Have yourself a Hot Pink Christmas

Well, the Retailers Association of Australia have told us it’s Christmas time again… the decorations in the shopping centre, the carols in the elevators, all the signs that the silly season is upon us once more.  Oh joy of joys!  I love Christmas!  A time for excessive and unwarranted spending.  A time of family angst and obligation.  A time for increased anxiety and depression.  A time for trying to split yourselves in six different directions on Christmas Day to try and make everyone happy.  I remember one Christmas where I spent the morning in Brisbane, lunch in Toowoomba and dinner on the Gold Coast.  So basically the bulk of the day was spent on the highway… yay!  What’s not to love?

I just love having to think up gifts for people that they either don’t want or don’t need!  So I’m going to make it a little easier this year and publish my Christmas Wish list here for your convenience (you seeing this Husband?) and would encourage all of my friends and family to do the same thing… so I don’t have to come up with ideas on my own (‘cos you know that never ends well!)

First thing on the list – an Opinel veggie peeler because my Wurstof one that I bought in Germany in 1995 is starting to let down the team.

peters of kensington

I could also use one of these, a Zeiss Conquest 3-9×40 scope for a CZ 455 .22 Supermatch rifle that I have on order (if it ever turns up!) Unfortunately… I don’t think they come in pink!

Cleaver Firearms

Some hot pink Victorinox steak knives which I totally don’t need and probably wouldn’t use much but I stumbled on them while I was looking for the veggie peeler and well, aren’t they cute?

Peters of Kennsington

While I’m on kitchen stuff that I think is kinda cool but will probably never get the use it deserves… how about a KitchenAid for someone who really needs encouragement to do more baking!

breast cancer cure

No?  Too impractical for one such as I?  How about something likely to actually see day light more often? (Thanks Emmi for finding this – I love it! ;))  Ta-da!  What do you think?  Can you see me wearing one of these?  😛

handgun for girls well armed women

Or how about something even more practical than that… something that might actually get used a bit more and the consumables won’t send me broke!  The Sig Sauer P938 doesn’t come in pink though… but I could learn to live with the rosewood grips.

handgun purse size small ladies well armed woman

No? In the Too-Hard-To-Acquire basket?  Oh, I did see something that I thought was both beautiful and practical AND would get used on a daily basis… a Jean Schlumberger Sixteen Stone ring in 18ct yellow gold with pink sapphires and brilliant cut diamonds? (available at Tiffany & Co. for bargain price of $9,750).

pink sapphires diamonds yellow gold

Hmmm… other than that, I’m a bit tapped for ideas.  I’d like a Pelican case to take ‘stuff’ on planes, but they don’t come in pink.  I could definitely go a new ‘sock’ for my iPhone5 because they iPhone4 ones don’t fit it very well.  Maybe a nice Beretta logo sweater, but I won’t get to wear it until sometime next year…

gun enthusiast well armed woman

Or failing that what I think I really need is a holiday!  Preferably somewhere with no Lating/Roman/Greek or other classical connections!  Las Vegas is about as far from the ancient world that I can think of!  So that oughta do it!  😀

And that’s about it really.  From a $5 iPhone sock to a $10k ring I don’t need.  Now do everyone a favour and post up your own Christmas Wish List (as practical or whimsical as may be) so people don’t have throw darts to figure out what to get you this holiday season!

*Please note… I don’t actually want most of this stuff!

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