My door bell rang this afternoon which in itself is an occurance uncommon enough as to warrant comment… given that nearly everyone who ever comes to visit me has a key to the house. :S Upon opening the door I discovered a man whose identity was unknown to me, standing there with a ‘bunch of flowers’ saying my name in a questioning tone. When I confirmed to him that I was indeed the name he did mentione, he handed over his ‘bunch of flowers’ and promptly left.
Flowers for me ??? How truly bizarre?!?! It’s not my birthday – no wait… I never get flowers for my birthday. It’s not my anniversary – errr no… I’ve never gotten flowers for my anniversary either. Ummm… there’s been no babies, no deaths, no hospital visits… I give up.
I think I can just about count on one hand how many times I’ve been sent flowers in the last decade which makes this a most unexpected delivery. So much so that I amused myself for following ten minutes or so taking some photos of them while pondering who might have sent them before opening the card 🙂

ShagsyWagsy was the culprit! sir_phil ‘s lovely lady and my new friend who I spent a delightful medieval-ish weekend with is obviously the extravagant type and sent me flowers for making her feel welcome for which I think we can safely read: explaining that we (medieval recreationalists) are indeed a bunch of full blown weirdos and my attempting to reassure her that it’s all just stuff and nonsense (honest it is!!!) must have helped in some small measure.
Thanks Shagsy… the flowers are beautiful! And as is obligatory on such occasions… you shouldn’t have! 🙂