What’s it all a Klout?

So what’s the deal with Klout?  I can’t quite figure it out.  Admittedly I only joined up about a week or so ago and only to find out what it is, but alas… I haven’t the patience to wait until it becomes clear, not the inclination to research the internets to find out what it’s about so I’d rather bitch about its excessively vague purpose over here.

From what I can tell you have a profile, just like on every other social networking site, and you can add friends, just like every other social networking site, and your friends can approve or disapprove of your input, just like everyone other social networking site.  :S   So far, I’m not seeing a great deal of value adding here.

If I click on their website it gives me little orange +K Klout points that I can distribute to my ‘Influencers’.  Whereupon I can add a topic to my list of topics, which one assumes are supposedly areas of expertise or interest, or I can distribute those +K points to people in my network.  Problem is that it restricts what you can add as a topic of expertise and/or interest and I found I was unable to add any of the following:  Art, Art History, History, Medieval History, Medieval Philosophy, Medieval Politics, Political Philosophy, Historical Philosophy, Studying History or just about anything else I tried that was related to my current field of endeavour.  But I can add Britney Spears or Kim Kardashian or Justin Bieber as an area of expertise?!?!  Go figure  O_o.

The other way of using up your +Ks are to give them to your friends, however you seem to be restricted in how you can do that too.  I can give a friend +K for a topic they may have ‘influenced’ me about over the last week, but then I can’t give them more +K for the same topic until the following week, even if that person’s ‘influence’ has been far reaching and therefore worthy of many more +Ks!!  So, what’s a girl supposed to do with all her superfluous +Ks???

Well, the only thing I could think to do with them was to go adding topics to my brother in law’s Klout page, being sure to very carefully and thoughtfully choose topics that I know he is sufficiently expert in!  😛   Like Interior Design, Circus Music, Twilight, Puppies, Skin Care and all good things like that.  But beware: when you attempt an addition, sometimes the program is ‘buggy’ as all shit… why, just yesterday I was trying to add ‘Midwifery’ to my brother in law’s specialty topics and it took all my +K away and didn’t add the ‘Midwifery’!  I was like, totally ripped off man!    😛

How does Klout work how to improve Klout score

And so, I conclude that just like everything else on the internet, it would appear that Klout is for porn!  No wait… I meant to say ‘trolling’.  Klout is for trolling!!!

Tell me what you think