So when I saw this meme on Blogography, I had to fill it out and repost, even though I’m dead on my feet after working all night and have only just got home at 12.20am!!! :S
Tag Archives: meme
Saucy Meme
Have you gotten laid in 2007?
Yes! it’s April for crying out loud!
Ever had sex in a public place?
Who hasn’t? (see final question)
Ever laugh during sex? If so why?
Yes of course… why does it to be deadly serious.
Ever cry during sex? If so why?
Not during … but after yes. my back doesn’t like it if I get carried away.
Do you like to cuddle after sex?
Ever regret sex with someone?
Not that I can remember…
Ever faked an orgasm?
Nope, I think the concept is counterproductive.
Talk dirty or shut the fuck up?
Definitely shut the fuck up.
Ever had unprotected sex?
Yes of course.
Ever masturbate to your friend’s significant other?
‘To’?…no, not that I can remember… ‘With’?… perhaps 🙂
Ever have a one night stand?
Proudly … no!
Ever have a threesome?
Yes… several.
Ever watch porn during sex?
I think so .. yes
Ever thought of someone else during sex?
Yes, unbidden and it totally wasn’t great.
Has the condom ever broken?
What is your most embarrassing sexual experience?
Such a cliche – but said the wrong name! :S
How old were you when you lost your virginity?
Sweet sixteen
Who would you like to have sex with right now?
Brigadier General Sir Harry Paget Flashman VC KCB KCIE
Do you think that sex with that person might be possible?
Magic 8 Ball says: Outlook does not look good
Are you horny right now?
Ummm. Not so much.
How many sexual partners have you had?
I am sooo not answering this!
Do you like sex in cars?
Nope, never been there… never wanted to.
Do you still talk to the person you lost your virginity to?
I would, but his wives have a habit of not liking me.
Ever have sex with a relative/friend’s significant other?
Sigh.. ahuh
Ever cheated?
Yes, yes and yes.
Ever been with a cheater?
Bound to have been.
Toys – good or bad?
Some are good. .. some are bad, oh so bad!
Yummy … 🙂
Ever sleep with a co-worker?
Where have you had sex?
Oooh! PARK
Maybe I better find me a church so I can round the list out a bit! 😉
Corny’s Meme
1. Can you cook?
Yeesss… is this a trick question?
2. What was your dream growing up?
I.wanted to dance! (actually no i can’t back that up)
3. What talent do you wish you had?
I wish i could disappear
4. Favorite place?
Bed of course
5. Favorite vegetable?
Is avocado a veggie? no? Then mushrooms or sweetcorn
6. What was the last book you read?
Flashman and the Tiger
7. What zodiac sign are you ?
Capricorn and Metal Pig
8. Any Tattoos and/or Piercings?
3 and 3
9. Worst Habit?
High expectations
10. Do we know each other outside of lj?
Yep, I know you… but not in a biblical sense.
11. What is your favorite sport? to play or watch?
Watch none – play basketball
12. Negative or Optimistic attitude?
Negative and cynical all over
13. What would you do if you were stuck in an elevator with me?
Hmm… are the lights on?
14. Worst thing to ever happen to you?
I grew up
15. Tell me one weird fact about you?
Ummm i can spell onomatopoeia?
16. Do u have any pets?
One dog…and does ray count? (he he stole your line)
17. Do u know how to do the macerana?
Proudly no
18. What time is it where u are now?
19. Do you think clowns are cute or scary?
Ditto… scary
20. If you could change one thing about how you look, what would it be?
21. Would you be my crime partner or my conscience?
Me? conscience? yeah right!
22. What color eyes do you have?
Mostly grey
23. Ever been arrested?
No.. never got around to it
24. If you won $10,000 dollars today, what would you do with it?
New camera, no wait holiday.
25. What kind of bubble gum do you prefer to chew?
Don’t do gum
26. What ‘s your favorite bar to hang at?
Don’t do bars…
27. Do you believe in ghosts?
28. Favorite thing to do in your spare time?
What is this ‘spare time’ you talk of! *pokes it with stick*
29. Do you swear a lot?
Yep – unashamedly so
30. Biggest pet peeve?
Urgh! too many to count!
31. In one word, how would you describe yourself?
32. Will you repost this so I can fill it out and do the same for you?
Nope…. aw…. maybe.
Snapish Furball Meme
Got this from SnappsihFurball…. and like all good memes it’s a good for a bit of a giggle.
Have a go and see what you get 🙂
I ate the Trojan Man because the little people told me to……
…But I wish that I’d shot Paris Hilton because I have Double Ds!!!
pick the month you were born in
1 – I ate
2 – I needed
3 – I ran naked with
4 – I shot
5 – I killed
6 – I smoked with
7 – I banged
8 – I ran shirtless with
9 – I stabbed
10 – I cuddled with
11 – I slept with
12-I killed
Pick the day (number) you were born on
01 – a condom
02 – a dog
03 – a jew
04 – a toothbrush
05 – Santa Claus
06 – a homo
07 – Barny the dinosaur
08 – a prostitute
09 – a pornstar
10 – a bag of weed
11 – the trojan man
12 – Paris Hilton
13 – my lover
14 – the kool-aid man
15 – a pickle
16 – a stripper
17 – a shoe
18 – a horse
19 – an orange
20 – a crackhead
21 – a homeless guy
22 – a whore
23 – my crush
24 – a easter egg
25 – a jar of honey
26 – a lesbian
27 – a bowl of cereal
28 – a french fry
29 – your dealer
30 – a glass of milk
31 – Ur grandma
Pick the color of shirt you are wearing
White – Because thats how i roll
Black – because I have AMAZING boobs
Pink – Because the lil people told me to
Red – because im sexy as hell
Blue – because I’m a pimp and your jealous
Polka Dots – because I hate my life
Purple – because I’m gay
Gray – because I love marijuana
Other – because I have double D’s
Green – because I’m good in bed
Orange – because I smoke crack
Turquoise – because I have a noodle in my nose
Brown – because i had to
Shirtless – because I’ve got abs
A=Z Meme
Meme from Dave2
A- Available or Single? Sure always.
B- Best Friend? Small but distinguished handful.
C- Cake or Pie? Pie – Pecan, grandma used to make one.
D- Drink of Choice? Bombay Sapphire and tonic.
E- Essential Item? Oakley Frogskins! circa 1989
F- Favorite Color? Musk stick pink.
G- Gummi Bears or Worms? Fruit Tingles
H- Hometown? Toowoomba Queensland
I- Indulgence? Fortnightly manicures
J- January or February? January, party party party.
K- Kids and Names? Not For Publication.
L- Life is incomplete without…? Guacamole.
M- Marriage Date? I’m supposed to know this right?
N- Number of Siblings? Two.
O- Oranges or Apples? Mandarin please.
P- Phobias/Fears? Being buried alive, or burned to death….
Q- Favorite Quote? “There’s many a slip ‘twixt the crouch and the leap ”
R- Reasons to smile? Gorgeous boy, good friends, MSN, new job 🙂
S- Season? Winter… in BrisVegas… 22 blue skies, cool breeze. Great!
T- Tag 3 people? Nah can’t be stuffed Jones.
U- Unknown Fact About Me? I love walking in thunderstorms.
V- Vegetable You Hate? Peas… ewww!
W- Worst Habit? High expectations
X- Xrays You’ve Had? Back, Back, Back and oh wiz-bang teeth..
Y- Your Favorite Foods? Oysters Kilpatrick and home made pizza!
Z- Zodiac? Capricorn (and Metal Pig apparently).