Microsoft Phone Scammers

I am sick to death of getting these nuisance calls from people with thick accents asking if I’m using my computer and then proceeding to tell me my machine is infected with a X, Y, or Z virus.  Does anyone actually fall for this shit and give out any personal information?  Somebody must or the entire charade would have ceased ages ago.  I get an average of one call a week and they usually go nowhere but occasionally go something like this:

“Hello? Is this Mrs Borys?”
“Oh, Mrs Borys are you using on the computer at home?”
Yes.  Which one?
“Err… you are using on the computer at the moment?”
Yes I am.  Which one? There are about 8 computers in the house, which one are you referring to?
“Eight?  You’re kidding!?!”
No, I’m not.  There’s about eight computers in the house including laptops, but excluding iPads and smartphones… FUCK OFF AND DON”T CALL ME AGAIN!

Most of the time I can’t be bothered pushing their buttons and just hang up during the first half of their opening line.  But you know, every now and then they rattle my cage on a bad day…  🙂

international windows computer scammers

One thought on “Microsoft Phone Scammers

  1. I know how you feel. I got calls like that, too. 3 calls in total. 2 came from the same number 206-456-0661 and the last scam attempt was from 800-698-9034. I kept record of the calls at because I reported the calls as soon as I hung up.

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