Sometime in July 2007, Dave2 of Blogography fame got an iPhone and did a handful of backgrounds that people could use. Well even though we had noooo idea when IPhones were going to be available in Oz I felt compelled to save them somewhere so that the minute iPhones were available Down Under I could use them. Yes I know I’m compulsive like that.
Fast forward 12 months and I bought an iPhone on the day they were released (of course) and after synching my calendar, contacts and some music , I installed 650 odd wallpapers… but from day one I’ve only used this image. It’s called ‘Best Friends’ and it’s my favourite Davetoon ever. I don’t know why, but it speaks to me somehow…. or maybe it’s because there’s something special about a man and his monkey 🙂

Now if only my Photoshop skills were good enough to
make a 1024 x 600 version of this for my baby laptop 🙂
so everything could match just so.