From My Favourite Cantankerous Range Officer.

I just got an email from one of the Range Officer/Firearms instructors down at the Pistol Club I belong to… with the following note:  ‘Just for you Borys!’

revolver blonde joke shoot head

One day, a blonde went to the doctor’s office.
She went into the examination room and said, “Doctor, I have a bullet hole in my hand and I don’t know where it came from!”
The doctor asked, “Have you had any personal experience with a gun recently?”
The blonde replied, “Well, yesterday I was going to commit suicide. At first I was going to hold my breath till I died. I couldn’t do it though. Then I was going to shoot myself in the stomach. That was too bloody. So I decided to shoot myself in the head. So I put the gun up to my ear and I put my other hand on my other ear because I knew gunshots were loud, you know?”
The doctor nodded.
“Well, then I pulled the trigger and the next thing I knew there was a hole in my hand!”

It’s so nice to know that I’m not being stereotyped by the boys down at the Pistol club.  My reply: ‘I noticed you decided to send me a blonde joke via email rather than in person… wise move!’  😉

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