Who’s going to drive you home tonight?

I can’t believe I actually used to enjoy driving when now it’s become something that is so riddled with anxiety.  This afternoon I’ve driven to get the Small Child from school as per usual.  I was driving down Meadowlands Road and there was a motorcycle rider behind me…. too close behind me for my liking.

So I sped up a little and he kept coming, and I sped up a little more and he just kept tight on my tail.  As we got to the end of the road and was turning onto Creek Road, I could tell by the position of the traffic that the green light in front of me would soon be turning amber so I accelerated a little more and went around the corner – no problem.  I looked in my rear view mirror to see if the motorcyclist had followed me through the lights but he wasn’t behind me.  I looked over my right shoulder and he hadn’t stopped at the lights either.  I looked in my left hand mirror and then I saw him.  He had gone into the corner way too fast, lost control of his bike and slamming directly into the gutter.  As I was getting ready to pull over to check on him, I saw him dusting himself off and getting back on his bike and re-entering traffic.  So he seemed fine though no doubt was was probably a bit shaken by coming off his bike.

Watching that little episode play out infront of me… well technically – behind me… was a little disturbing and was just one more little reminder that you can’t trust what other people are doing on the road.  But then I turned left into Stanley Street and the traffic was all backed up and there were cars on the wrong side of the road and as we all crawled around the corner going very slow I saw the source of the problem – a child had been hit by a ute.  There were about 8 people standing around on mobile phones, someone in a construction workers reflective vest leaning over the child putting something under his head and placing a coat over him while they were obviously waiting for an ambulance… the incident had obviously only just happened moments before.

Which is where I lost it… within about 100m there was the inept motorcyclist careering into the footpath and now a pedestrian hit by a car and I started hyperventilating, clenching my teeth, rubbing my face and the tears started… I felt shocked and unreasonably frightened and I desperately wanted to get the fuck out of my car!   My initial instinct was to pull over, get out of and call Mr K because I felt like I just couldn’t drive and I really didn’t want to drive but I had to get the Small Child from school. 

I drove on slowly trying hard to compose myself and just knew that if I pulled over I’d be stuck there and wouldn’t be able to make myself get back in the car.  I crept along doing about 40 the remainder of the drive to school, waited in the queue trying to calm down.  I had an overwhelming urge to get out and felt like I was having to choke that feeling down and was covering my mouth because I felt like I was going to scream.  I collected my charge and drove home still crying and trying to ask him calm and banal questions about his day to distract myself (which I failed at miserably) and he got all worried about me.

When I got home I sat in the car in the garage for about ten minutes trying to regain composure because my cousin, Erick the Half a Bee also suffers PTSD relating to car accidents and I am sure he didn’t need me to come inside all upset and share my anxiety from these incidents with him too!  I’m exhausted and I totally don’t want to get in the car… ever…. again.

What to do… what to do???

I don’t trust no bastard to do what they’re supposed to.

Update on last week’s ‘Fatality Free Friday’ community awareness campaign that focuses on road safety etc…

5 fatalities occurred on Fatality Free Friday (last Friday 22/05/09).

But they’re calling it a success because normally they expect to see 5.3 fatalities on Australian roads on an average Friday.  So yay for that 0.3 of a person who survived last Friday.  😐   Still… as a concept I personally think it’s like putting the mockers on someone.  Superstitious BS on my part but… there you have it.

On a slightly related topic….

Last night we were driving to Eleven-17 (favourite local restaurant du jour) for dinner and were driving along Wynnum Road where the Gateway passes over it.  There are FIVE lanes under that overpass… the two right most lanes are turning lanes to turn onto the Gateway northbound and the other three lanes all continue in a westerly direction towards the city.  I was in the centre of these three lanes about two cars back while stopped at a red light.

Just as the lights turned green… some complete and utter moron came flying up the right hand side – WHICH IS A TURNING LANE THAT GOES ONTO THE GATEWAY – and absolutely caned it (he was damn near flying) to race to get in front of the traffic going towards town instead.  He barely made it… if the car taking off from the lights had been going slightly faster or if he hadn’t braked to let the wanker in… he would have either ploughed directly into the median strip (and at that speed he would have taken out most of the road furniture and possibly even rolled his vehicle) or he would have had to swing hard to the right which would have thrown him in front of three lanes of oncoming traffic. 

It was quite simply one of the most stupid fucking things I have ever seen someone do on the roads in 20 years I have been driving.  I just couldn’t believe anyone would do anything so dangerous and downright imbecilic… and to what end?  SO HE COULD GET TO HIS DESTINATION MAYBE 30 SECONDS FASTER!?!?!?  Fuck you prick!

It has totally freaked me out all over again.  I don’t want to get in the car.  I don’t want to share the road with these people of obviously defficient intelligence.  I don’t want to drive…. anywhere… ever again!  I quite deliberately had a couple of wines with dinner so I wouldn’t have to drive home.  But then this morning it’s unavoidable.  I had  to take the Small Child to school and to me – it feels like everyone on the road is potentially going to do something unbelievably stupid which could result in screeching brakes and the sickening crunch of twisted metal. 

