Hurts so good.

After playing bridesmaid last weekend, I have been feeling more than a little broken all week… so I finally decided to book myself a massage and see if we could smooth out some of these muscle spasms and kinks and things.

The regular guy, Joe, who I used to see out at the little oriental massage salon no longer works there, so it’s always a bit of a risk going to see someone new in case they exacerbate my pain problems rather then help them.  Not to mention that it feels like half the appointment is spent explaining my farcical medical history and chronic pain condition.  You know, I think there’s a tipping point in there somewhere – I have to tell them I’m pretty fucked up from four car accidents, but if I tell them too much they start to get that look in their eyes that kinda says ‘Ahuh, yeeahh… I’m not touching your back with a 40′ pole!’.  Which is understandable I guess, because I’m fairly certain they don’t want their clients leaving feeling ten times worse than they did when they walked in!

Anyway, with Joe gone to places unknown, today I got Emma.  Now, normally I dislike female massage therapists.  It’s nothing personal, it’s just that they just have teeny tiny little hands, that are more than usually strong for their size which means I literally walk out of the appointments with little tiny bruises all over me from their pressing really hard on various trigger points and accupressure points etc.  I imagine this is largely my own fault and very likely stems from the fact that I rarely squeal any more.  I’ve been so fucked in the back for over 20 years now and have seen more specialists than I could possibly count… which means I’m really used to being poked and prodded causing pain responses.  So used to it in fact, that I rarely respond at all… few yelps of pain, no alteration in breathing, rarely tensing of other muscle groups, no clenching my fists or anything.  The result of this appearance of stoicism is that they often just keep going harder and harder with the pressure until they get some sort of response to let them know the pressure is too much – by which point: ecchymosis.  Meh, whatever.

Today, I went in for my massage and half disrobed and went to lay on the table.  Now if any of you out there have… how do I put this politely… tits  🙂  then you will know what I am about to say.  There’s no way you can lay on your stomach comfortably, with your head stuck down a paper lined hole, without squashing the beejeebus out of your boobs.  If any of you work in massage or physio or any profession which might require you to disrobe and lay your clients down unsupported (I’m not questioning your employment choices here…), can I just suggest that a couple of rolled up hand towels (one for under the front of each shoulder) wouldn’t go astray to make things more comfortable for those bustier individuals amongst your clientele.  There is nothing quite so relaxing as the anticipation of the prospect of squishing the living shit out of your breasts for the following hour!

remedial massage techniques pain chronic

Massages always seem so inviting, but when you’re on the table it’s more like a torture rack!?

Anyway, I tried to get as comfortable as possible under the circumstances and subsequently attempted to zone out a bit listening to the Japanese mediation music being played in the massage establishment… but instead all I could hear with this ‘doof doof doof’ from turns out to be the BOSE store next door!  What sort of moronic mall planners put a stereo equipment store right beside a relaxation massage place?  I must have spent the first five to ten minutes of my massage wondering how stoned were the Centre Management when they made that decision?!  Oh well, apply more effort to ignore the addiction to bass going on in the next room… and just try to breathe. Breathe and relax. :/

Emma as it turns out has very pointy hands (as predicted) but I forgot about the elbows!  And OMG did she know how to use them!  By the time she got into my tender spots with her elbows, I totally forgot how uncomfortable my poor abused bust was!  She was digging in around my shoulder blades with her elbows, all up and down my spine in various place, down in behind my hips (fuck that hurts!) and just in with the pointy elbows from hell.  When I finally got some respite from the pointy elbows hitting all my tense bits that I didn’t even know were sore, she did the weirdest thing to my hands and arms… kinda flicked and punched them all up and down both arms.  I have no idea why.  I didn’t ask, indeed, it’s rather hard to talk when your face is shoved into one of those hole-y massage tables which squish your cheeks in a rather indecorous fashion…  but it felt like I was being ‘pinched and punched for the first of the month’ all over the shop!  Wanted to tell her ‘Hey!  Tomorrow is June 1st, lay off, lady!’

