The only upside of Mr K having purchased that noisome, malodorous and frequently filthy piece of detestable junk that festers away in a corner of my kitchen under the innocuous and seemingly innocent pseudonym of ‘coffee machine’... is that one can, on occasion make oneself a decent hot chocolate about twice a year. :
As anyone who has been to a coffee shop with me might know, I like my hot chocolate to actually be hot as compared to lukewarm – and if at all possible not too sweet (I know it’s a conundrum). Anyway not long after Mr K bought the espresso machine from the 5th circle of hell I purchased some Cadbury’s Caramel Drinking Chocolate which surprisingly enough isn’t as sweet as the regular Cadbury Drinking Chocolate. Well do you think I’ve been able to find it in the stores since? No! Not on your life.
I assumed that it had gone the way of my favourite purple Revlon nail polish (called 344-08 Purple Twilight in case any one has a bottle laying around that they don’t want) and ended up on a list of Discontinued Product lines.
Woe was me….
until today where I fortuitously stumbled over some at Chris ‘n’ John’s (note to the non-local… Chris ‘n’ Johns was the local shop when I was growing up owned strangely enough by Chris and John Anyway it got taken over by a smallish grocery chain years ago called the IGA – Independent Grocer’s Association – but fucked if I can’t seem to stop calling it Chris ‘n’ John’s even though I understand John buggered off from the business yonks ago… but I digress)
What was I talking about again? Damn these drugs….
Oh yes… Reader’s Digest version –
Hot chocolate.
Caramel flavour.
Happy dance