I was thinking the other day while tossing up the virtues of cleaning out my CD collection …."what was the first album I ever bought with my own money?" Took me a few minutes and I remember buying my first album – admittedly I purchased a tape and not an LP because we didn’t have a record player with us on holiday and no one had ever heard of CDs yet. Yes, yes, yes. I know – my crinoline petticoats are showing.
Me and BigSal had been given some money for Christmas and decided to go shopping for some tapes as we had a Sony Walkman circa 1983 and only tapes full of music we had taped off the radio. I shit you not. We used to sit by the radio waiting for our favourite songs to come on so we could tape them. We didn’t have a lot of disposable income back then… hang on… what am I talking about? We didn’t have ANY income, disposable or otherwise!!! Not like kids these days. OMG did I just say that? Hell, it’s not just my crinoline petticoats showing… I think my whalebone corset and bloomers are out in the breeze with that comment… sigh.
When did we get so old?!?! :S Hopefully I can restore a bit of street cred with my choice in music. My first tape was Quiet Riot’s ‘Metal Health’ album. Which I played to death! Even now, any track of that album rapidly makes me feel like I am about 14 or 15 again.
Big Sal picked up Midnight Oil’s ‘Red Sails in the Sunset’ which was also a pretty great rock album. Goes without saying that my Dad wasn’t overly impressed with our selections 🙂