Fields of Gold – Politarchopolis

Unto the decidedly dedicated Populace of Lochac does King Niáll and Queen Sabine send fond greetings.

Like many of your good selves, We have just returned from the highlight of the Politarchopolis calendar – Fields of Gold. Where We enjoyed a fabulous weekend complete with water dragons and ominous night skies. Conditions were somewhat trying, but all who braved them were rewarded with much learning, fighting and feasting. It was Our most genuine pleasure to have had the opportunity to recognise so many of Our Populace for their talents, skills and services, and We thank all those in attendance for their patience as We had much Court Business to conduct!

It was also Our very great Honour to see Aonghus mac Griogair mhic Raghniall recognised as the 50th Knight of Our Kingdom upon his admittance to the Order of Chivalry. The weekend also saw Their Excellencies, the Honourable Ladies, Baronesses Alessia du Cheval Blanc and Honouré Corbault admitted to the right noble Order of the Pelican for their years of dedication and service, and Her Excellency, The Honourable Christine Bess Duvant was recognised as a Mistress of the Order of the Laurel for her outstanding pursuits in clothing and costuming.

We thanks all the stewards and their diligent and meticulously hard working teams for creating such a wonderful and memorable Fields of Gold. We look forward to Rowany Yule shortly then onwards to Ynys Fawr for the Tournament of the Rizing Razorback!

Yours in Service to Lochac
Niáll & Sabine


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