Strangeness in the Night…

Whoa, I am having some rather strange dreams lately… I wonder if it’s because of all the new medication the quacks have put me on since my back has been so stirred up from my new job?  Whatever it is, they’ve been either particularly vivid or I’m for some reason I’m remembering them more than normal.  Anyway gotta write this one down…. I found it rather amusing!

I’m walking out of the building with this guy I sometimes hang out with at work, and we’re talking away about strange or stupid callers we’ve had during the day, which is all anyone from work seems to talk about on our breaks or at the pub…. mind you there’s normally plenty of daily fodder to be had in this, so it’s not surprising!  Anyway…. he’s telling me a story about a call he had taken whereupon greeting the customer the reply he received was ‘I knew someone would pick up the phone the minute I got in the bath!’  (no shit, this call actually happened earlier in the week – you couldn’t make this stuff up if you tried?!?!?!).   Anyhow (I do digress), we’re leaving work chatting away about the banal and absurd things the customers do and say while you have them on the phone, and as we’re lamenting the number of ridiculous sales people selling inappropriate devices to the technically challenged, we’re walking directly across the street to a hotel.  😐  No reference is made to this in the conversation and it’s like we’re on a predetermined course, though I have a definite feeling that it wasn’t prearranged?!?!   :S

We’re still talking away about strange things that happened that day – I mention that another consultant, McDave, had the unusual task of talking an 8 year old through a centrino configuration that day because the parent couldn’t seem to understand the directions (this one too actually happened this week), as we check into said hotel.  Work continues to dominate the conversation in the lift and during the process of finding the room.  Neither of us have said anything about where we’re going or what we’re doing… very strange.  We go into the room…. have a brief look about, and then wordlessly tear each others clothes off and f#@k like actors from a low budget R rated movie with no patience and cheesy direction….. fade out… censored for your benefit!   😐   Afterwards, we wordlessly get dressed, leave the room, and once outside the door, the work anecdotes continue until we get to the street and go our separate ways….

How truly bizarre.  😐  Obviously there’s been way too much flirting going on over the informal interoffice messaging medium…..  might have to reassess that!  Oh…. but I think it’s very positive that there were no dead floating rats in this one, so hopefully I don’t need therapy after all….. 

Just sex!!!  😉

I’ve had a lovely night… but this wasn’t it.

I had a weird dream last night, and when I woke up I realized that I’ve had this dream a few times…. I don’t know where it is, but I am staying in some house (it’s not my house, I don’t think I live there… the house is not very tidy) and there’s a large swimming pool in the back yard.  Anyway, I seem to be constantly cleaning the swimming pool, but don’t get to go swimming, because every time we  (I don’t know who ‘we’ is, but it’s a definite feeling of collective thought!) think it’s clean enough to go swimming, a dead rat will come floating up in the water, or one will float out of the filter or something. 

Dead rats? What the hell is that about?  For shits and giggles I did a Google on dream interpretation….  and I discovered something very interesting about myself! 


To see rats in your dream, signifies feelings of doubts, guilt and/or envy. You are having unworthy thoughts that you are keeping to yourself but are eating you up inside.  Alternatively, it denotes repulsion. The dream may also be a pun on someone who is a rat. 
To see a black rat, represents deceit and covert activities.  To see a white rat in your dream, denotes that in your time of distress, you will receive assistance from an unexpected source.

My rats were brown, so not so helpful as I might have hope….  And so far as I’m aware, I’m not harbouring any feelings of doubt guilt or envy… well…. no more than normal yeah?  As for ‘unworthy thoughts’  well thats a bit non-specific???  Need more info, might help if I look up pool or swimming…

To see a pool of water in your dream, indicates that you need to understand and deal with your emotions. You need to dive right in. Alternatively, a pool may indicate your need for cleansing. You need to wash away the past.

Right, right… well, this is so true!  I’ve been feeling unusually emotional lately, and apparently I need to get into it and deal with my issues… very interesting…..

To dream that you are swimming, suggests that you are exploring aspects of your unconscious mind and emotions. The dream may be a sign that you are seeking some sort of emotional support. It is a common dream image for people going through therapy.  To dream that you are swimming underwater, suggests that you are completely submerged in your own feelings. You are forcing yourself to deal with your emotional difficulties.

Hmmmm….  and now I’m in therapy…or rather, maybe I should be in therapy!  Well….all that was very informative.   And I think I’ve learned something very valuable here… that I’m far too fucking pragmatic for my own good and I don’t buy into dream interpretation.  😐


Dreaming … Dreaming of being….

I am totally not used to this work stuff!  It’s thrown my sleep patterns out the window something fierce.. I haven’t had to set an alarm to wake me up for years now, always had the little guy pulling alarm clock duty.  Now I’m setting the alarm clock each day and waking up before it.   Also when i used to wake up in the middle of the night, I used to be able to get back to sleep without too much trouble unless my back is stirred up.  Well since the job’s stirring my back up pretty drastically, I’ve been waking up like last night at 3.20am and not being able to get back to sleep.

Did finally doze off for about half an hour at 5.30am and had the weirdest dream…. I was at work and scheduled to work 7am-3pm and had turned up a little early to get all logged in and ready (yesterday was a nightmare – took about 28mins to get into all the systems and configure my profiles correctly).  But because I was early, I went and had a bit of a lay down in the break room.  When I got out to the floor, my shift was just finishing, and the guys I was supposed to be working with were all heading home.  I sank to the floor (which was a grass lawn btw), and watched as the night shift people came in.  There was four or so chicks in purple Tree of Life panne velvet ‘renaissance’ (and I used the term loosely) styled dresses, walking around trying to find somewhere to hang up some fancy purple stone mobiles on all the windows, calling themselves Amethyst Goddesses and making a blessing before sitting down to work.  Then a couple of muslim fellows started doing their call to prayer in the middle of the office while trying to figure out which way was west, cos there’s no natural light in the place… then a group of coal smeared miners with tool belts marched in, and one of them make a short speech about ‘making this a great day with no OH risks – lets go!’  And then I woke up……………..

I think working is sending me balmy.  :S  Next I’ll be getting visits from crazy discworld type characters – like Death of Office Recycling or the OHS Witch or something!

dream image terry pratchett

Fantasies or lack thereof…

Am I the only person on the planet who doesn’t have a rich and vivid fantasy life? From everything I’ve been reading and from what I observe in just the people around me, everyone seems to fantasize about other people, situations and experiences than what they have.

In the past, whenever I’ve wanted someone, I usually just set about having them. I’ve never pined for situations or experiences or created little dramas in my head. If I ever wanted to try something new, I just went ahead and did it. Having said that, I guess I’ve never felt the need to go for the swinging from the chandeliers kinda stuff…. just seems superfluous to me. I’ve usually been up to trying new things, and have certainly pushed my boundaries out of my comfort zone over the last few years, so much so, that I have had to redefine my likes and dislikes a bit. But I don’t fantasize about things, I don’t fixate of objects, have no real fetishes to speak of and rarely feel like the objects of my desires are taboo or out of reach. Is it because I have so few hang ups? Maybe if I had more secrets? guilt? shame? or furtiveness associated with my sexuality, I would have dirty little fantasies too.

Either way, I am starting to feel like I am really missing out on something here. The people around me are indulging in these intense, powerful and graphic fantasies, while here I am, ‘literally’ just looking on bemused trying to analyze what was driving them rather than being engaged by it all.

Am I boring or just somehow too grounded in reality?