After going half a dozen rounds with Pointy Emma, I was quite surprised to find that I could actually still walk at the end of it, which is always a huge bonus in my book!  Now, the proof will be in the pudding… will I be able to actually move tomorrow, or has Pointy Emma left me feeling like I’ve been hit by a 5′ nothing little Asian Mack truck?!

It’s only a problem if you know about it.

Ever forget where you left your keys?  Ever forget an appointment with your accountant? Doctor? Manicurist?  Ever forget to send permission forms up to school?  Ever forget to turn the iron off?  How about forgetting your passwords or forgetting about the Tooth Fairy?  Shit happens, right?

What about these then… ever forget that you have ordered a book and went and ordered a second copy?  Ever forget that you bought someone’s birthday present and then spent a week trying to come up with an idea for it?  Ever forget a conversation you had in the morning about the Goat Pie Guy and then wonder why you’re unexpectedly presented with goat pies for lunch three hours later?  Ever forget that you’re out shopping for a toaster and come home with a new kettle instead?   Ever tell the same person the same thing three or four times and watch their face glaze over as you realize you’ve already imparted that information?  Ever forget what the family said they wanted for dinner even though you asked them every half hour from 3-6pm?  Ever forget to turn off the TV or lock the door or set the alarm or close the garage and just leave the house and come home to find the place wide open?  Ever forget about a ‘to do’ list in your own handwriting and have no recollection of writing it?  Ever forget driving your child to school and spend the day believing someone else took him?  Ever completely forget something you only just learned the day before?  Ever scarily forget you’ve taken your nightly medication and promptly turned around five minutes later and taken it again?

We have been laughing about my goldfish memory for about five years now.  So what if you accidentally order the same book twice?  It was on medieval gold smithing and the extra copy made a great present for Surly’s next birthday anyway.  So what if pink Tupperware turns up in the mail and you have no recollection of ever having ordered it?  So what if you arrive a day early for your doctor’s appointment?  So what if you boil the kettle three or four times before remembering to actually make the cup of tea?   So what if you get frustrated trying to logon to your PC using a password you changed two years ago?  So what if you forget the Small Child’s basketball training…again?  So what if you have to keep the world’s most complex calendar because you can’t trust your memory to remind you of ANYTHING.

prescription drug addiction dependence memory loss concentration

Well, this is where I’ve been at for the last five years.  Too many drugs with too many side effects.  Not the least of which it turns out over long term use include diminished cognitive abilities, loss of concentration and drumroll please … memory loss.  Woulnd’t be so bad, in fact I doubt I would have come to call it a serious problem at all, if I weren’t trying to learn Classical Latin at the moment.  You see, I’ve managed to get through two semesters of Latin (I still have no idea how I did that) and am in the middle of my third (and fucking final) semester of Latin Language and Literature… and I CAN”T REMEMBER ANY OF IT.

Now, this isn’t the usual, ‘I hate Latin and brain is resisting learning Latin’ thing that often comes if someone is forced to deal with something they think is unpleasant (like me and income tax returns).  I like Latin and was finding it challenging and enjoyable, even though it comes with more than it’s fair share of monumental mind fucks.  No, the problem here is I am being taught grammatical concepts one day and the next day being unable to recall what the concepts were, what they were called, how they are applied or how they are translated, which is seriously hindering my ability to complete the course.  Homework assignments that should take only a matter of hours are taking me two days to complete as I look up words and then look them up again three lines later having already forgotten the English translation over the duration of about ten minutes and facepalming the minute I see the English again.  Seriously frustrating.  At the moment, with some changes in medication, I can’t seem to recall anything we learned last year – not even simple noun declensions, verb conjugations and tenses or principle parts.  Asking me to explain the mood or case of something, when parsing, is like asking me to teleport to Ancient Rome to run Cicero to ask him why he’s inflicted all this shit on us in the first place!  Impossible!

