really happen?  😉

Hey Little Boy! It’s all over for you! Da do do!

It’s not often that I’ve met someone that I wanted to get to know better.  In fact it’s happened so rarely over the last few years, that if I’m honest, I think there’s maybe been all of  three new friends over that entire time.  It’s not that I’m going out of my way not to meet new people, it’s just that I love the friends I have and feel no driving need to expand my circle of acqaintance.  Maybe it’s got something to do with being in the SCA and having a rather extended social network of some several hundred people…  you tend to just get to know the old friends you had better?!?!  I dont know.  Whatever it is, It’s strange how we let some people into our weird little worlds, while others we seem to have around more like fringe dwellers, and yet others again that we flatly refuse to allow to see anything of our real selves!!

In some ways I think I must be the most dreadful stick in the mud… I’ve certainly been told (more than once) that I come off as aloof or even stuck up based on the fact that I’m not terribly outgoing, and often not overly social with people I don’t know.  It’s a bad habit, I know… a really bad habit.  And I also know that I should probably (in the interests of self improvement of course) attempt to remedy this, but…. there’s generally little of no motivation on that front.  I count myself very fortunate to have some truly  wonderful and amazingly genuine people in my life, people who I love and who variously enrich my life.  And doubly lucky that even most of my dearest friends aren’t hugely high maintenance or demanding!  I guess when it ain’t broke you don’t tend to look to fixing it.  Maybe it’s because I don’t feel an absence of friends, that I don’t seek out new friendships?!??! 

 Anyway, I’ve totally gone off on a tangent here…

When I started working recently, I’m suddenly surrounded by a whole gaggle of new people to include amongst those whom I might recognize as acquaintances.  Of the thirty people I trained with, and another forty to fifty or so people who I’ve met that were already there… I guess I shouldn’t have been surprised to find at least one person whom I feel sufficiently intellectually attracted to, that I should want to get to know them better!!!!  But I was a bit.  Unexpected perk I guess…. so far proving lots of fun…. gotta love that getting to know you banter… but I had forgotten what a minefield it can be!


Strangeness in the Night…

Whoa, I am having some rather strange dreams lately… I wonder if it’s because of all the new medication the quacks have put me on since my back has been so stirred up from my new job?  Whatever it is, they’ve been either particularly vivid or I’m for some reason I’m remembering them more than normal.  Anyway gotta write this one down…. I found it rather amusing!

I’m walking out of the building with this guy I sometimes hang out with at work, and we’re talking away about strange or stupid callers we’ve had during the day, which is all anyone from work seems to talk about on our breaks or at the pub…. mind you there’s normally plenty of daily fodder to be had in this, so it’s not surprising!  Anyway…. he’s telling me a story about a call he had taken whereupon greeting the customer the reply he received was ‘I knew someone would pick up the phone the minute I got in the bath!’  (no shit, this call actually happened earlier in the week – you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried?!?!?!).   Anyhow (I do digress), we’re leaving work chatting away about the banal and absurd things the customers do and say while you have them on the phone, and as we’re lamenting the number of ridiculous sales people selling inappropriate devices to the technically challenged, we’re walking directly across the street to a hotel.  😐  No reference is made to this in the conversation and it’s like we’re on a predetermined course, though I have a definite feeling that it wasn’t prearranged?!?!   :S

We’re still talking away about strange things that happened that day – I mention that another consultant, McDave, had the unusual task of talking an 8 year old through a centrino configuration that day because the parent couldn’t seem to understand the directions (this one too actually happened this week), as we check into said hotel.  Work continues to dominate the conversation in the lift and during the process of finding the room.  Neither of us have said anything about where we’re going or what we’re doing… very strange.  We go into the room…. have a brief look about, and then wordlessly tear each others clothes off and f#@k like actors from a low budget R rated movie with no patience and cheesy direction….. fade out… censored for your benefit!   😐   Afterwards, we wordlessly get dressed, leave the room, and once outside the door, the work anecdotes continue until we get to the street and go our separate ways….

How truly bizarre.  😐  Obviously there’s been way too much flirting going on over the informal interoffice messaging medium…..  might have to reassess that!  Oh…. but I think it’s very positive that there were no dead floating rats in this one, so hopefully I don’t need therapy after all….. 

Just sex!!!  😉