Canadian = More North American than he cares to admit :)

Mr K is Canadian.  Now aside from the frequent bad puns… normally we don’t hold his Canadianism against him.  But over the years the one thing that separates Aussies from Canadians even more than the occasional disparity in lingo (trunk = boot; footpath = sidewalk; toilet = bathroom… which for the record we call a toilet because there’s a fucking toilet in there!!!)  there’s a distinct difference in our food preferences.

He’s a peanut butter man and  we’re Vegemite kids through and through.  He grew up in Qld but doesn’t like seafood at all.  Ditto in the mango department…. Huh?  I mean wtf mate?  Who doesn’t like mangoes? He likes strong cinnamon flavoured gum and lollies… bleurk.  Has a penchant for something called Reece’s Peanut Butter Cups.  He refuses to acknowledge that Root Beer tastes the same as Sarsparilla even though the ‘root’ in his root beer is well…well it’s fucking sarsparilla dude!  Get over it.  His idea of a BBQ used to be hot dogs or hamburgers only but I beat this one out of him.  He’s been known to eat bacon on pancakes AND inflict that on other people.

But the worst culinary infringement must be the occasional appearance in my panrty of the disgusting victual (and I use the term loosely) known as… the Pop Tart.  Oh my God these things are awful!  They’re a confectionery masquerading as a breakfast food and I’ve not looked it up but I’ve a strong suspicion there’s no acutally food content in them.  But wait there’s more…. becuase they’re not readily available Down Under they cost a ridiculous $9 a box here from a specialty lolly shop in the city.  Yes a lolly shop not a grocery store.

Every time he brings home a new flavour I’m tempted to try a little nibble to 1) try to ascertain why Americans seem to love them and 2) investigate if any of them are acually edible.  My findings thus far?  Haven’t found an edible one yet.

Tell me what you think