So struggling with Latin has gone from being challenging and enjoyable to being frustrating and riddled with anxiety, as I just can’t seem to remember what I need to know.  And it has bought home hard, like a slap upside the head with a wet haddock, just how bad my memory has become.  I can’t remember the Latin I learned yesterday, but to test a theory, I started working through an online self taught French tutorial program and have been sailing through it on high school French that I learned over 20 years ago!  I’m paying more attention to the memory problems now and I’m noticing more and more that I can’t remember shit.  I can’t remember important stuff, I’m losing track of menial stuff and I’m now officially getting worried about it because after a tiny bit of research and a meeting with my dealer… err I mean doctor, it turns out I have developed some serious prescription medication dependencies.  Or flat out drug addictions if we want to do away with the niceties.

Problem is, I can’t give them up.  I don’t want to give them up.  Go ahead, make my day… just try and take them off me and see what happens!  For without the drugs, there is no sleep.  Without the sleep, there is no coping with being in pain ALL day.  Without the coping there is a bottle of the most ludicrously expensive champagne and ALL the pills at once in my foreseeable future.

So… my name is Borys and I have a prescription drug addiction.  But somehow I doubt there are meetings for people with no desire or motivation whatsoever to kick their habits.  🙁

Just one pain free day.

Ok, I try really fucking hard not to complain about back pain in this stupid blog, else I would be boring even me to death every single day.  But today I am OVER it.  It’s barely 10am and I am utterly and completely OVER IT!  If I didn’t have to go out to get the Small Child later today, I’d be drugged up to the eyeballs right now and just write the entire day off.

I went to sleep with my usual amount of Valium, at a usual hour and have woken up feeling so much worse than when I turned in.  My back is not just causing me pain, it is making breathing difficult as the pain is radiating around to my chest and rib cage.  The same pain feels like it is radiating up my spine and has taken residence in the top of my head, which feels very much like I have been repeatedly smacked on the back of the head with a basketball since I woke up.  My eyes are hurting for crying out loud!  Literally aching in their sockets with acute spikes in eye pain when looking in any direction other than straight ahead.  It hurts to blink and I’m not even hung over!

I’ve obviously been clenching my jaw overnight because my teeth are aching and the muscles around my jaw and face are painful and tense… which has the disconcerting side effect of making my ears feel like they are bleeding .  This in itself, is a sensation which is not at all pleasant after a few hours of it.  I’ve got pain in my lower back and in my hips, in my forearms and my wrists!  There’s a weird wtf-something-or-other going on in my right foot that is making me hobble!  My shoulder blades and collar bones are complaining if I have the audacity to move my arms!  And my neck. Holy snappin’ duck shit!  My neck seems to have forgotten that it’s primary function is to hold my head up and move it from left to right, as it is currently only doing so under extreme duress and with incredibly painful complaint!  I fucking hate my body with it’s ‘snap, crackle and pop’ every time I try to move.  It’s sending me round the bend.  Who can fucking live like this?  Constant pain and, for reasons beyond my understanding, today (just a random ‘any’ day, when I’ve not done anything to cause it) it has decided to ramp up and really test me.

And none of this is conducive to finishing my Latin assignment!

pain free day. chronic pain enough


Lesson learned: Do not compare yourself to others!

Bathers – check.
Towel – check.
Kickboard – check.
Fins – check.
Goggles – check.
Swim pass – check.
Car keys – check.
Small child + accoutrements – check!

Right – all ready to go.   Jump in the car.  Drive to the pool.  Find a park.  Swipe in at the counter.  Go find an empty lane.  Dump my gear.  Disrobe outer garments.  Jump in pool.

Sigh… feel exhausted already!  Strike out at a slow and stead pace bobbing along up and down, up and down.  Fight the obsessive personality traits thing and try hard not to count the strokes because that’s just damn depressing.  Do first two laps and feeling okay.  Do another two laps and still feeling pretty good.  Maybe this getting stronger plan is going to pay off dividends eventually.