Just on our way to dinner.  Nothing special about that.  Nothing remarkable at all.  But we very nearly saw a horrible disaster unfold right in front of us.   And all I could think was – it doesn’t matter how good… or how vigilant… or how careful… or how responsible… or how smart YOU are when you’re behind the wheel –  there’s always the possiblity that some totally brain dead delusional fuckwit out there (who thinks he’s invincible) that will do something so unbelievably stupid and ill conceived…  that could fuck up your life up forever.

Dad let’s me drive slow on the driveway. But not on Monday. Definitely not on Monday.

No Undie Monday
This is a time honoured tradition most established amongst uni students, hippie swamp rat types and mid-level public servants who spend their weekends trying to get laid.  If memory serves this common phenomena results from an inability to successful complete all one’s laundry duties on the weekend.  

Tits Out Tuesday
This particular expression is a colourful colloquialism resulting from an office full of women spending their Tuesdays trying to out do each other in wearing blouses whose primary design function is to display as much cleavage as humanly possible whilst maintaning some pretense of an attempt to adhere to the office’s Code of Conduct policies.  This particular expression has also spawned the concept of the "Tuesday Top".  (EG – ‘Holy fuck!  Check that out… it must be Tuesday!")

Welfare Wednesday
Welfare Wednesday was an expression used to explain the particularly long queues that would appear outside Commonwealth Banks on Wednesday mornings as all the pensioners lined up with their savings account PASSBOOKS to go into the tellers and withdraw their pension money.  This expression has diminished in use somewhat over the years with the introduction of ATMs and the change in process that has seen Centrelink take to giving out benefits on every day of the week  – a move which was no doubt largely precipitated by the major banks compaining of being over run with the old bitties every Wednesday.

Man Love Thursday
A geographically local expression used to describe the public displays of affection between men seen in various extremely conservative societies where physical affection between a man and a women is frowned upon.  For example – in Pakistan one never sees a physical expression of fondness or affection between a man and a women… but it is common to see men lounging close together, sitting on one another’s laps, walking hand in hand with other men or greeting one another with kisses.

and now we have –

Fatality Free Friday
This is a new one to enter the vocabulary and this author had never heard of it until this year where it was plastered on billboards all over town.  The concept being that people will on this day the 22nd of May 2009 take a pledge to ‘drive more safely today’ than on any other day to promote driver awareness and road safety…. but really, let’s be honest… they’re just tempting fate here!  Fatality Free Friday my arse!!!  What sort of public relations/advertising miscreant trying to justify their exhorbitant salary came up with this crap!?!?!

Needless to say that Fatality Free Friday has this little black duck holed up in her house for the entire duration as I flatly refuse to drive anywhere today.  For if anyone is going to end up a road fatality statistic on ‘Fatality Free Friday’… it’ll be Borys.  For She is one who has already suffered through four hideous MVAs (none of which was she at fault).  It is also She who seems to constantly run afoul of BrisVegas’ worst drivers on a regular basis.  She is also still prone to being hypervigilant on the road and on occasion still feels Herself fighting rising panic when encountering the overwheming bulk number of chicken fuckin’ morons out there who shouldn’t even have a license.  I mean ferfucksake!  Even the Parking Fairy abandoned her many years ago!!!

So… Borys and Cars do not mix…. and especially not on ‘FATALITY FUCKING FREE FRIDAY’!!!

I didn’t do it.

I’m supposed to be on a plane to New Zealand right about now but…

I just could not bring myself to do it. 

Strongly doubt travel insurance will cover pre-existing condition.

So bye-bye  $475.00 non-refundable air fare.

Insurance is a necessary evil.

Every day I drive the Small Child to school.  I spent most of last year relying on other people to do this for me as I was so oversedated in the mornings that I knew I wasn’t safe to drive…. that and I was really avoiding going anywhere that involved getting in a car.  The whole getting uncontrollably anxious and upset, feeling like I’m suffocating and fighting rising panic when anyone got too close to me or did something stupid just doesn’t sit well with my (normally) no nonsense personality.  I was finding myself getting really angry when those feelings would emerge while I was driving.

But anyway, long story short… taking the Small Child is something I just have to do.  I no longer have someone reliable to help me get him to school anymore since Yale started a regular day job, so I’ve had to suck it up and do it.  Problem is… all those fears are still with me every time I get in the car and if someone does something crazy I seem to either get really angry or I get extremely nervy and frightened.  I don’t know if there is actually more people on the road who seem to have taken leave of their sense when making traffic navigation decisions or if it’s due to the ridiculous amount of road works going on in our area over the last year or so… but it feels like I am seeing crazy arse people doing crazy arse things all the time and it is freaking me out!!  🙁

In fact I’ve noticed over the last six week or so that I’m reacting to not just idiots in the traffic speeding, running red lights, changing lanes alarmingly or basically being reckless – I’ve also been having an unacceptable emotional response to this –

This car is parked in a street near my son’s school.  It has been there for about five or six weeks now and I’ve been driving past it twice a day for what seems like ages.  Everytime I see it I get a little heart-in-my-throat  thing or a sense of rising bile kinda feeling and I find myself grimacing everytime I drive past.  I am assuming that who ever owns the thing has no insurance or it wouldn’t be sitting there for so long.  I know it shouldn’t affect me at all… but I’ve taken to altering my route so as not to be confronted with it every day.