Stolen meme…. borrowed really…. you can have it back – honest!

Elaborate on your default icon.
It’s a self portrait that I took at Uni when I was studying Visual Arts in Photography. Yeah, it’s a bit saucy for use on the MSN when chatting with my Mum


What’s your current relationship status?

Sigh…  it’s complicated 😐

Ever have a near-death experience?
If you mean nearly being mashed by a moron in a panel van at 100kph on a one lane country road? Then… why yes. 🙂

Name an obvious quality you have.

Hmmmm….. I’m a unique blend of articulate and bitchy!?!? :S

What’s the name of the song that’s stuck in your head right now?All week! “We Used to Be Friends” by the Dandy Warhols… curse you Veronica Mars! 🙂

Name a celebrity you would marry.
Marry? that’s a big ask! How about just ‘shag’? Colin Firth but only in 19th century garb!

Who will cut and paste this meme first?
Maybe Sir-Phil ?? Maybe not

Has anyone ever said you look like a celebrity?
Yes 🙁 I’ve been told by half a dozen guys that I apparently I look like ‘Faith’ of In Bed With Faith fame …. that’s if mini porn stars can be called celebrities. 🙁

Do you wear a watch? What kind?

Yes, gold steel band Citizen Ecodrive – it’s brilliant.. no battery. 🙂 Feel naked without it...

Do you have anything pierced?
Yes, three piercings

Do you have any tattoos?
Yes, three tattoos Pixie on the back of my left shoulder, fleur de lys on my right shoulder and a small mushroom on my right foot.

Do you like pain?
SLAP!! Not a clever question to put to a chronic pain sufferer!!!

Do you like to shop?
Not so much. I enjoy shopping when I have an agenda, and HATE window shopping aimlessly. Gotta admit to being a mean online shopper though! 😀

What was the last thing you paid for with cash?

Parking at Post Office Square in the city

What was the last thing you paid for with your credit card?

I dont have a credit card, but last thing I put on Mr K’s credit card was flights to Canberra – really should think about paying him for those shouldn’t I? 😀 .

Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?

Dr Nick… he’s always great fun to chat to 🙂

What is on your desktop background?

Picture I took out a bus window when driving through Paris…

What is the background on your cell phone?

Its usually the duck…


What was the last movie you watched?
The Cat’s Meow .. research for the Dirty 30s party.. slightly out of period, but still acceptable.  And I’ve been a big Eddie (Izzard) fan for years now.

What was the last book you read?
I have just finished reading Flashman and the Dragon.  MD put me onto the Flashman Series, they’re a bit of puff, but I enjoyed them so much I ended up buying the whole series.  Harry Flashman reminds me so much of MD!  🙂  Unconscionable cad that he is!

iTunes meme….

Open iTunes. Click the column header for “Play Count”. What are the first five songs listed?

  • Avalon by Bryan Ferry and Roxy Music.
  • Amour Amour by Rammstein.
  • London Still by The Waifs.
  • Besame Mucho by Cesaria Evora.
  • Walkie Talkie Man by Steriogram.

Click the column header for Last Played. What are the first 5 songs?

  • Thousand Miles by Vanessa Carlton.
  • Nothing Too Serious by Ice House.
  • Zoot Suit Riot by Cherry Poppin’ Daddies.
  • In Your Eyes by Peter Gabriel.
  • We Used to Be Friends by The Dandy Warhols.

Click Party Shuffle. What are the first 5 songs?

  • Sea of Love by Honeydrippers.
  • What’s My Scene by Hoodoo Gurus.
  • Armageddon It by Def Leppard.
  • Wishin’ & Hopin’  by Ani DiFranco.
  • Du Hast by Rammstein.

Click the column header My Rating. What are the first 5 albums?

  • Essential Bob Dylan by Bob Dylan – Hurricane
  • Recurring Dreams by Crowded House – Mean to Me
  • Standing on a Beach by The Cure – Close to Me
  • Cinema Verite by Dramarama – Anything, Anything
  • Asmpled Vol 4 by Edie Brickell – What I am

Finally, look at the bottom of your iTunes window. How many days of music do you have?

  • 12 days 14 hours 34 minutes and 43 seconds

For the Book Worms….

1. Grab the nearest book.
2. Open it to page 161.
3. Find the fifth sentence.
4. Post the text of the sentence in your journal along with these instructions.
5. Don’t search around and look for the coolest book you can find. Use what’s actually next to you.