Then, look over at the sleek, lithe, aquatic-looking creature in the lane beside me and come to a sad realisation… We look about the same age but I have to acknowledge that he is doing about four or five graceful and effortless laps to every one of my slow and laborious bobbing up and down laps!  And I think to myself, ‘Mutter, mutter… got a fricken long way to go…  and doesn’t even look like he’s out of breath!’

Then I see something out of the corner of my eye that goes a hell of a looong way to making me feel less inadequate and so entirely hopeless.  Is that?  Are those?  Is that what I think it is?  Why, yes… that tattoo on his chest is a depiction of the internationally recognisable Olympic rings logo.  And then I notice the green and gold Aussie swimming cap and the speedos with “AUS” stamped firmly across the butt.  And then I notice he’s not alone and is swimming with several other equally superb aquadynamic specimens, some of whom are also likewise bedecked in Aussie swimming caps and “AUS” speedos… oh, and is that another Olympic rings logo tattoo?  Yep.

olympic tattoo chest

Well, suddenly I’m feeling a lot better about my lack of grace and prowess as I bob up and down up and down the lane barely managing to keep my head above water.  I shouldn’t compare myself to these small god-like creatures who’ve been training in the pool for years… ‘Come and talk to me guys when you’ve been in pain for the last 20 years and can’t walk properly!’

By the time I finish my allotted laps for the afternoon, I am in a lot of pain and absolutely stuffed… and I’m well aware that I’ve done but a fraction of the distance, with a fraction of the technical proficiency of my fellow swimmers – by now they have all gotten out of the pool, changed poolside and are standing around in a huddle listening intently to a weatherworn looking gent who, given he was earlier barking incomprehensible numbers at them as they turned at the end of their laps, I assume must be their coach.

It is then that I notice that they’re all huddled around exactly where I left my towel and my clothes.  🙁  Now, I’m not one usually one for false modesty, and I’m not usually one known for being hideously self conscious nor do I usually get all wrapped up in negative thoughts about my body image.  Thanks to four nasty car accidents and PCOS (which resulted in infertility, insulin resistance and multiple miscarriages)… My body and I have had, what I would characterise as an uneasy relationship, for many years.  The body I have is nothing like that which I should prefer it to be.  And I have often felt it has stymied me at ever turn, forever rising in revolt against me time and time again… In fact I consider my body to be somewhat of a traitor!  It never lets me do what I want, it never turns the pain down to a dull roar, it never works properly at all!  But all the same, you only get one, and this one is the one that I am stuck with, and my physical limitations have forced me to accept and recognise years ago that it’s physical appearance just is what it is.  I’ve always been far more concerned with it’s complete lack of willingness to co-operate with me on the pain and the fertility thing that how it looks!  So for the most part, meh, I accept the neat figure of my youth is long gone and take solace in being told I have ‘an awesome rack’.  What are you going to do? *shrug*

BUT that said, there was no way in hell I was going to get out of that damn pool in my granny togs with their bust support and walk into the middle of that teeming pile of tanned, sleek, capable, healthy, muscular bodies!  Nope.  No way, no how.  Just not gonna happen!  So I did a couple more very slow laps and thought, they must be leaving soon.  A couple more laps… argh starting to really feel serious acute pain in my shoulder girldle and am clenching my teeth here.   And just as I reluctantly decide with a decidedly sinking feeling, that I’m going to have to walk in among that collection of super fit, fine athletic Olympic specimens to fetch my towel and get ready to go home… suddenly they disperse and leave.

Phew.  Disaster averted.  I wouldn’t have to display my blindingly white thighs and quasi-tuckshop arms to the Beautiful People after all.  🙂   And almost immediately, I felt rather sheepish and more than little bit silly at being relieved!