“I’d never seen it before, although I’ve seen it more times than I care to count since – one man, mad as a hatter and drunk with pride, sweeping sane heads away, against their better judgment.”
From The Flashman Papers VI “Flashman’s Lady” by George McDonald Fraser

flashman at the charge tiger

Leave the sentence from your nearest book in a comment……

Sepo Meme

  1. How old do you wish you were?   Ummm, mostly happy being what I am. Mostly
  2. Where were you when 9/11 happened?  Asleep.  Woke up, flicked on the tellie and thought it was a bad action movie….
  3. What do you do when vending machines steal your money? Hunt down who ever is responsible….
  4. Do you consider yourself kind? Sure why not?
  5. If you had to get a tattoo, where and what would it be?  Another one?  Ummm. maybe a bee?
  6. If you could be fluent in any other language what would it be?  French, no wait… German!
  7. Do you know your neighbors? I avoid my neighbors at all costs… but am rethinking this policy, there’s this good looking chunky guy with a Harley two doors over…  😉
  8. What do you consider a vacation?  Beach, alcohol, Fruit Tingles, friends… simple things in life…. like winery tours!  😛
  9. Do you follow your horoscope? Nope.
  10. Would you move for the person you loved? Yes.
  11. Are you touchy feely? Not with people I don’t know.
  12. Do you believe that opposites attract? Yes. Chemistry is chemistry.
  13. Dream job?  Mother of three, no wait – four!
  14. Favorite channels? Don’t watch free to air TV anymore.
  15. Favorite place to go on a weekend? Visiting frieneds.
  16. Showers or Bath? Shower most of the time, but I lurve long baths… with or without bubbles.
  17. Do you paint your nails?  Yep.   Wild Violet this week
  18. Do you trust people easily? Not really.
  19. What are your phobias?  Being buried alive (little bit claustrophobic) being burned to death (little bit arsonphobic)  car accidents.
  20. Do you want kids? see #13
  21. Do you keep a handwritten journal?  No i type much faster than I write.
  22. Where would you rather be right now?  London.
  23. What makes you feel warm and safe? President Bush’s foreign policy.
  24. Heavy or light sleep?  Light…. too light
  25. Are you paranoid?   No.
  26. Are you impatient?  I can be… especially when working/cooking/driving or … okay just about anything.
  27. Who can you relate to?  I have no idea .
  28. How do you feel about interracial couples?  The same way I feel about other couples.
  29. Have you been burned by love?  Not really, no.
  30. Whats your life motto? This week “Casu Consulto”
  31. What’s your main ringtone on your mobile? Default is Assassin’s Tango…  but most people have their own ringtone.
  32. What were you doing at midnight last night?  Laying in bed, wishing I could get to sleep.
  33. Who was your last text message from?  Just checked – Dr Nick
  34. Who’s bed did you sleep in last night?  My own.
  35. What color shirt are you wearing?  Tie dye pink with red embroidery
  36. Most recent movie you watched? Babel.
  37. Name five things you have on you at all times?  The fish, diamond ring, mobile phone, keys and absurd sense of humour.
  38. What color are your bed sheets?  Burgundy and gold, Sheridan design called Westminster.
  39. How much cash do you have on you right now?  About ten bucks.
  40. What is your favorite part of chicken?  The oysters and the thighs.
  41. What’s your favorite town/city?  Istanbul
  42. I cant wait till… Fruit Tingles are available in four packs again.
  43. Who got you to join MySpace?  The Humbibble I think.
  44. What did you have for dinner last night?  Home made pizza, salad and white shiraz.
  45. How tall are you barefoot?  Five foot and half an inch.
  46. Have you ever smoked crack?  No. I can’t afford drugs.
  47. Do you own a gun?  No. I can’t afford guns.
  48. What do you prefer to drink in the morning?  Tea – white and one.
  49. What is your secret weapon to lure in the opposite sex?  Don’t know I have one really…  unless of course you mean the ‘Je ne sais quois’ ?!?!!?
  50. Do you have A.D.D.?  No.
  51. What time did you wake up today?  6:19am
  52. Current worry?  Plural right?  Same things everyone else worries about – family, money, bills, work, kids, health, taxes, Fruit Tingles.
  53. Current hate?  Meddlers and Fruit Tingle thiefs…. they’re everywhere.  😐
  54. Favorite place to be? Doesn’t matter where – just so long as I’m with friends.
  55. Where would you like to travel?  New York, Papeete, Spain, Russia, Morocco, India, Venuzuela, Pittsburgh, Loire Valley, Perth, Straddie, Portugal, Maldives, Islamabad, Kenya, New Orleans,  Inside Passage, Lady Elliot Island, Berlin,  Barossa Valley, Malawi…. and so on and so forth.
  56. Where do you think you’ll be in 10 yrs?  NFI.
  57. last thing you ate?  Salad for lunch with lashings of apple cider…. oh, and a  packet of Fruit Tingles :S
  58. What songs do you sing in the shower? I don’t sing in the shower.
  59. Last person that made you laugh?  Mr Wystan by MSN.
  60. Worst injury you’ve ever had?  Chronic whiplash – car accident.
  61. Does someone have a crush on you?  Who knows, maybe – wouldn’t that be nice.
  62. What is your favorite candy?  Is this a trick question?